
A few possible solutions
Wongbater 40 Reviews 2879 reads
1 / 42

Amazing a problem report is going on 9 hours with no response.  TER is well...you all fill in the blanks.  I think the admins deserve some feedback...

OldRanger 62 Reviews 891 reads
3 / 42

Have had them take a lot longer then that.
Seems worse on weekends.
Had the same problem with report a post.
Eventually got pulled but was alive way too long.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 780 reads
6 / 42

I agree. Sometimes TER is on the ball and posts, reviews, problem reports are all posted to very quickly, other times they must be out to lunch both literally and figuratively.

It's possible that we often expect them to be 24/7 whereas they might only have bankers' hours...or at best Verizon or Comcast or some of those companies that have longer (but shitty) customer service hours.

Just as "junior" often needs patience after popping, so too do our minds need patience after popping off here lol.
Posted By: OldRanger
Have had them take a lot longer then that.  
 Seems worse on weekends.  
 Had the same problem with report a post.  
 Eventually got pulled but was alive way too long.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 858 reads
7 / 42

I wanted some opinions and you obliged.  I'm still F'in waiting...minutes, hours, days...

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 785 reads
8 / 42

Go see a girl, it's her job to take your mind off the TER forum...and I'm betting that most will succeed!

Or you could go bowling and have a few beers. Bang the shit out of those 10 pins - not the same as banging the shit out of...but usually cheaper. Good exercise, too. If you bowl right handed, drink with your left...or just keep alternating.

Jacking off to porn at home is always the cheapest, sometimes even the best.

You'll find the best solution for you.

Remember not to drink and drive if you go "bowling". Lots of LE out.
Posted By: Wongbater
I wanted some opinions and you obliged.  I'm still F'in waiting...minutes, hours, days...

Wongbater 40 Reviews 652 reads
10 / 42
Wongbater 40 Reviews 738 reads
11 / 42
OldTimerB 45 Reviews 1030 reads
12 / 42

With submitting that same problem report.

Do you want to tell us who it was? We could probably figure out the problem, sooner than TER no doubt!

Wongbater 40 Reviews 793 reads
13 / 42

Since TER will probably never do anything to protect the privacy of the innocent until proven guilty...take a look below.  Link to a report that names names.  How would any of you feel if your name was mentioned?  Duluth may become closer to home.  Funny how myself and OTB and one other dude cared to respond.  Where is Mindy and Pug and all the boards new voices...I have purposely kept silent as you re-created this great new happy board.  Where are the stewards of this grand new vision other than advertising...

pugdog 5 Reviews 737 reads
14 / 42

Posted By: Wongbater
Where is Mindy and Pug and all the boards new voices...I have purposely kept silent as you re-created this great new happy board.  Where are the stewards of this grand new vision other than advertising...
I was gone all day just got home. But yes TER is so inconsistant about things it is crazy. And when it comes to people naming names that has gone to far and needs to taken care of in a timely manner. Funny how my report the other day took less then 10 minutes and your going on all day. it's really a WTF type pf thing.

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 769 reads
15 / 42

Or who you know...you know, the TER teacher's pets, the lap dogs (no pun intended)...

Wongbater 40 Reviews 701 reads
16 / 42

You know we don't agree everytime.  But I RESPECT when we cross paths and we can be respectful.  I reported a post that has a link that names names.  Still up now....15 min short of 12 hours...I see that as a problem.  I would love to see some provider outrage too...just sayin

pugdog 5 Reviews 715 reads
17 / 42

Yeah we don't have to always agree but a respectful disagreement would be nice instead of what was happening before. And as was said before when it gets to a certain point we all might just have to agree that we disagree and move on.

Now to todays problem.

That is a huge issue to me too. When names are there for the looking that is wrong. What's even worse is the inconsistant actions we see from TER. Sometimes they are on it and do the right thing and then there are times like right now. I see no excuse on why they have taken this long.

I know it really depends on who is working behind the curtain because I have had some good interactions with them and other times where calling them "snarky" is being really nice to the way they actually treated me.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 759 reads
18 / 42

Looks like the post I was referring to dropped the link.  Advice to the novice...don't post a link that names names.  Stay happy.

Wongbater 40 Reviews 760 reads
20 / 42

And no TER response to my report of a post that had a link to a newspaper site that named names....then the link is gone in the interim.  I'm Mindy happy that the link is gone but I have to wonder...is TER looking out for anyone's best interest?  You have an established hobby guy submit a problem report on a post that was clearly not within rules and 12 hours later no response.  That sucks...

Wongbater 40 Reviews 688 reads
21 / 42
Wongbater 40 Reviews 790 reads
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OldTimerB 45 Reviews 908 reads
23 / 42

Is Wad working for TER now?

Posted By: TERAdmin

Wongbater 40 Reviews 839 reads
25 / 42

Oh wait...you just sit aside until the problem is solved?  Beautiful!

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 610 reads
26 / 42

That's their usual response, isn't it - to post a "Wad-like" video!

And yet, did they ban him?

Wongbater 40 Reviews 717 reads
27 / 42

Anything would be better than TER as it is.  My argument for Wong as TER president and executive everything is as such...no more lies allowed...lifetime ban on Breadmaker...I would bring 45% more providers to the board...elect me for you have no other choice.  ;-)

Wongbater 40 Reviews 523 reads
28 / 42
Wongbater 40 Reviews 569 reads
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And a message....$300/hr

pugdog 5 Reviews 863 reads
30 / 42

That's the type of response I usally get back from them too. So f'in helpful

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 770 reads
31 / 42

Aye...aye...aye...aye...aye...aye...ayiyiyi...aye...Ah-so...AYE...effin AYE...aye...aye...aye...

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 563 reads
32 / 42

"Long deep unhappy sigh of frustration"...

Sometimes a thousand words (or even 6 words) can't convey what one picture so eloquently says...

Where's Wad when we need him?

Wongbater 40 Reviews 753 reads
33 / 42
Wongbater 40 Reviews 849 reads
34 / 42

I don't have VIP so all 7 of you currently in my box I love to hate you all but I can't interface.  Let's mingle online or I guess my response may be delayed,

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 735 reads
35 / 42

Posted By: Wongbater
Anything would be better than TER as it is.  My argument for Wong as TER president and executive everything is as such...no more lies allowed...lifetime ban on Breadmaker...I would bring 45% more providers to the board...elect me for you have no other choice.  ;-)

OldTimerB 45 Reviews 577 reads
36 / 42

I'd be doing the same thing if I worked in a cubicle like him

pugdog 5 Reviews 776 reads
37 / 42

I was one. I was just sayin that my last respose was still not posted after 90 minutes. Not sure how much longer it took since I went to bed so it could have been 13 hours for all I know.

LChayse See my TER Reviews 634 reads
39 / 42

Chmon now. Lol! You're all smarter than that! Hee! Hee!

-- Modified on 8/30/2015 10:32:05 AM

Wongbater 40 Reviews 803 reads
40 / 42
L.Guapo 952 reads
41 / 42
OldTimerB 45 Reviews 799 reads
42 / 42

He's just a tool hiding behind his alias making trouble. Not worth even replying to.

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