
Appreciating my ATF
mnjohnny247 19 Reviews 1092 reads

Good discussion thread.  I have an ATF, a young woman who I believe is extraordinary.  I do appreciate her and do try and show it.  I do compensate her at her normal rate..always..and I arrive and leave on time unless she asks me to stay a while to talk.  I tip her well and buy her gifts because she makes me feel good and I want her to know this.  She is unable to do overnight travel now, but when she is able to there is a standing offer from me for a get-away to a fun destination.

Guys and Ladies,  I am curious:

How do you show your ATF that she/he is your ATF?

Do you tip her?
Do you take her on trips?
Do you pay her current rate (or more) and not flinch at it?
Do you give her an occasional flower bouquet, a gift of jewelry, lingerie or online gift card to her favorite stores, especially on special days such as Christmas or her birthday?
Do you cover her in hugs and kisses when you see her?
Do you make a special Music CD for the time you spend with her?
Do you ALWAYS show up on time and never overstay UNLESS AND UNTIL she says you should?

How do you let her know that she is indeed your ATF and that you appreciate her for how she makes you feel?

How do you let your ATF client know that you appreciate him?   How do you thank him for being your ATF?

Do you give him discounts or extra time?
Do you buy him special things or little extras for his birthday?
Do you decorate your incall with lots and lots of candles and rose petals?
Do you play his favorite music when he visits you?
Do you get him a small gift card for the holidays and/or his birthday?

What do you do to make sure your ATF client knows that you appreciate his loyalty?

These are some of the things I try to do and was wondering what others do.

Good discussion thread.  I have an ATF, a young woman who I believe is extraordinary.  I do appreciate her and do try and show it.  I do compensate her at her normal rate..always..and I arrive and leave on time unless she asks me to stay a while to talk.  I tip her well and buy her gifts because she makes me feel good and I want her to know this.  She is unable to do overnight travel now, but when she is able to there is a standing offer from me for a get-away to a fun destination.

....I have a group of 3-4 that I'd consider my ATF's.  I will bring them a small gift occasionally.  I try to e-mail or PM every once in a while just to keep in touch.  

But, mostly, it's just the sense of "belonging" with her when we meet again.  It's that sense of "Wow!  I've missed you, hun!" and, "It's great to be together again.  Let's make this time even more special."

That feeling goes both ways, and it's great.  Seeing new ladies is always fun, but repeating with some is extra special.

I'm really not sure which (or how many) of my clients, past or present, consider me their ATF.  I don't look for clues, or even think about it much, really.  However, every now and then I will read a post on the discussion board and notice that I've been referred as the posters ATF (I had no idea until I read the posts).  

I'm honored and flattered to be thought of as someone's favorite provider, but quite honestly, I (try) and treat all of my clients with special care and attention no matter what, and they are all really special and important to me.  

And that's the truth, ladies and gents.  


Maybe it's strange but I have one ATF masseuse and another ATF for FS.  Neither
one advertises or is reviewed.  I guess the way I show them I like them is that
I continue to see them on a very regular basis.  Their service is extraordinary and they
each continue to be available and on time when we schedule.  I respect their time and
they respect mine.  No trips, no flowers, no rose petals, no jewelry, no discounts.....
just a wonderful time in it's proper time and place.  We do trade a couple emails or texts
every week to see what the other is up to but thats about it.

For me, ATF means some of the traditional boundaries come down...it's less about flowers, money and being on time than it is about having a respectful emotional connection.  For example, she might reveal her true name to me; I might let her call me at work (with certain protocols in place).   And yes, I've taken ATFs on trips...lots of them...

I've had 3, perhaps working on a 4th ATF. The first 2 were FS. Crazy good. One of them was like a poison I couldn't get enough of. The 3rd took me by surprise, a masseuse, and a much needed healing experience after a bout with cancer. None of them will ever leave my memories.

I like to watch their expression light up with a gift. I enjoy tipping but found it's rarely acknowledged and therefore not as fun. Not matter who it is, I'm always completely respectful, clean, on time, and no issues.

ATF or not, all I can say is thanks to everyone of you out there that left me recharged and smiling for days afterward.

Salsicce483 reads

I am not working so I see ladies much less often than I would like.   I typically select someone within a certain price point.   Specials always attract my attention.   Variety is deliteful, someone new brings a fun level of excitement.   When the stars allign, I show someone that they are my(current) ATF by returning to see them.   Connections do develop and it's not only about the money.   When I return, it's comfortable and safe and she doesn't have to jump through so many hoops.   She gets to know me and I her.   I seldom tip.   She, at times, offers a "friend" rate.  I never haggle.   Sometimes she will contact me after a short notice cancelation, if able, I jump at the chance for a special "special", and she is able to salvage a no-show.   I treat her like a lady.   I bring modest tokens of affection.   I believe she apprecitates what I bring to the table.   If I win the lottery I'll take her to Paris and Istanbul and buy her a car.   Short of that she knows she can count on some stressfree, and semi-regular donations from me.   It feels like that works for her very nicely.   She has never and would never do or say anything to make me feel like a tightwad.

I'm kinda with Alantra on this one.  I really want every one of my clients to feel special.  There are several that stand out, and I get excited when they are coming to see me.  For my returning clients, I try to come up with new, creative ideas to make them feel special.  What I do to make my ATFs feel special is I open up and trust them with more than I'd want written in my reviews.  

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