
Hey keyboard warrior..
GaviaImmer 477 reads
2 / 47

email address.

Seems to me you want to become the new board drama queen.

silvertongue1 14 Reviews 323 reads
4 / 47

Since this was posted just before midnight on the eve of 9/11 I would guess this is in reference to the anniversary of 9/11. My take is that she is saying to the terrorists," Be careful who you attack..."
You can figure out the rest.

I say a prayer every year for those lost on that day.

DJ1985 21 Reviews 254 reads
5 / 47

Thank you for sharing that link today

-- Modified on 9/11/2014 8:26:29 AM

SpankmeBaby 192 reads
6 / 47

-- Modified on 9/11/2014 8:29:46 AM

-- Modified on 9/11/2014 8:31:11 AM

UTRProvider 393 reads
7 / 47

for the victims, their families & friends, the heroes that responded & all of America that were impacted by such a sad & tragic event!  

I know one event that I will never "forget" despite the fact the thread was "conveniently" pulled & I hope folks will remind their little heads in the future as well.

I'm sorry but I am INFURIATED that you would have the audacity to come here & use the anniversary of a tragedy that has devastated so many to try to detour this community from holding you accountable for your deception.


DickCurious 296 reads
8 / 47

If you're referring to the 9/04/2014 post, it has not been pulled.  

Posted By: UTRProvider
for the victims, their families & friends, the heroes that responded & all of America that were impacted by such a sad & tragic event!  
 I know one event that I will never "forget" despite the fact the thread was "conveniently" pulled & I hope folks will remind their little heads in the future as well.  
 I'm sorry but I am INFURIATED that you would have the audacity to come here & use the anniversary of a tragedy that has devastated so many to try to detour this community from holding you accountable for your deception.  

UTRProvider 284 reads
9 / 47

My apologies. Now I see it just moved to page two. Sorry. When I saw this I scrolled down to see if perhaps she might have finally provided some sort of response. Didn't think to go back a page. Guess that demonstrates how disturbed I was/am over this.

dean2009 5 Reviews 265 reads
10 / 47

No, but she did have her OK pulled from my P411 profile.

Posted By: UTRProvider
My apologies. Now I see it just moved to page two. Sorry. When I saw this I scrolled down to see if perhaps she might have finally provided some sort of response. Didn't think to go back a page. Guess that demonstrates how disturbed I was/am over this.

UTRProvider 287 reads
11 / 47

Then you need to report this to Gina! You are not the only one that has fallen victim to her antics. Just the only one that has had the gumption to come forward publicly. (that I'm aware of)

Gina does not take this type of behavior lightly & WILL address the problem. You & others for that matter need to grow a backbone & stand up for yourselves. If you don't nothing changes & others will get hurt in your wake. Makes these boards & verification sites rather useless if everyone hides the real truths dontcha think?

dean2009 5 Reviews 170 reads
12 / 47
dean2009 5 Reviews 472 reads
13 / 47

Gina won't get involved because I let her stay in the room and that we were in a "relationship". She doesn't want any part of the drama. Who know what lies this woman spewed. I'm sure she told a line of bull shit to TER so I will try and get a review up but I'm sure she'll fight it.

By the way the War Games reference is response to a text that I sent her. Her 9/11 video was just a guise to jab at me.

-- Modified on 9/11/2014 8:28:56 PM

GaviaImmer 274 reads
14 / 47

from your appointment and her unauthorized stay. I don't see why TER would deny a review. I would highly recommend TER move her profile into the RIPOFF category as well.

GaviaImmer 141 reads
15 / 47
xcurvycatrinax See my TER Reviews 355 reads
16 / 47

Wow, just wow.. Ive been lurking and staying out of board drama, but this is worth speaking up about.  

Katherine, you've just made a stain in this industry and frankly you should be blacklisted from the community.
Every encouragement that dean is getting from providers and from hobbyists is warranted.  
You ripped a client off, plain and simple.  
And instead of doing the right thing and paying him back, you come on here and use a day that was devastating to millions as a way to grand stand how fucking above everyone you think you are ?!?!!!!

"oh look at me Im going to feign wisdom and quote the art of war in light of the fact that I ripped off a client and was called out on it "  

Pay dean the money you owe him and then sit down and rethink your business model ..
The next words that you post on this forum should be an apology  

You do get that blacklistings and ripoff reports are a two way street and you are just as much subject to them as clients are.  

How about you dig deep and find what little integrity and class you have left and do the right thing..  
Because right now , this post made you look like a bigger asshole than you already are ..  

But hey since we are throwing sage wisdom iconic quotes around , here's one for you to chew on Katherine  

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~Abraham Lincoln

Congratulations Katherine you just made yourself a member of the negative element that providers and clients are trying to eliminate from this industry,, give yourself a big ol pat on the back...  

"When you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."  Friedrich Nietzsche



-- Modified on 9/12/2014 2:23:43 AM

UTRProvider 193 reads
17 / 47

If you're asking me, no I do not & I have 14 PM's I can't read! Lol! Anything anyone has to say will either have to be posted here or you can email me at [email protected]

vivaladifference 185 reads
18 / 47

erybody loses something and the thief loses more than is gained, every time.  Thanks Wadzilla, this video speaks to all of us (not to speak for all of us).

Derpdydoo 78 Reviews 228 reads
20 / 47
sweetromantic 140 Reviews 220 reads
21 / 47
mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 316 reads
22 / 47

Are we now prosecutor, judge and jury here?  Hello no, we aren't, so stop acting like it.  The responses on this thread are some of the most shameful I have ever seen on this board.

Do YOU know if Dean is telling the truth...no you don't!

Does he have reciepts from a hotel, maybe he has, but what the fuck does that prove?

The only two people who REALLY know what happened are Dean and Katherine and we have not heard her side have we?

IF Dean's story is true, who is responsible?  Hint, I believe it is Dean!!

I have booked hotel rooms MANY times over the years and after a session, offered it to the women to conduct business.  Some of you women reading this know that.  For those who say it is an unwise practice, I say so what, I know the risks and choose to take them.  

But, these attacks on Katherine on this thread are just so much bullshit, oh and offered up by some of the same lame morons who preach civility on this board....fucking hypocrites!!!!!

GaviaImmer 223 reads
23 / 47

Spoken like a true white knight.

dean2009 5 Reviews 256 reads
24 / 47

First, shut the fuck up! Second, shut the fuck up! Third, you guessed it, shut the fuck up! I would be glad to show her text to me asking me how much she owes me and how sorry she was. But first you would have to remove your head from your ass. There's a reason more poeple then just me are accusing Katherine of just flat out steeling and fucking people over.

narcisserotoid 24 Reviews 222 reads
25 / 47

Agreed. Completely--enough already--the OP has had his say, it's flogging a dead horse.  We'll never know the full truth--all stories have sides.

-- Modified on 9/13/2014 4:35:11 AM

mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 257 reads
26 / 47

..you sure are a tough guy.....NOT!!!
You have had your say here and have proven yourself to be an ass, well done!  BTW, you should use spell check....steeling?  Priceless!

Posted By: dean2009
First, shut the fuck up! Second, shut the fuck up! Third, you guessed it, shut the fuck up! I would be glad to show her text to me asking me how much she owes me and how sorry she was. But first you would have to remove your head from your ass. There's a reason more poeple then just me are accusing Katherine of just flat out steeling and fucking people over.

dean2009 5 Reviews 225 reads
27 / 47

I assume you're one of the lucky "few" that need a z-pak after see her.

TheProfessor 213 reads
28 / 47

"Bad publicity is better than no publicity". I am not convinced that is the case here,  the rule when you get busted....STFU might have been a better public relations plan.

SpankmeBaby 187 reads
29 / 47
Goodintentions 268 reads
30 / 47

It's good to know there are some real human beings out there, most of the folks on the board  
Have been acting like a bunch of wild hyena's out to pick off the last of someone's kill.
    Really think about it, this guy has said enough to change her hobby life. forever.
Few area's in life have that much power over ones income. You people who jump on board
 (if you were not directly affected yourself) should be ashamed.  

It's pretty easy to knock someone when they are down & out. Those of you who chimed in are showing more about yourself then anything else, if you knew she was so horrible why not warn people a long time ago...instead it's like waiting till someone falls and then walking past and kicking them. Does it make you all feel better about yourselves or what?  
     mnjohnny has got it right, he knows what it means to have his humanity.

xcurvycatrinax See my TER Reviews 263 reads
31 / 47

*flips two birds*

Thats how many times ive been ashamed in my life and its never had anything to do with this industry or placating to those who want to cry how we should be ashamed of ourselves ..  

And I think ive been pretty clear about my stance on the fucks I give in regards to the opinions of those who hide behind alias's and those who want to smack my hand for having a strong opinion.. And as I said before Ive stayed away , but this situation I felt compelled to pipe in on because I have spent time with Dean and I know him.  

Its pretty simple, regardless of how it happened , She needs to make it right ..  
And clearly based on posting bullshit on the board in response versus just doing the right thing, its clear she is the asshole in the equation. Seriously? Using a national day of mourning to puff your chest like you are some alpha male ape and make declarations and quoting sun tzu to make an obscure response to being outted as a thief..  
How much more tacky can one person be ?  

Jesus.. pay the man , suck it up and say your sorry and move on .. being a human being is really that simple ..  

How many times have providers and clients alike come on this board to talk about being ripped off, swindled, NCNS, cancelled on .. and we are going to make an exception in Katherine's case because she is well known ?  

How stupid and lacking in self respect do you have to stoop to steal on a clients dime ?  
She even took appointments,, I mean really.. If you are that desperate for money you shouldnt be relying on this industry as a FT job.. and if you are, the last thing you should do screw over clients who are well known to other providers.  

You are supposed to fuck your clients not fuck them over , there are incredible providers in this community who are more deserving of your time, than garbage who has to steal from a client.  

Lets be clear shall we , Dean said he gave her EVERY opportunity to do the right thing , even before coming to the boards.. but when it comes down to it , a thief is a thief and she needs to be called out on it ,, just like any other provider or client who would steal or rip you off that is outted on the board.  

So spare me the righteous indignation about how we should be ashamed of ourselves for piping in ,, but this is a fuck board and if Im not ashamed for participating in this industry, how much shame do you think Id have over anything else ?  


-- Modified on 9/13/2014 11:03:41 AM

Derpdydoo 78 Reviews 182 reads
32 / 47

I love these speeling lesons, especially when they come from a guy who didn't lern that i before e except after c.

It's spelled "receipt"..
Posted By: mnjohnny247
..you sure are a tough guy.....NOT!!!  
 You have had your say here and have proven yourself to be an ass, well done!  BTW, you should use spell check....steeling?  Priceless!
I love these speeling lesons, especially when they come from a guy who didn't lern that i before e except after c.
Posted By: mnjohnny247

 Does he have reciepts from a hotel, maybe he has, but what the fuck does that prove?
It's spelled "receipt"..

sweetromantic 140 Reviews 191 reads
33 / 47

She was a really great girl and I will miss her alot. If anyone has noticed she has recently jacked up her rates after all this to equal the highest priced girls in the state of MN probably pricing out most of her semi regulars including me. I wish her well and good luck.

GaviaImmer 198 reads
35 / 47

Let it be known that on this day, September 23, 2014 Board Certified Man Hater and BSC status is officially bestowed upon you.

Your reasoning is out there, it is coocoo. Only a man hater would attempt to justify the actions of that woman.

So it is okay for you and others to spew your opinions on the boards but a problem when those that differ with you give their opinions? Talk about hypocrisy.

You just attempted to justify the actions of a woman if I may even call her that who deceived, conned, stole and scammed guys out of money. You say we should be humane about that because it is part of humanity? We are talking thousands of dollars here. Why did guys not report it earlier? Because she blackmailed them. Now somebody has and she has to live with her actions. What does this have to do with humanity? Absolutely nothing. The fact is, she should be facing charges for identity theft and theft because that is what she did.

All her ads this past summer make sense now. She was running up an incall tabs into the thousands of dollars on someone else’s dime. If she was busted, do you understand that the guys whose rooms she used would be facing federal felony charges? When guys setup an outcall appointment with her, that is not part of the deal. It might be with mnjohnny247 but no one else. Maybe he should consider picking up her incall tab next time because he gets off on the risk.

When she was running up these tabs, did she consider that maybe guys could only afford an hour outcall for $300 and a room bill for $150 but not a $2000 hotel bill? Just because a guy has credit, doesn't mean he can afford it. No she didn't care. When she was running up $2000 hotel tabs, did she consider a client’s wife would get suspicious when she sees a $2000 hotel bill on the credit card statement but not a $150 bill? No she didn't care. She only cared about herself.

Put yourself in the other shoe. If I set a date with you for four hours and I stiffed you or shorted you of your $1000 fee, would that be okay? Absolutely not. What would happen if I did stiff you? You would blacklist me, share my info with all your provider friends, post on the board and the PO board and maybe share my info with your white knight guy friends. Before you know it, your white knight guy friends would be threatening to out me, blackmail me and maybe even show up at my front door demanding your money. I kid you not, I have heard that happen before.

Now you are concerned about her livelihood and the impact this scandal has had on her income? Frankly, it is irrelevant. If this is her livelihood and it has that much of an impact on her income, she should have considered the consequences of what she was doing when word got out. Now it has. She has nuked her own livelihood and she has to live with it. This hobby and community are better off without those who scam, cheat, deceive and con others on both sides.

Your reasoning and how this relates to humanity is nuts

TheProfessor 177 reads
36 / 47

Personal responsibility.  Being responsible for the outcome of the decisions one makes is a lost concept on too many people today. If your income is derived from lying, stealing, and blackmailing other, you should lose it. The lesson here... Choose to steal from your clients and word will spread fast, this is a small community.

MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 161 reads
37 / 47

I wasn't going to comment but Yes!
 Everything about this !

dean2009 5 Reviews 272 reads
38 / 47

Pleas no one else chime in here, this is question for Katherine. I’m posting it here because I am pretty sure everything I send her is sent to a spam folder by now. She knows how to reply to me if she want to.

Was it worth it? You had to have known I wouldn't let it go. We had logged a lot of hours together prior, and even some after the hotel incident. You should have had a good enough read on me by then to know. You called my bluff and lost. If you had just done the right thing I would have had the thread pulled and everything would have just been whispers in the shadows. I know that would have done an injustice to this website and its users, after all it is a review site for good AND BAD behavior by escorts. But you thought it was cleaver to post a quote about the perils drawn out fight and quip about playing games. Well it backfired on you, big time. Here's a quote you might appreciate, Daniel 5:27 "Tekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting".
My intention was not to wreck your “career” as a provider, I’m sure you still have a following that think you can do no wrong. But one mention of your bad behavior in an open forum brought forth a long history of similar behavior and that is all on you. NOT ME! I made one rude comment that I would like to apologies for, I don’t know if anyone need to use a Z-Pak after seeing you. That was just misdirected anger at the suck ups that use this website to blindly kiss ass to every escort. The sad thing is the amount in question was just a few visits worth, and I was seeing you every week to two weeks. Now when you look at this board you must just put your head in your hands and ask yourself “why didn't I just pay him back”.  

So I ask you again, was it worth it?

If the review gets posted I won’t mention this in public forum again, I'll be done with it and you. If they don’t post it I will tastefully and tactfully remind the board and you of it every time you rear your pretty little head.

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 5:59:27 PM

vivaladifference 151 reads
39 / 47

Finally.   After taking and stealing so many times I do imagine that you of all people, goodintentions, who wrote in a thread not so long ago on how you despise thieves in this industry would stand up for this one! Why?

Eventually repeated theft and lies just catches up to people sometimes and this is one of those times.

Goodintentions 172 reads
40 / 47

I'm all for a thief being called out especially if it's FACT that it's been happening for a while.  
I just feel it should be the ones who've been ripped off that should be doing most of the talking and debating, it was
 (see was) my opinion that the females were speaking out of turn and Might ( see might) not know the whole story.
       Everyone was so quick to pounce over and over, if it's because of a lot of people knowing of the undercurrent for a while I'm sorry I don't know the in's & outs of so many on the board.
      So I guess she deserves it all, probably then. Save the nonsense ramblings about my opinions and who knows what other catch phrases so overused by you for someone else. When I'm wrong I say I'm wrong.  
I still think people shouldn't be so quick to pile on so much anger, ( with any topic such anger is not healthy) but it seems this may have been a long time coming.  
       Que,Sera, Sera,

Posted By: GaviaImmer
Let it be known that on this day, September 23, 2014 Board Certified Man Hater and BSC status is officially bestowed upon you.  
 Your reasoning is out there, it is coocoo. Only a man hater would attempt to justify the actions of that woman.  
 So it is okay for you and others to spew your opinions on the boards but a problem when those that differ with you give their opinions? Talk about hypocrisy.  
 You just attempted to justify the actions of a woman if I may even call her that who deceived, conned, stole and scammed guys out of money. You say we should be humane about that because it is part of humanity? We are talking thousands of dollars here. Why did guys not report it earlier? Because she blackmailed them. Now somebody has and she has to live with her actions. What does this have to do with humanity? Absolutely nothing. The fact is, she should be facing charges for identity theft and theft because that is what she did.  
 All her ads this past summer make sense now. She was running up an incall tabs into the thousands of dollars on someone else’s dime. If she was busted, do you understand that the guys whose rooms she used would be facing federal felony charges? When guys setup an outcall appointment with her, that is not part of the deal. It might be with mnjohnny247 but no one else. Maybe he should consider picking up her incall tab next time because he gets off on the risk.  
 When she was running up these tabs, did she consider that maybe guys could only afford an hour outcall for $300 and a room bill for $150 but not a $2000 hotel bill? Just because a guy has credit, doesn't mean he can afford it. No she didn't care. When she was running up $2000 hotel tabs, did she consider a client’s wife would get suspicious when she sees a $2000 hotel bill on the credit card statement but not a $150 bill? No she didn't care. She only cared about herself.  
 Put yourself in the other shoe. If I set a date with you for four hours and I stiffed you or shorted you of your $1000 fee, would that be okay? Absolutely not. What would happen if I did stiff you? You would blacklist me, share my info with all your provider friends, post on the board and the PO board and maybe share my info with your white knight guy friends. Before you know it, your white knight guy friends would be threatening to out me, blackmail me and maybe even show up at my front door demanding your money. I kid you not, I have heard that happen before.  
 Now you are concerned about her livelihood and the impact this scandal has had on her income? Frankly, it is irrelevant. If this is her livelihood and it has that much of an impact on her income, she should have considered the consequences of what she was doing when word got out. Now it has. She has nuked her own livelihood and she has to live with it. This hobby and community are better off without those who scam, cheat, deceive and con others on both sides.  
 Your reasoning and how this relates to humanity is nuts.  

vorlon 117 Reviews 120 reads
41 / 47

1)  This cryptic post offers nothing in the way of an explanation or her side of the story.  Being cryptic does not demonstrate wisdom; if anything it makes one look like they don't want to deal with the issue directly.
2)  The saying about "where there is smoke there is fire" comes to mind at this point.

TalonTed 89 Reviews 95 reads
42 / 47

Why the fuck would you ever delete this valuable information.  I don't want to see any provider that has rip anyone off.  

Posted By: dean2009
Pleas no one else chime in here, this is question for Katherine. I’m posting it here because I am pretty sure everything I send her is sent to a spam folder by now. She knows how to reply to me if she want to.  
 Was it worth it? You had to have known I wouldn't let it go. We had logged a lot of hours together prior, and even some after the hotel incident. You should have had a good enough read on me by then to know. You called my bluff and lost. If you had just done the right thing I would have had the thread pulled and everything would have just been whispers in the shadows. I know that would have done an injustice to this website and its users, after all it is a review site for good AND BAD behavior by escorts. But you thought it was cleaver to post a quote about the perils drawn out fight and quip about playing games. Well it backfired on you, big time. Here's a quote you might appreciate, Daniel 5:27 "Tekel, you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting".  
 My intention was not to wreck your “career” as a provider, I’m sure you still have a following that think you can do no wrong. But one mention of your bad behavior in an open forum brought forth a long history of similar behavior and that is all on you. NOT ME! I made one rude comment that I would like to apologies for, I don’t know if anyone need to use a Z-Pak after seeing you. That was just misdirected anger at the suck ups that use this website to blindly kiss ass to every escort. The sad thing is the amount in question was just a few visits worth, and I was seeing you every week to two weeks. Now when you look at this board you must just put your head in your hands and ask yourself “why didn't I just pay him back”.  
 So I ask you again, was it worth it?  
 If the review gets posted I won’t mention this in public forum again, I'll be done with it and you. If they don’t post it I will tastefully and tactfully remind the board and you of it every time you rear your pretty little head.  

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 5:59:27 PM

TalonTed 89 Reviews 111 reads
43 / 47

Kathrine vs. Dean2009. I'm betting on the side of Kathrine, Dean such a pussy to fight back.

FIIK-too 4 Reviews 141 reads
44 / 47

Just so everyone knows....
A) I am new to the hobby and use TER as a tool to determine what providers to see.
B) I have seen the provider in question a couple of times. (I am one of the last clients to post a review).

I have a couple of things to get off my chest

1.  I have seen Katherine on multiple occasions and was quite pleased with the services.  I'm not passing judgment either way on this discussion.  Just saying I was happy with the services rendered.
2.  Dean, I hate it for you, if your allegations are true.  I would be 9 kinds of pissed off if that had happened to me.  
3.  If this has happened before....Why was it not reported?  All of her reviews are positive.  I would expect that if this has happened before, there would be some mention of it in the reviews.  Me being new to the hobby, I read a ton of reviews and nothing like this is anywhere to be found.  IF it had happened before....That would be some useful information to newbies and experienced hobbiest.
4.  It pains me to say this but....vorlon is right (to an extent) "where there is smoke there is fire".  This kind of makes one re-think not only about the provider but about participating in the hobby al together.

dean2009 5 Reviews 115 reads
45 / 47

It's over dip shit, there are no winners. Plus you look like a bigger douche when you like your own post.

TalonTed 89 Reviews 67 reads
46 / 47

Wrong dumbass, Kathrine is the winner, she's got your $$$.  Better hope the wife won't catch on your cc bill.  Good luck with that marriage.

Posted By: dean2009
It's over dip shit, there are no winners. Plus you look like a bigger douche when you like your own post.

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