
Comprehensive List?
LucasDavenport 20 Reviews 1056 reads

I wonder if y'all know of a comprehensive provider list that EM serviced?

Posted By: matt1122
I saw a provider today who says the lady who got busted used Em or Wilma the scheduler . Should I steer clear of using him to schedule from here on out? I actually like Em -- just unaware if LE is after him -- I used real world information when getting verified by him years ago.  
 -- Matt

I saw a provider today who says the lady who got busted used Em or Wilma the scheduler . Should I steer clear of using him to schedule from here on out? I actually like Em -- just unaware if LE is after him -- I used real world information when getting verified by him years ago.

-- Matt

If any of that shit a few threads below is true.. and I suspect it is.. I wouldn't go near that train wreck...     I feel bad that you gave real info.. hopefully its buried on top of years of people info after you and nobody finds it..  However the saying "once on the net, always on the.."

Nope folks...ya can't...years, years, years of records....oh lord

loveyourtouch1035 reads

....the schedulers/providers ask for a Facebook  or LinkedIn  page for verification with the promise they don't keep it. Such bullshit.  And unless you're running for president and your spouse is the former president so you have a certain federal investigative agency in your back pocket.... your info is there to be had.

But..... just because your info is in the database proves nothing other than the fact you had contact. No proof of anything else.  

Just be very, very careful out there.  Canaries might chirp and sing.  Just don't give them anything to include you in the lyrics.

All the local providers that matter are or will be circling the wagons.  Newbies...have fun!  Your refs came from the cartel...have fun!!

Innocent clients out there...look at your situation.  Make your decisions and get ahead of the game if need be.

As far as singing canaries, it will happen right "Jess"?  You laid it all out there in the attention seeking expose.  You think Ms Ultimate Provider/natural born nympho/your bestie won't sell you all out when her nice cozy home is taken away?  All that $, all that prestige, the kids, the b/f...

I give her days before she is turned over unless it's already happened.  For those that don't know the web of connection with other vulnerable girls I pray for you.

Respectfully sitting here in a red chair, drinking a beer, smoking a joint, and submitting for the TER record.

Truly always,


-- Modified on 10/15/2016 9:37:47 PM

I don't endorse your handle Matt, nor your reviews.  Just a disclaimer

To get to the meat and potatoes...

Yes, you are screwed if you gave your personal info to the cartel.  Simply put, the average joe and jane who has communicated with EM, Wilma, and various shady characters on that scheduling front are now exposed to local, state, federal prying eyes.  But wait...

Here's the real dealio gals and fellas...wait until it all gets leaked to the media.  Oh wait...they already have their source in "Jess".  But a few WK's pointed out my use of the term "singing canary".  What do you think happens in the real world?

Every thinking lady and gentleman in this community need to take a moment to think hard and figure out where you lie in the greater scheme of things and how you can get ahead of the possibly inevitable.  Capice?

Is there proof or is this just all BS

My point is their anything concrete. The retired link states there is a federal warrant that has been issued. There has to be someone on this board that should have knowledge of this information .
Believe it should be accessible if true.
Sorry about your jaw bro!

I wonder if y'all know of a comprehensive provider list that EM serviced?

Posted By: matt1122
I saw a provider today who says the lady who got busted used Em or Wilma the scheduler . Should I steer clear of using him to schedule from here on out? I actually like Em -- just unaware if LE is after him -- I used real world information when getting verified by him years ago.  
 -- Matt

loveyourtouch983 reads

He has it, and my guess his girlfriend has it, the "assistants" had access, so who knows what info they kept, and you can bet there is at least one secured backup.  This was, afterall, his business  and livelihood. Losing all that would have been disadtrous.    So.... yes.... it's all out there.

I mean for us . . . to know if any of us have seen one of his girls.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
He has it, and my guess his girlfriend has it, the "assistants" had access, so who knows what info they kept, and you can bet there is at least one secured backup.  This was, afterall, his business  and livelihood. Losing all that would have been disadtrous.    So.... yes.... it's all out there.

loveyourtouch771 reads

Have that info or want to keep that info.  How would anyone else (other than assistants) know all the girls working for him?

and you got your junk jerked at an incall massage place in the last 3 or more years...yep.  You've seen one if his gurls.

and pigvestigators don't forget I "pay your salary"


no your wrong.  He's "retired".  The rest of my post...well...couldn't be posted I guesssssss

-- Modified on 10/15/2016 9:34:59 PM

a bunch of my insightful posts are being removed.  Thank the WK's.  You can always find me on that other site where providers twittle.

Situations like these are like minefields.  You steer well away, not try to find exactly where the boundary of the minefield is.

Wong I'll  let you fill  in the blank. Score  Naysayers 0  Wong ? You called this shit .  Wheres the bra and pantie  crowd who called you a women hater now. Pretty silent when maybe getting thrown under bus  by one of their own.


Posted By: Wongbater

Am I right?  

I have to use this response to jump back in and just ask the simple question --> how in God's green acres could I be the hater of either woman or man.  I've been posting to try, for probably the last time, to get a few good men and women to wake up a bit.  Do I need to say sorry for trying to help?

funman makes a great point its pretty silent, watch those tire tracks.  Time for saying hi to your friends, not making new friends.

Thanks man. People hate the truth even when its smacks them in the face. And you have no problem doing it. That i think is the real problem they have. If you still doubt him so be it . But study his message  . You used to enjoy relative comfort and ease in arranging your encounters . Ah me thinks going to be much more difficult. If you venture out into uncharted  waters.  Again against advice.  And with providerers dropping off supply and demand will kick in. So yeah they fucked it up for all of us. Enjoy the ride . And get your Moron Chip replaced if you  think  these two and maybe others  to come aren't possibly still holding their ace cards.

Prices should be going down. I hope so. A lot has been out of whack for awhile...unless you like $200 HJs.

Posted By: funman1969
Thanks man. People hate the truth even when its smacks them in the face. And you have no problem doing it. That i think is the real problem they have. If you still doubt him so be it . But study his message  . You used to enjoy relative comfort and ease in arranging your encounters . Ah me thinks going to be much more difficult. If you venture out into uncharted  waters.  Again against advice.  And with providerers dropping off supply and demand will kick in. So yeah they fucked it up for all of us. Enjoy the ride . And get your Moron Chip replaced if you  think  these two and maybe others  to come aren't possibly still holding their ace cards.  

$200 blow jobs aren't so bad. But  hj no way!  

Posted By: OldTimerB
 Prices should be going down. I hope so. A lot has been out of whack for awhile...unless you like $200 HJs.  
Posted By: funman1969
Thanks man. People hate the truth even when its smacks them in the face. And you have no problem doing it. That i think is the real problem they have. If you still doubt him so be it . But study his message  . You used to enjoy relative comfort and ease in arranging your encounters . Ah me thinks going to be much more difficult. If you venture out into uncharted  waters.  Again against advice.  And with providerers dropping off supply and demand will kick in. So yeah they fucked it up for all of us. Enjoy the ride . And get your Moron Chip replaced if you  think  these two and maybe others  to come aren't possibly still holding their ace cards.  


Posted By: matt1122
$200 blow jobs aren't so bad. But  hj no way!  
Posted By: OldTimerB
  Prices should be going down. I hope so. A lot has been out of whack for awhile...unless you like $200 HJs.  
Posted By: funman1969
Thanks man. People hate the truth even when its smacks them in the face. And you have no problem doing it. That i think is the real problem they have. If you still doubt him so be it . But study his message  . You used to enjoy relative comfort and ease in arranging your encounters . Ah me thinks going to be much more difficult. If you venture out into uncharted  waters.  Again against advice.  And with providerers dropping off supply and demand will kick in. So yeah they fucked it up for all of us. Enjoy the ride . And get your Moron Chip replaced if you  think  these two and maybe others  to come aren't possibly still holding their ace cards.  

loveyourtouch496 reads

know what the old rates were, and they are happy to keep charging them and pocketing the fees they used to pay the syndicate.

I choose to "donate" for PERFORMANCE VALUE, not perceived or even real looks.

I prefer a 6/9 (even a 5/9) than a 9/6 any day of the week and twice on every other day I choose to see a provider of any type.

What good is a hottie with an attitude who just lies there or won't take off something or won't do something! Thanks but no thanks.

Posted By: loveyourtouch
know what the old rates were, and they are happy to keep charging them and pocketing the fees they used to pay the syndicate.

you have seen EM's girls this year

souls_harbor399 reads

Seems like it is a supplier disruption, not a demand disruption.  I think that means prices will go up.   The suppliers have to find new routes into the market.  In the mean time that means a decrease in available supply.

Posted By: OldTimerB
 Prices should be going down. I hope so. A lot has been out of whack for awhile...unless you like $200 HJs.  

Demand could also wane since the free flow of information has been compromised. Trust in a market negatively correlates with price. As trust goes up, prices will drop. The value of a TER membership increased. VIP even more. Small 'r' risk positively correlates to price. Increased calculated risk, increases prices. Big 'R' risk is systemic risk and derived from 'r' of market participants. To determine supply vs demand price driver, it needs to be clear which group is the most risk averse. Is there a greater perceived risk to providers, now? Is there a greater perceived risk to hobbyists?  

Once risk is removed from the market, prices will drop. For now, they are likely going to increase and drive some providers from the market as market demand decreases due to the most risk adverse customers dropping out. Demand is not static, it's dynamic.  

To increase demand for providers, and increase supply of providers, risk needs to be decreased. Providers that communicate the least amount of perceived risk, will be least affected and can likely charge more, a risk premium. Providers perceived as risky can manipulate demand with lower prices, but if the risk premium customers are willing to pay is high, price cutting won't work. An increase in services may have little effect if the premium is high.

Now the market is perceived to be riskier and thus some hobbyists will drop out or cut back on hobbying.
This means X-number of providers have fewer customers. So they have to do something to attract those customers and bring back the ones who are on sabbatical or took early retirement. Thus they lower their prices.

Of course I understand this supply and demand from the supply side and thank you to jchan for introducing risk into the equation. We can also factor a man's horniness, the size of his dick, and how loud his little head screams at him as well. And yes, some providers will also walk away and thus supply has decreased. What happens if suddenly all the providers get boob jobs? Now you got more guys quitting because they don't like fake tits or bigger tits while on the other hand you got more guys joining the hobby cuz they like bigger tits.

In simple nonprovider English, all I'm saying is the following:

I'm not paying $200 fucking dollars for a HJ any more whether the girl has big tits, small tits, fake tits, real tits, or even 3 tits. Does not matter if she's clothed, topless, bottomless, or nude.

There is only 1 girl I'm paying $200 or more to for a simple HJ and it's none of you in MN. It's the girl IN my dreams, not the girl of my dreams lol.

You guys can pay whatever the heck you want for whatever services you want and you providers can charge whatever you want as well. Just don't expect me to pay such ridiculous amounts for such minimal services.

All you guys who have been hobbying about 5 years or more or have been to other states or countries and had fun there, you know what I'm talking about.

So take the supply and demand and shove it up where the sun don't shine

"The rent is too damn high!"

At the micro economic level, you're not happy with price point for a service. got it. If you are willing to accept any provider for the service, then there may be a single provider that will lower the price to what you are willing to pay. On the macro level, it's likely prices will rise or stay the same. Given your recent apprehension about TOFTT, I'm believing you will be affected by the market price increase due to the risk premium; 'any' provider won't do. You would be one of the market participants that drops out due to increased risk.

I like your post jchan but I won't be dropping out. I will simply be more selective in my search and might even go to a higher class level of provider.  

You are correct in that i won't be paying more for less with HJ providers.  

Posted By: jchan113
"The rent is too damn high!"  
 At the micro economic level, you're not happy with price point for a service. got it. If you are willing to accept any provider for the service, then there may be a single provider that will lower the price to what you are willing to pay. On the macro level, it's likely prices will rise or stay the same. Given your recent apprehension about TOFTT, I'm believing you will be affected by the market price increase due to the risk premium; 'any' provider won't do. You would be one of the market participants that drops out due to increased risk.

Good for you! The man knows what he wants.....

Just need to find the qualified recipient now.  

Ladies, PM me if interested in receiving my "donation"😁

Posted By: jchan113
Good for you! The man knows what he wants.....

I feel that way.  I think most of those young DIY girls are gone now, and for what they charge now and the risk of these busts, I want some mouth-lov'n as part of the package.

There's a nice place for sale / lease over by the Falls

With a hot tub and shower, too

Posted By: hazydavy74
There's a nice place for sale / lease over by the Falls

I saw a gal there regularly -- beautiful space -- no bust to my knowledge. Allegedly the manager couldn't keep girls there long enough to afford the rent -- therefore the person closed shop.  

Posted By: hazydavy74
There's a nice place for sale / lease over by the Falls

Wonder who that was?😗 (a little sarcasm)

Posted By: matt1122
I saw a gal there regularly -- beautiful space -- no bust to my knowledge. Allegedly the manager couldn't keep girls there long enough to afford the rent -- therefore the person closed shop.  
Posted By: hazydavy74
There's a nice place for sale / lease over by the Falls

to be expected by this handle

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