
Good for you, sounds like you have it all figured out
DJ1985 21 Reviews 739 reads

Now to figure out why it bothers you so much when someone respects the women that you consider to be just a piece of meat, just another place to dump your load and walk away. Come back and tell us all when you have that figured out.

With all the talk about respect from hobbyist, whiteknight, provider and BSC chick that come to the board, I figured I'd just sound out why I have seen providers in the past.  They provide a service and it's awesome, but then again so does my mechanic, my cleaning lady, landscaper, just to name a few.  We have agreements, I pay money I get service.  Some good some not so good.  

Reasons I see a provider:
A.  Maximum efficiency.  Even in my best day there was no way I could have sex with 6 women that were complete strangers in a 4 hour period.
B.  Fair Trade.  It's relatively easy to run the numbers and pick up women online for a casual encounter.  Problem lies in usually someone is playing the other or has a different expectation of casual. Provider it's WIN/WIN both parties get what they want.
C.  Impersonal.  Don't need to hear anyones life story over coffee, dinner, etc and pretend you care what they think when all you want to do is go somewhere private.
D.  Finality.  Once I leave it should be done.  No follow up calls, no BSC chick hanging outside my house.  

I'm sure my cleaning lady is a great mom and does what she does to provide for her kids, but the bottom line is I don't really care.  I'm not her counselor nor is she mine.  I give her $$$ and she washes my windows.  Some days I try to figure out how to ask her to do it topless, but that's another thing altogether...

Now to figure out why it bothers you so much when someone respects the women that you consider to be just a piece of meat, just another place to dump your load and walk away. Come back and tell us all when you have that figured out.

I recall a forum on another board where a BSC provider that creates shill reviews of herself and also would give negative or false reviews of providers came out in a forum and claimed a hobbiest had raped her.  Instantly the mangina patrol piled on and wanted to feed into her unsubstantiated claims and outright delusions.  

The other reason I have no respect for you pansies is because you truly don't respect women.  You think they're idiots that really fall for the insincere crap... Or you're a sucker who thinks she's remembering your session while she's servicing customer 4,957.  

Either way is the same.. You are an emasculated male.  You pay for pussy, yet pretend it's something more.

Robert_BadenPowell789 reads

Your approach to the hobby is the only one that is valid, that is honest.  

You cannot fathom why a provider/client relationship should be more than just sex, for example, some verbal interaction that both enjoy, or even some "counseling" that the client desires and the provider is glad to give.  Sex is the be all/end all of a provider/client relationship.  If we're not paying only for pussy, we're idiots.  

You loathe those who have a different view on the hobby than you do. Such men are emasculated, and don't respect women.  You lump all men who have a different view of the hobby in with the "mangina patrol".  Which means in your mind, they cannot truly be men, not a Real Man like you at least.  

I think it's jolly good that you are no longer seeing providers. But I have genuine concern for your new SO.

-- Modified on 6/16/2014 9:21:42 AM

What I loathe is the pandering and outright lies that spew forth from those that claim some higher form of hobbying.  Examples from this very board.

I love a providers brain most! .. Great when you gonna demand they take down their pics and measurements and just include IQ?

Happy Fathers Day to all the Single Moms out there ..  I know most people are confused these days, but, I can guarantee you that it's more then a snip and a slice that separate male from female.

I have no problem with having a conversation, enjoy a few laughs, etc.. It's when you guys come out here and pretend that, that's your primary objective and ohh on a side note we just happened to have sex.  Look at the example you give in your closing comment.. "I have genuine concern for your new SO".  Why would this be?  Because there are two adults who live in the real world and that are practical?  I'm glad you feel so high of yourself that you feel you can WK my SO as well.  

Who's judging whose intentions now

Robert_BadenPowell671 reads

... I can express concern for your SO. And the concern isn't about how "practical" you are. It stems from the condescension, even anger, you express regularly in a public forum towards people who simply have different opinions than you.  I wouldn't wish that kind of chap on anyone.  

And you can include me amongst those loathsome people who think the brain is the most important sex organ of a woman... or a man.

The question I have is why you apparently have such a hard time understanding that other people don't do this for the same reasons and that their approach is likely just as good for them as yours is for you.

The guy who says he's seeing a provider for something other then sex, fetish, etc is as full of shit as the guy who claimed he was buying Playboy for the articles.  Sure you might have a conversation or even read the articles.. But, only a fool would believe your answer.

If anyone has been more critical it's the reverse.. Because I actually am HONEST, that yes i see a girl that sells sex for SEX.  It's these guys getting on their high horse that it's treating girls like "meat or disrespectfully" that obviously have a problem with my view.  

In my OP I had point B. FAIR TRADE.  If I truly wanted to treat women like meat.. It's easy enough to go out and steal the punani from a chick that thinks they can score a permanent meal ticket.  

But, it is MN where everyone prefers everything coated in a heaping helping of bullshit.

No, I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with your approach to hobbying and yes, there are some guys who seem to have forgotten that the providers are running a business based on sex.  But based on your posts, you are hostile to the idea of hobbyists and providers have relationships that include more than sex.  That makes no sense because it does happen.  Otherwise no hobbyist would ever take a provider out to dinner or to a concert, or have an overnight with her or even take her on a trip.  All those things happen but they are not necessary for the hobbyist to get laid or for a provider to make money.  And what do you make of the occasional guy who goes to see a provider and just wants to talk?  Not my thing to be sure but it does happen and I just figure to each his own.

In my view, you go out of your way to provoke confrontations.  This thread is an example.  You've made no secret of your approach to being a hobbyist and anyone who has spent much time on this board.  So what exactly was the point of starting a thread about your approach to hobbying?

2+2=4784 reads

is sad, alone, and mad because his intimate relationships have become business transactions.
He describes his relationship with his new SO as a business transaction that is enormously beneficial to him. She is being paid to be a housekeeper with benefits. Misery must have company to feel normal. He can't be helped and it is not our job. We should let him be.

Posted By: 2+2=4
is sad, alone, and mad because his intimate relationships have become business transactions.  
 He describes his relationship with his new SO as a business transaction that is enormously beneficial to him. She is being paid to be a housekeeper with benefits. Misery must have company to feel normal. He can't be helped and it is not our job. We should let him be.
Well, keep on guessing.  You wouldn't do a very good job at the carnival, that's for sure.

If anything is creating sore feelings, it's the thought of giving up the freedom I've found since I've started hobbying.  All the pussy a guy could want with minimal drama.  A quiet house, nobody to compromise with or check up on me.  It actually has been quite a liberating experience.

Your other incorrect assumption would be to who is paying whom.  If someone's moving in theres still bills to be paid.  As for our "business arrangement".. Mergers are just that.. I just hope this isn't some sneaky hostile takeover.  But, then again life is not without risk, and this seems like a pretty fair bet even if I end up losing.

-- Modified on 6/17/2014 7:23:03 AM

-- Modified on 6/17/2014 8:31:58 AM

His way works for him.  Your way works for you.  How about more "live and let live" and less poking at one another?

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