
Bench Vise ...

So as I am watching the rain fall, I am pondering about the whole Greek thing. I am in no way a newbie but I would like to get a guys perspective on it.  

Is Greek just a plus or is it mandatory in order for you to see a provider? Also what is so good about it?  

From the Ladies(pm if you need) Does it hurt? I have never done it in my personal life, and though about possibly adding it to my menu.  

I hope you all enjoy this cooler day.  


Personally I'm not that interested in it I know some women dig it but most don't if the provider brought it up and wanted to do it I would, but it's not on my list of what I want to do.So I guess I'm not ur backdoor man.

Posted By: AndreaDavis
So as I am watching the rain fall, I am pondering about the whole Greek thing. I am in no way a newbie but I would like to get a guys perspective on it.  
 Is Greek just a plus or is it mandatory in order for you to see a provider? Also what is so good about it?  
 From the Ladies(pm if you need) Does it hurt? I have never done it in my personal life, and though about possibly adding it to my menu.  
 I hope you all enjoy this cooler day.  

It doesn't matter to me, not my thing....poop comes out of there.

To each his or her own but I have no interest in anal.  Even if it was offered to me, I'd decline.

Not only that, but I also like transsexuals, which means I get a lot of greek anyway.  So when I'm with "natural born" women, I'm generally there for the kitty, unless she really wants me to go backdoor.

TCButtman710 reads

started doing it with a GF when aunt flo was present then she started having huge orgasms during anal sex so it enhanced the sex life.  
with that said you should read about anal sex safety, use lots of lube and don't switch holes unless you change condoms.  
There are very few providers listed that offer Greek so if anybody have recommendations PM me.


My first Greek experience was with a provider. I liked it and I liked the provider so much I went on to see her for more than five years. In that time, I would ask for it once in a while and she was obliging. It was never a transcendent experience, more enjoyment of a very taboo act.

I'm more into analingus (giving) and I do prefer and stick with providers who allow it. Ironically, the provider I did Greek with above was not much into receiving analingus (although she had a great ass), but she still allowed it. And there was one provider who requested Greek from me after a long session of analingus. That was exciting.

Currently, the providers I see allow me to rim them and with one Greek is on the menu, but I don't think I'll partake, at least not for a while. It's just not that compelling for me. It's only the taboo that turns me on.

Inconsistent:  I believe part of your message appears to be contradictory. First, you state that you are not a newbie. Second, you state that you have never experienced anal sex in your personal life. Thus, a more accurate statement would be that you are not experienced with the act of anal sex but not unaware of the physical aspects of the act.

Services:  In any case, I would advocate that you not consider adding the service. As a professional in the sex industry (or any industry), why would you add a service in which you have no training or experience? I have always been bothered by providers that profess experience in forms of adult entertainment (for example, BDSM) without knowing what they are really doing in a session.

Answers:  As for myself, anal sex is neither a plus nor mandatory for me to see a provider. I have had one or more providers mention that it was available during a session. It may have been offered -- perhaps -- due to the review scoring system. Additionally, anal sex may have gained popularity due to the amount of amateur and professional sex video clips available on the Internet.

Note:  I met a Middle Eastern provider earlier this year. She mentioned that as a young woman she preferred anal sex due to her cultural expectations. In order to fulfill the expectation, she needed to bleed on a towel on her wedding night. Therefore, she would tell her lovers to insert themselves in the anal opening rather than the vaginal opening in the hope that her hymen would remain intact for her future husband

Sorry if my post offended you but I was correct when I said I was not a newbie. I am not new to providing. This wasn't some crazy silly post. I had some genuine questions so I thought to ask them.  

I know this is probably saying too much, but for me when I began providing everything was new to me except pegging as I had done it before. I had very limited experience with men(3 to be exact). I gave my first blow job in the hobby. I have always been an inquisitive person and when I want to know about something I ask questions and do research.  

I know plenty of ladies who had never tried Greek before providing. So what is the harm in asking questions and maybe taking a leap of faith.  

I could completely understand you having ill feelings towards my post If I came out saying I was the queen of Greece, was actively advertising it yet I had never actually done it. All of this, I am not. The only way for me to know what is right for me is to ask questions and make a sound decision after I all the information.  

All I can say is thank you Turboted for making me feel as if trying something new and asking about it was shameful.  

Have a blessed day,  

If I suspended disbelief as a hobbyist, I would take your interest in trying anal sex as a true expression of your inquisitive sexual nature.

However, as a professional in this industry, you are most likely aware that providers offering anal sex are able to charge more for their services.

Therefore, you need to make a simple business decision. Will I see more clients -- and make more money -- by offering anal sex to gentlemen callers?

I'm sure she's well aware that many providers charge extra for it.

Not all providers charge extra for this service and I have had anal when it was offered as part of the total package and enjoyed it.

The first and only time I had a colonoscopy it was without anesthetic.
As soon as the doctor started it was so unpleasant I jumped off the table and almost killed the him.
But he didn't have as nice an ass as you clearly do.  

I know two or perhaps 3 women who greatly prefer anal sex, but not all the time, and have met many who like to flirt with the idea.

For me, I fantasize about it a lot, do it a little, and it usually sends me right over the edge.

The taboo and tightness of the rings of muscle are incredibly stimulating, and then the whole thing changes completely as you relax beyond the initial sensation and a whole range of new sensations emerge.

In case you're wondering, I have never had a "poopy" experience.

A good analist makes sure her or his bootyhole is spic & span.... Lol 😜😜😜😜😜

I like anal but it is not a requirement. It is a different feeling from oral and vaginal -tighter and more uniform tightness. I do not want as an upgrade. I interpret that as "don't like it but will do it for $". And if the lady I am seeing doesn't respond to DATO or after DATO doesn't want it, I don't press it.  

But if it is a go, it can be wonderful!!

Posted By: AndreaDavis
So as I am watching the rain fall, I am pondering about the whole Greek thing. I am in no way a newbie but I would like to get a guys perspective on it.  
 Is Greek just a plus or is it mandatory in order for you to see a provider? Also what is so good about it?  
 From the Ladies(pm if you need) Does it hurt? I have never done it in my personal life, and though about possibly adding it to my menu.  
 I hope you all enjoy this cooler day.  

souls_harbor474 reads

I haven't done it.  Thought about it before while watching porn, but since actually dating providers really have no interest.  On the flip side, have had providers do DATO on me.  Again meh.  Not that it was unpleasant ... but it took time away from what could have been more pleasant

Drj5249363 reads

Greek has a place in the erotic journey. Just like oral or other fun part. Not necessary with every encounter but an occasional erotic highlight. I would encourage the offering when you feel its appropiate

Back in the day, the civie gal who took my virginity (I like to think of it that way; I wanted to fuck her!) exposed me to anal. From there on, I always think about Greek with every FS provider, but it doesn't dampen my desire if it doesn't/is isn't offered. It's just one of those wild thoughts go'in thru my head.

Its a negative to me since it belongs in the realm of those that don't like vaginas. I prefer a provider that refuses to do that.

There are clearly many people who like both.

Posted By: vorlon
There are clearly many people who like both.
Perhaps I was too subtle for you.

Posted By: jchan113
Posted By: vorlon
There are clearly many people who like both.
 Perhaps I was too subtle for you.
Your words were quite straight forward.  What you said flies in the face of well known facts.

Homosexual men are not big fans of vaginas...... All subtlety removed. Those are the facts.

TCButtman345 reads

don't enjoy anal sex doesn't make homosexual whoever enjoys it. What a dumb way to reassure your sexuality...

Didn't say it makes them homosexual. You volunteered that yourself. Since you need to defend and insult, I'm going to assume you are needing to reassure your sexuality or else you would allow a personal opinion to just be.

You probably should have stuck to being subtle because now you are just wrong.  No matter how much you may want it to be, enjoying anal sex is not exclusive to homosexual men.

Didn't say was exclusive to homosexual men. It is an activity strongly identified with them, however, as made famous thirty years ago as AIDS exploded.

I find it hard to arrive at any other understanding of what you were saying in them other than the one I arrived at.

Also, I'm pretty sure it was well known before the AIDS epidemic that homosexual men do anal sex.

TCButtman455 reads

-- Modified on 7/26/2016 10:39:04 AM

-- Modified on 7/26/2016 11:34:04 AM

many men who really like women want to fuck them in any orifice that's on offer.
that's certainly true for me, and although genetic men presenting as women have sometimes caught my eye, a man being a man has never flipped my switch.  
Don't know why, but what turns me on is the ephemeral feminine. Pretty quickly after that I want to take her from behind.  Your postings make me wonder if you make your massage providers wear rubber gloves.

AIDS is transmitted sexually.  
Anal sex is not the sole or predominant mode of transmission.  
The US epidemic was a product of promiscuous unprotected sex.  
The current epidemic is African and heterosexual.  
It is not just a gay (or anal) disease.

A question was asked and answered. Were anyone of you the OP? It's my opinion and rationale. Did I ever say all lovers of anal sex were gay? No. Did I call anyone of you gay? No. Did I say or judge what you guys say is enjoyable for you was wrong? No. if you came on here and said you like prepubescent boys, I would not believe it my unique duty to challenge you on what you find arousing.  

When questions are asked and personal opinions given, how does that require comment besides 'like'? It amazes me how many folks cannot respect opinions or answers to questions. If anyone of you said you took great pleasure in ass-fucking sheep, I would not consider it a call to comment to disagree with what you have stated is your pleasure. I'm not you and have no idea if you are telling the truth or your reasons. If in your comment I found commonality or similar pleasure in ass-fucking sheep, then I might 'like' the comment. Beyond that, why the hell would I want to take issue with your opinion?  

If I dislike anal sex because I associate it with homosexual men then that's my opinion and my reason. Do you really believe you know more about my desires and rationale than me? Do you really? If so, what number am I thinking of right now...?

anal -- AIDS -- homo

and from there it was a short jump to "phobic."

The flak was inevitable.

TCButtman332 reads

about hidden homosexuality...

"Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones."
The prejudice of homophobia may also stem from authoritarian parents, particularly those with homophobic views as well.
"Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection."
"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much,'" "In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be accepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves."



-- Modified on 7/26/2016 10:18:13 PM

People may reply and comment on, question, or disagree with what you said.

souls_harbor464 reads

Africa is not noted for their clinical surveys of patient symptoms and diseases.  AIDS being an auto-immune disorder means that people get all sorts of diseases due to weakened immunity.  In Africa a larger percentage of AIDS cases are diagnosed presumptively.  They have a disease.  It looks like the same disease some AIDS guy got -- therefore they must have AIDS.  "I'll just run this blood sample down to the hi-tech lab over in that grass hut." Said no one ever.

There is a lot of disease in Africa.  My grade school teacher went to Africa on mission work.  Came back and died of something she picked up there.  They probably would have called it AIDS today, but this was back before AIDS was a thing.

Posted By: lockstock
The current epidemic is African and heterosexual.

I didn't know there was a statute of limitations on when tragedies involving people dying become fodder for sick jokes. I learn something new everyday on this board.

Academy Award winning and record setting 12 Tony Awards for a hilarious and humorous (and sick) Broadway play and movie celebrating those wacky Nazis and the Holocaust!  Not for the easily offended. You, evidently, are one who spends part of your day seeking out stuff to become offended about. Lighten up Colonel Klink!

Butthole388 reads

I feel like the kid in Willy Wonka signing the waver! The writing gets so small, just like the title to this response!

Posted By: Drumsticks
Academy Award winning and record setting 12 Tony Awards for a hilarious and humorous (and sick) Broadway play and movie celebrating those wacky Nazis and the Holocaust!  Not for the easily offended. You, evidently, are one who spends part of your day seeking out stuff to become offended about. Lighten up Colonel Klink!

I agree with Gemma, it depends entirely on the partner, but in ways I can't really put my finger on well enough to describe.  When some specific relationship ingredient is there it is very appealing, and if it's not there it isn't appealing at all.

Since you're new to it and asked about it...  The key to it not hurting is it to be relaxed.  That sounds obvious, but you have to sort of break down what that means.  If you're worried about making a mess, him being too impatient, him having his heart so set on it that you are afraid of disappointment if you have to stop, etc...  those things all contribute to inability to relax, and can all be addressed in advance.  There's maybe no place in your body that translates stress into tense muscles as much as your back door.  It really helps if your first time is with someone who is doing it with the desire to give you a great new experience, and so they're focused on making it great for you, not for themselves.  Also helps if they can coach you with the whole clinch-then-bear-down method.

Last, a lot of people who haven't done it have the notion from porn that it is hot and "naughty" and rawly erotic...  But then you try it and it ends up being something completely different, it can be way more tender, sensual, and sweet, in a way you didn't expect.

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