
Good to know
daaacz 31 Reviews 211 reads

It's good to know I'm not the only one on a budget. My lineup is longer than my budget will ever allow. That's half the fun, though--deciding where to spend my "allowance" when the time comes. I always regret that I didn't save longer for a different experience, but I'm careful so I'm rarely disappointed either.

Stay safe and good luck!

I haven't had VIP for a while, and was flattered by several PMs from local ladies wanting to see me.  However, because my ex-wife left me in debt up to my eyeballs, I am relegated to setting aside $20 per week for my hobbying.  Because of this, I am currently unable to see providers who charge over $250.  If things change, I'll let all of you know, but I'm getting a lineup now, and Karley has first dibs if things get get better for me.

loveyourtouch588 reads

Several PMs  from local ladies.  No VIP but getting several PMs .....  4 reviews . ....

And all you mention is Karley?  Something smells fishy to me... not sure what others think, but why don't you just PM Karley, tell her your sob story, ask for a freebie or reduced rate for kissing her ass in public and spare us the bullshit?

There is a set up here.... who can spot it?

Some of us are actually pretty nice people with no motives
And just want to get along


Posted By: loveyourtouch
Several PMs  from local ladies.  No VIP but getting several PMs .....  4 reviews . ....  
 And all you mention is Karley?  Something smells fishy to me... not sure what others think, but why don't you just PM Karley, tell her your sob story, ask for a freebie or reduced rate for kissing her ass in public and spare us the bullshit?  
 There is a set up here.... who can spot it?

loveyourtouch587 reads

It'll be 3 months until you're  ready for #1 and 6 months for #2.  How long is your list? Good chance some of those girls will retire before you get around  to seeing them.  But, hey, it's fun looking. I always loved looking at the  Sears Christmas  Catalog  too.  The old Wish Book was fun.

Hope your situation improves, man.  Get a better lawyer.

loveyourtouch733 reads

The more I read your poor - me post the more I laugh.  So you have all these girls PMing  you because they want you, but you have no money now. But in 3 months, when you have the whopping sum of $250, the girls get to call dibs on you? What's your secret?

And I've heard that from both providers AND civies.  I'm also told I'm quite good with my tongue.  As for not having VIP, actually I DO have VIP right now.  You get two free weeks of VIP every time you submit a new review.  Did you just join TER yesterday or something?  Oh, and while you're at it, why don't you mention to the board how you sent me a PM outing the identity of Jess from the CP article?  You obviously have more time on your hands than I do.  It doesn't bother me, though.  It does bother me that I don't have as much money for providers as I would like, but when I do get a date, and my girl is thrashing around in the throes of orgasm, god mother fucking damn, is it ever good to be ME.

-- Modified on 10/21/2016 8:08:05 AM

loveyourtouch364 reads

I'm sure you hear all kinds of things.  I think you spend a lot of time admiring yourself in the mirror.  And I am sure YOU are the ONLY ONE who gets a woman to be thrashing around and have an orgasm. I'm sure you're the biggest, best, hardest, thickest, etc.  Yep.  So great.  Then why aren't they begging you to fuck 'em for free if you're so good?  Do you think no one else gets PMs, texts, or personal emails from providers?  I do.  I'm sure a lot of guys do.  But I realize they are trying to drum up business.  Yes- it is good to be you, I'm sure.  Playing once every 3 months.  You da man Van!

And I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about regarding Jess's identity.  Number 1: I have no inside information.  I do not know her, but I, like so many others, can make an educated guess based on info in the article.  Number 2:  Swapping that info to someone in a private PM would hardly constitute outing her.  But, Number 3:  I have no idea who the hell you are, so why the hell would I, out-of-the-blue, just reach out to you, someone I don't know, to "out" someone?  To my knowledge, we have never swapped any PMs.  But I did look at ALL of my PMs sent and received since the CP article, and there is not one to or from you, vantheman.  Not one!  Knowing I have not discussed Jess with anyone, I went through my sent PMs and read them to see if perhaps you contacted me using a different name.  But I can't find one PM where I discuss Jess.  So feel free to send that PM to me to refresh my memory.

I'll gladly accept your public apology right here on this board for either lying or confusing me with someone else on the Jess topic.  I don't care which it was, but you are wrong, and it was wrong of you to post something that is simply not true and done with malice.

loveyourtouch286 reads

Are you directing your comments at me because he FALSELY claimed I told him Jess's identity?  If so, please read my post above where I totally debunk his false claim.

Or are you directing at him for outing me for something I didn't do?

... to blast others for indiscretion while they themselves post details about people and events that can help those who are interested in curtailing activities enjoyed by many.  Compounded by making assumptions about events and motives for the actions of others, and posting those assumptions as facts.

As for his "false claim"... all we have is a case of "he said/he said."

loveyourtouch385 reads

So I guess if I tell everyone that I got a PM saying you suck cock in a van and swallow, no problem. Or if you told me you once tried eating something sweet but it wasn't so sweet, no problem.  Smooches.  It's all he said/he said. Silly.  The douche bag wrote that I outed someone.  Did anyone else read it? Was it posted for anyone else to read?  No, it wasn't.  Pure fabrication.  Perhaps he can show us the PM.  And then we can get TER to verify it to be sure he isn't doctoring the PM.

Gotta love it. Some preach all sorts of disdain and want it to be "nice" in here but then refuse to live by their own standards.  But that's OK.  When the board gets lame, I'll do my part to liven it up

It's good to know I'm not the only one on a budget. My lineup is longer than my budget will ever allow. That's half the fun, though--deciding where to spend my "allowance" when the time comes. I always regret that I didn't save longer for a different experience, but I'm careful so I'm rarely disappointed either.

Stay safe and good luck!

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