
Are you a bad drug or a helpful drug ?
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 2284 reads
1 / 35

I JUST read that thread by Talon and Jillian's response.  WOW!!!  I cannot believe ANY of you would not say ANYTHING other than her being spot on!  

Talon is rude, disrespectful, and whether or not he's trying to bait us, there are new people ALL the time coming on here.  What if the first thing they read is Talon's BS?  Yeah, we will comment when people are assholes.  And Jillian did NOTHING even remotely wrong.

I can't even say any more right now.  I am livid.

I'm out

trotter321 2 Reviews 646 reads
2 / 35


I cannot really reply to what the discussion was that you are referring to.  I can honestly say that whenever i see a post from Talon I make the choice to not even read his comments.  How powerful would that be if the next time he posts he gets zero reads?

I've determined in life that if folks have shown they are not worthy of my mental effort, then i will not dignify their rant with a reply.

So not knowing what Talon has said i will only state this about Jillian.  Jillian is one of the sweetest and sexiest women i have ever met!  Period!  Every gentleman that has the pleasure of meeting her is better because of it.  

Hope to see her again soon

my_2Cents 323 reads
3 / 35
arunee 34 Reviews 452 reads
4 / 35

I agree.  You just have to consider this guys postings as if someone farts beside you.  All you have to do is move along and pass him by.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 473 reads
5 / 35

...persons who suck positive energy from the board and from me. It would be nice if everyone would simply ignore them and let them circle jerk themselves while the rest of us enjoy the few male / female interactions that do occur.

OldRanger 62 Reviews 496 reads
6 / 35

I saw her that day and could not believe that sweet lady had it in her to even react that way. At some point in time you reach a remaking point and react. Jillian -thanks for reacting.
Before she reacted Ihad shilled her based on a wonderful encounter that day and then had tolisten to some crap about the white knights coming out to defend her.
On the upside I looked a while back and if likes mean anything her post may have set a record

Wongbater 40 Reviews 472 reads
7 / 35

There is an ignore function that you can utilize to ensure your sensitive eyes don't see anything that would get your blood pressure up...the rest of us like to interface

Wongbater 40 Reviews 369 reads
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Wongbater 40 Reviews 31 reads
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comet228 29 Reviews 369 reads
10 / 35

I do not waste my time reading posts by misfits and the maladjusted.

I also do not respond when I do inadvertantly read one.

TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 523 reads
11 / 35

It's to state my utter disdain for how Jillian was responded to.  

She has MORE than earned that respect.

trotter321 2 Reviews 327 reads
12 / 35

Oh you apparently misunderstand me.  As many on these boards can attest, little gets my blood pressure to rise.  "Nothings gonna change my world".   But i do thank you for the information on the ignore feature.  I may have to utilize that.  Thanks Again!

bosssik 292 reads
13 / 35
Wongbater 40 Reviews 342 reads
14 / 35

That ignore feature is always there if you feel like you are going to stroke out on us buddy.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 273 reads
15 / 35

in the greater society all of us in "this world" are a bit maladjusted.  Right?

arunee 34 Reviews 414 reads
16 / 35

STOP.  Geez, you people want to stop talking about this guy.... so you keep going.  End the thread now and you can ignore his future postings.

beenaround23 17 Reviews 366 reads
17 / 35

Talon had posted many unreal and unbelievable posts. I think TER should ban him from posting.

comet228 29 Reviews 259 reads
18 / 35

Posted By: Wongbater
in the greater society all of us in "this world" are a bit maladjusted.  Right?

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 267 reads
19 / 35

Just because he's not polite? Not PC in his words? Yes, outrageous topics in some but also good advice at times, too.

Isn't there a word for those who would ban the opinions of those who differ from yours?
Posted By: beenaround23
Talon had posted many unreal and unbelievable posts. I think TER should ban him from posting.

TalonTed 89 Reviews 359 reads
20 / 35

Your all addicted, and just can't do the ignore thing. Just look at the read counter.

trotter321 2 Reviews 228 reads
22 / 35

Someone wanted to talk?  PM me!

-- Modified on 2/20/2016 11:13:37 AM

Wongbater 40 Reviews 257 reads
23 / 35

but nobody can get themselves to do it...and those that claim they do - BM - just view from a different handle.

nobodysfool2007 1 Reviews 340 reads
24 / 35

A drug is your self observed comment with regard to your posts.
Do your posts consist of toxic substance or are they helpful ?  
Hang with me for a moment, I am playing good / versus bad, and just asking you, what drug would  
you see yourself as ?

I myself, have stated, that I see no reason to censor your posts, while I do not agree with much
of the tone of your posts, or the substance, I just roll with it, and do not get my undies in a bunch,
because really, at the end of the day, your posts have no negative impact upon me personally.
" I have no dog in the fight "

To be honest, you don't bother me, and while your manner may be seen as crude, or insensitive, or
not PC, whom am I to jump on the ban talon bandwagon ?

As long as you stay within the prescribed lines of TER, then you are safe from getting moderated
as TER has the authority to do so.
My authority is in the hand and eye coordination of my person, in that I can click and read Or
I can ignore. Or I can read and not give a further thought or feelings with regard to your message
or attitude.  
Either method that I chose, still allows you, to speak your piece. Freedom is expensive,  
Some of these very people who bitch and jump up and down about your posts or the substance
of your posts, Should consider the high costs that have been paid through the years, that allows
them to speak their mind, and disagree with you.

Talon, I served my country via the armed forces, and in doing so, I supported the words,  
message, and substance and Spirit  of our countries constitution. I fought, and sustained life long injury and disability. I would not want to see my sacrifice go to waste. in allowing you to be an asshole if you so desired. I also fought so that others could be vocal toward you, and protest when you cross the line. So who is in the right ?

As I stated, TER exists, and they alone have to power to censor, but censorship is generally not
a good thing. Because it keeps you and I and others from speaking and making our thoughts and
feelings known. And now you know how others feel about the substance of your posts.
Keep posting and pissing people off, and no harm no foul, but if TER kicks you to the curb, then you went to far, and crossed that imaginary line. I guess you are safe, cause you are still
posting, and as I said, I have no dog in the fight! Post on ! and then everyone can debate what
to do about you. I guess that what I fought for, is worth it when I read the TER message board,  
and thus my efforts were not in vain.  

Off my soap box and thank you for contributing, so that I can be pleased that you and others
can speak, debate, and disagree, and not get hunted down, whipped, thrown in prison,
or lately, Beheaded ! LOL It s Great Country that we live in !

Posted By: talon199094
Your all addicted, and just can't do the ignore thing. Just look at the read counter.

LChayse See my TER Reviews 388 reads
25 / 35

Now THAT was a reply worth reading! Thank you nobodysfool2007! Both for your wise & intelligent reply & most of all for serving our country!

A bow & a curtsy,

Wongbater 40 Reviews 342 reads
26 / 35

Only thing I need to add is a caution about moderation and censorship...there is a more subtle aspect to it that is disturbing.  When I was banned for speaking my mind in a respectful manner I received time outs.  There was more to it than I was ever given as an explanation.  Nuff said on that matter.

nobodysfool2007 1 Reviews 247 reads
27 / 35

Yes, I understand your point completely, as I too, had endured something of similar circumstances,
however, I will say, that at one point, I did deserve banishment, as I refused to back down from
the drama queen who was instigating all the drama in the first place. But that was all so long ago,
so I will not bore with any further details. The instigator is long gone,  and has
no further negative impact upon the members of this community that I am aware of. Karma must
have paid her a visit.  :)


Posted By: Wongbater
Only thing I need to add is a caution about moderation and censorship...there is a more subtle aspect to it that is disturbing.  When I was banned for speaking my mind in a respectful manner I received time outs.  There was more to it than I was ever given as an explanation.  Nuff said on that matter.

zoso00 256 reads
28 / 35

This is a forum where guys go to talk about and review hookers.  There's a certain level of who gives a shit, honestly I think Talon is fucking hilarious.

TalonTed 89 Reviews 256 reads
29 / 35

Lies all lies, your doing exactly what you said you wouldn't do below.

Posted By: comet228
I do not waste my time reading posts by misfits and the maladjusted.  
 I also do not respond when I do inadvertantly read one.

loveyourtouch 304 reads
30 / 35

I guess  I'm not current with  the whole Talon issue - and don't  care  to be. But to read that one  person wants to ban someone  merely for having a  different  position, well, that  is just scary to  me.  So free speech is good as long as we agree with you? We're  all adults  here.  Just ignore people whom you disagree with. Stop writing about them as it only fuels their desires.  Besides, I have read numerous reviews and comments from many others that are unreal and unbelievable. What do you  suggest  we do  with them? Who becomes the arbiter of acceptable speech?  I like reading diverse, uncensored comments. When people speak (write) openly and freely, I learn who they really are, and I can then for an educated opinion of them. If we are all forced to speak and write the same, we'll never know what others really think.

TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 209 reads
31 / 35

Nothing more needed.  Just don't take his advice.

TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 114 reads
32 / 35
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 337 reads
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What an inspirational post.  I too believe in our first amendment rights.  Although it gives freedom from lying, it also gives freedom to those willing to refute them.

Thank you so much for your service to our country.  I don't take that lightly.  I never have.

Can't we just love people.  That's all I'm really here for.  People ask me all the time how I got into this.  My answer: I simply found out about it.  The second I heard about it, I was all in.  I'm a lover.  

Now, if we could just fix all the VA bs... ;-/

TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 262 reads
34 / 35

Even people bitching about others' feeding the trolls feeds the trolls.

It's quite brilliant.  That's why I'd rather just get in touch with my "I don't care" sassy comebacks.

You're right.  I won't ignore you... or anyone.  Kinda like when I youtubed the worlds largest zit being popped.  I just can't help but watch what disgusting thing pops out next!

Can't get enough Trump either!  It's the best soap opera EVER! And they're playing it on the NEWS all the time.

Life is grand

Wongbater 40 Reviews 78 reads
35 / 35
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