
Drug den bust
askhilde 20 Reviews 3306 reads
1 / 28

I just read in the paper today that one of the hobbyists that I've been seeing on a semi-regular basis was arrested last week.  The charges are (apparently) unrelated to the hobby, but the article indicated that LE knows about her activity.
I'm pretty ignorant of how much latitude LE has in pursuing a case, what information they have access to, what they may or may not consider to be "lead-worthy," etc.  

So, for anyone who may be familiar with how these things usually play out, what are the chances that I may be contacted by LE?  Like I said, the charges aren't hobby-related, but my fear is that they may use information from the hobby to pursue their case.  I know nothing of what she has been charged with, so I wouldn't be any help anyway...I'm just a little worried about contact and/or any harassment that might come my way.

Thanks for any help/advice!  Oh...I have cancelled my VIP membership so I have no access to PM or mail, so if you reply, please reply to this message here on the board.  Thanks

crsm27 26 Reviews 1274 reads
2 / 28

I wouldn't worry too much.

The only thing is if she kept a "black book" so to speak.    

What I mean by that is if she was detailed in what you did and that you gave $$$ for XXX.   What I mean is that she has details saying you paid $$ for a BJ, HJ, etc.

Otherwise all you are is a number in a phone.   Which means you had drinks, you went on a date, etc.   Because "escorting" or paying someone to be with you is ok.   Just as long as exchanging money for a sex act didn't take place.

So like said 100 times.... don't give details of the encounter.  If they approach you.  Tell them you know her (which they already know if they are approaching you).   Which means you are not lying to them and you are co-operating.   But if they start to say... we know you did such and such.... ask them if you are under arrest or need to have a lawyer present.   They might try to do trick to get you to confess something....but just be smart and don't fall for anything.

Just like what has been talked about before on here.

Here is the most recent discussion on how to deal with LE...

JoeAFriday 6 Reviews 1080 reads
3 / 28

Posted By: crsm27
I wouldn't worry too much.  
 The only thing is if she kept a "black book" so to speak.    
 What I mean by that is if she was detailed in what you did and that you gave $$$ for XXX.   What I mean is that she has details saying you paid $$ for a BJ, HJ, etc.  
 Otherwise all you are is a number in a phone.   Which means you had drinks, you went on a date, etc.   Because "escorting" or paying someone to be with you is ok.   Just as long as exchanging money for a sex act didn't take place.  
 So like said 100 times.... don't give details of the encounter.  If they approach you.  Tell them you know her (which they already know if they are approaching you).   Which means you are not lying to them and you are co-operating.   But if they start to say... we know you did such and such.... ask them if you are under arrest or need to have a lawyer present.   They might try to do trick to get you to confess something....but just be smart and don't fall for anything.  
 Just like what has been talked about before on here.  
 Here is the most recent discussion on how to deal with LE...  

Nago8 4 Reviews 891 reads
4 / 28

If I know who I think he's referring to I wouldn't worry about her taking notes.  Smack users aren't known for their record keeping

ChefTito 31 Reviews 1164 reads
5 / 28

It didn't take very long to do a quick search of the news paper and find a likely name of who you are talking about. Keep searching and you will come to a series of mug shots spanning several years. She has an extensive record mainly for drugs but also for Prostituion. I would agree with the last post, doubtful there is any record keeping on her part.

craiglist4 48 Reviews 789 reads
6 / 28

But this could serve as a reminder to others.  If you are with someone who has open warrants, whether you know it or not, LE pretty much already has probable cause. In other words, you have surrendered some of the protections you might otherwise have.

BunnyPhallus 833 reads
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nands32 25 Reviews 869 reads
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I'm not having much luck with my "quick search"....    Not sure how many details you can give without breaking the rules, but any other key words I could try?  PM me if you have VIP

buck1848 41 Reviews 677 reads
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vorlon 117 Reviews 776 reads
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Even then, it's not that likely IMHO.  But if you are just remember your right to remain silent and have legal counsel.

nands32 25 Reviews 910 reads
11 / 28

Wow...  thanks for the few PM's I got.  How the hell did I not find that in my search? lol

TalonTed 89 Reviews 896 reads
12 / 28

Chances of you having legal problem just went up the roof.  Hopefully you never gave her any real information.

Posted By: askhilde
I just read in the paper today that one of the hobbyists that I've been seeing on a semi-regular basis was arrested last week.  The charges are (apparently) unrelated to the hobby, but the article indicated that LE knows about her activity.  
 I'm pretty ignorant of how much latitude LE has in pursuing a case, what information they have access to, what they may or may not consider to be "lead-worthy," etc.    
 So, for anyone who may be familiar with how these things usually play out, what are the chances that I may be contacted by LE?  Like I said, the charges aren't hobby-related, but my fear is that they may use information from the hobby to pursue their case.  I know nothing of what she has been charged with, so I wouldn't be any help anyway...I'm just a little worried about contact and/or any harassment that might come my way.  
 Thanks for any help/advice!  Oh...I have cancelled my VIP membership so I have no access to PM or mail, so if you reply, please reply to this message here on the board.  Thanks!  

LChayse See my TER Reviews 715 reads
14 / 28

I would stay as far away as possible now though. I read the article & I was mortified. Given the serious drug use, the company she associates with, & the type of charges she is facing a lot of eyes will be upon her (& according to the article have been for some time) for a good long time. If their paying attention to her, you can easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Lovestoplay 656 reads
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SonjaDarling See my TER Reviews 674 reads
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Thanks for jumping to conclusions? Definitely not me, I know nothing about the situation itself...

MsDynamite See my TER Reviews 922 reads
17 / 28

I was mortified too and hope she gets some help.
One thing is that LE already knows what they need to and it's only a matter of time before they go after her for hobby related activities again, I'd avoid any contact from now on .

Posted By: LChayse
I would stay as far away as possible now though. I read the article & I was mortified. Given the serious drug use, the company she associates with, & the type of charges she is facing a lot of eyes will be upon her (& according to the article have been for some time) for a good long time. If their paying attention to her, you can easily be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Jamie.Solo See my TER Reviews 654 reads
18 / 28

This is exactly what caught my eye. I knew someone else would beat me to the punch. I was like HUH!!?

Posted By: BunnyPhallus

SonjaDarling See my TER Reviews 685 reads
19 / 28

I have heard that some people were under the impression that the message I posted meant that the provider in question was me and I can go on record here to say no, it is not.  Thanks for your concern!  I am not connected to the scenario and wish everyone well. My message was simply to the OP to get in touch to talk it through because he can't receive PMs and I don't have current contact info. That's all. Take care and be well

LChayse See my TER Reviews 688 reads
20 / 28

I for one after extensive investigation am 100% positive you are not the provider in question.  

It would be a great service to you if the Op would step up to the plate & confirm though considering he has reviewed both you & the gal in question & there are physical similarities between the two of you that can mislead folks & damage the wrong ladies reputation & business. Namely yours. Hopefully he will at least do you that courtesy.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 678 reads
21 / 28

If people just read this thread in the "flat" style which I believe shows chronological replies, there would be no possibility of misinterpretting or misunderstanding previous replies as often happens when reading replies in the "tree" style.

Also, Ms Chayse, I found it in poor taste that you would even insinuate the possibility that the OP was talking about Sonja. While your intentions may have been good, I think it would have been better for you to not say what you did about Sonja at all.
Posted By: LChayse
I for one after extensive investigation am 100% positive you are not the provider in question.  
 It would be a great service to you if the Op would step up to the plate & confirm though considering he has reviewed both you & the gal in question & there are physical similarities between the two of you that can mislead folks & damage the wrong ladies reputation & business. Namely yours. Hopefully he will at least do you that courtesy.

LChayse See my TER Reviews 531 reads
22 / 28

Is you coming up with some obnoxious, snarky remark everytime I comment on or start a new thread. Heck. It wouldn't surprise me if one day I were to post a tribute to you & you'd want to argue the point.  

The one thing I've failed to do so far is take bets on how long it will take you to flap you lips with some meaningless remarks in response to my posts.  

Any takers out there?

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 589 reads
23 / 28

I think my point about the tree/flat posts was helpful and I got some PMs saying that as well.  

I also got one from the other person you mentioned thanking me for what I said. You just did not need to put words in her mouth so to speak. Way to make it all about you LChayse. Go ahead and put me down some more and get the last word in which is fitting of your "queen B" status.

By the way, if you 'one day' post a tribute to me lol, I'll ignore it. I'll take your bet on that!

Posted By: LChayse
Is you coming up with some obnoxious, snarky remark everytime I comment on or start a new thread. Heck. It wouldn't surprise me if one day I were to post a tribute to you & you'd want to argue the point.  
 The one thing I've failed to do so far is take bets on how long it will take you to flap you lips with some meaningless remarks in response to my posts.  
 Any takers out there?

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 532 reads
25 / 28
Wongbater 40 Reviews 764 reads
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but the OP did a real nice job of outing a provider, implicating a totally unrelated provider, and getting some big girl panties in a bunch.  Perfect example of irresponsible posting on the OP's part and of course he is now silent on all of this...

If anyone with a brain reads the OP's post and googles a simple search of a local MPLS newspaper he/she can find the OBVIOUS article the OP referenced.  Copy and paste a name from that article into your web browser of choice and you can see IMAGES of that provider's scary as shit booking photos.  To quell concerns of all hobby community those scare 'em straight booking photos in no way even come close to resembling Sonja.  I have met her (check my reviews for authentification)  If anyone was wondering if Sonja was the evidently troubled woman that was wrote up in the papers you can be relieved they are not one in the same.  It took me literally 2.5 minutes from reading the OP's post to determine who he was talking about, online pics in hand (her fault for getting arrested a couple thousand times), and determining thank God I never ran across her in my life.  Speculation can hurt both provider and client so get your head out of ass and let's move on and keep the real provider's face, name, and history in mind so we all don't get caught in her web of decline and move on.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 405 reads
27 / 28

For me, he did make a valid point in his post that some may be confused and he explained it from his perspective.  I submitted my own thoughts so we shall see if it makes it to print.  You, me, and OTB should agree to disagree...damn I'm good at that rhyming shit...anyway...I was surprised at the wording of your post and you not knowing more about one of your peers that you even questioned she was the provider the OP was speaking of.  The ball is in your court and I anticipate more 4 letter word PM's and that is just fine or we can debate civily up in this arena.

Private Liaisons See Agency Profile 594 reads
28 / 28

They won't contact you unless you're a person worth exposing to the public. Makes them look good. Relax and breathe.  

Posted By: askhilde
I just read in the paper today that one of the hobbyists that I've been seeing on a semi-regular basis was arrested last week.  The charges are (apparently) unrelated to the hobby, but the article indicated that LE knows about her activity.  
 I'm pretty ignorant of how much latitude LE has in pursuing a case, what information they have access to, what they may or may not consider to be "lead-worthy," etc.    
 So, for anyone who may be familiar with how these things usually play out, what are the chances that I may be contacted by LE?  Like I said, the charges aren't hobby-related, but my fear is that they may use information from the hobby to pursue their case.  I know nothing of what she has been charged with, so I wouldn't be any help anyway...I'm just a little worried about contact and/or any harassment that might come my way.  
 Thanks for any help/advice!  Oh...I have cancelled my VIP membership so I have no access to PM or mail, so if you reply, please reply to this message here on the board.  Thanks!  

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