
50 year old single non-parent...Parents take on both roles when they are single...
joemac1234 20 Reviews 807 reads
2 / 18

Thanks Mindy. Would of liked to spend part of it with you!

Posted By: Mindyzurgirl

-- Modified otn 6/15/2014 7:50:27 AM

Portia Eden See my TER Reviews 938 reads
3 / 18

DON'T want to be a Father,

Click on the link below.  they're having a SALE that end today.


To the rest of you Marvelous Dads,  Hope you have a Nice and Relaxing Day.

sweet hugs,

brilove See my TER Reviews 613 reads
4 / 18
FFSHF 19 Reviews 1297 reads
5 / 18

That IS funny..... Thanks for the levity!!

thumper6969 929 reads
6 / 18

Why can't you just wish the fathers a Happy Father's Day- the gals are not males hence they are not fathers- Just one day a year those of us who are proud to be dads would just once like to have the recognition and not share it with females.  Why do you have to take it away???
Can't you not be a feminist just one day?

And do not for one minute believe that I don't honor the women who are single moms. it's crazy but a significant majority of providers I have seen and do see are single moms.  But they are not single fathers but single moms

Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 774 reads
7 / 18

I would say this proves my point about certain people on the board just waiting around for a fight...please get a damn life,
What I was saying was NOT in anyway meant as a slight to fathers, like I said "happy Father's Day and..."
If I had thought of saying happy Mother's Day I would have also included "and to all of you dads who play the part of both parents too."
The fact is any parent of any gender deserves at least two days a year to celebrate if they are doing it all on their own.
 I didn't try to take a feminist stance, just trying to shout out to all the hard working single parents out there.

I suggest if you don't have anything nice to say ......keep your rudeness to yourself.  
You know the most disturbing thing...this post of yours actually got 6 likes so far...,really? I mean really  
You say: "just once dads would like the recognition & not have to share it with females" please do not assume that to be true;
Most of the grown men I know -don't feel like my wish took away any recognition for them.

bosssik 684 reads
8 / 18

Posted By: Mindyzurgirl

-- Modified on 6/15/2014 7:50:27 AM

bosssik 673 reads
9 / 18

Thanks for your good wishes Mindy. Being a great Dad and now a Grandfather has been that greatest source of joy and happiness in my life. I hope others get as much pleasure and satisfaction from the experience.

Biglittleguy 13 Reviews 777 reads
10 / 18

No it is Fathers Day!  Would it have hurt to just give thanks and recognition to hard working good fathers out there? By your "just trying to shout out to all the hard working single parents out there." You've turned it into Happy Single Parents Day and removed Fathers Day from the equation. Is one day of recognition just for Fathers really too much to ask for

arunee 34 Reviews 679 reads
11 / 18

From one who has lost his child, why such arguing over fathers day, mothers day, etc.  It's about recognition of being a parent and to realize how blessed you are to be one.  I wish with all my being I could once more feel like that.

Mindyzurgirl See my TER Reviews 1009 reads
12 / 18

I did say Happy Father's Day! I just included the single moms too.
I'm so sorry if some of you guys think it's inappropriate to thank single parents too.  
Well to bad, you say moms can't take the place of dads- well no shit, but some have no choice.

My single mom taught me how to do my own home repairs, change a flat tire, and even took me dear hunting- she did all she could to make sure I had the IDEA if what it meant to have a dad, because she knows I would never get that chance.....
She was not a single parent by choice -she was raped!  
 And when I (after getting a divorce I didn't plan) take on the role (to the best of my ability) to give my son the sex talk and make sure he has condoms .......do you all not think that might be the dad's job?!

 I am not bragging or trying to "take" anything from anyone, I was simply adding in an acknowledgement.
 The statements I made were never intended to piss anyone off!

FIIK-too 4 Reviews 642 reads
13 / 18

Posted By: Mindyzurgirl

-- Modified on 6/15/2014 7:50:27 AM
Thanks Mindy.

I've had a wonderful Father's Day.

To those of you that are taking offense to her inclusion of single mothers, you have done nothing but make a much bigger, uglier deal out of this taking away from fathers than her original post.  If you would have just left it alone, the people that appreciate her post would have seen it and simplly said thanks.  However, you want to stand there and stomp your feet like a spoiled little kids and scream that it's your day and nobody else's.  Now, I assume you will proceed to call me a "white knight" and an ass kisser.  (Well, actually, just a short while ago.....)

Biglittleguy 13 Reviews 678 reads
14 / 18

Fathers that made being a Mother possible?  Again, it is Father's Day.

-- Modified on 6/15/2014 7:12:30 PM

thumper6969 608 reads
16 / 18

15 likes. to your, how many?
Your OP, to me, shrieks of political correctness and the new world of inclusion run amuck.  Men are constantly being marginalized by the media and some of you saps are buying into it. If you are a white, middle to upper class male, you are the real enemy of all that is good and true.  

It was fucking father's day by god.  We do not need people changing it to something is is not.

Mindy- I am not attacking you. I disagree with you, and the informal survey says that many others agree with me.  
It is too bad that you didn't have a father.  I suspect that your feelings about this reflect your life and the respect and admiration you have for your mother.

Maybe a separate post about wishing that single moms enjoy this special day- oh wait- they already have that day- Happy Mothers' Day.  I don't remember you or any other females recognizing all the wonderful single dads being a mom to their kids-  I can only imagine the gnashing of teeth and wailing if I had included dads on Mother's Day.

-- Modified on 6/15/2014 11:33:14 PM

AbbyRose See my TER Reviews 686 reads
17 / 18

This is a hobby, which in itself has negative connotations. Most of us feel it shouldn't be frowned upon, judged negatively, yet we are here biting at each other for thinking differently on much smaller topics. Is this not ironic?

The fact remains, there are plenty of parents performing the role of both parents by no choice of their own. They don't get a "day off" on their mothers/fathers day as parents in two parent homes, or those who share custody do. Those who do share custody often have a disproportionate burden of taking on the bulk of the parenting responsibilities as many fathers only see their children 25% or less of the time. So compensating for their lack of a break by throwing them a bone of recognition in no way detracts from the recognition of those who are involved in their children's daily life. We recognize mothers, fathers, and grandparents (this giving the grandparents TWO days, really), why not give the same to single parents who are pulling double duty with no help?

I celebrate the ingenuity of those parents who choose to be providers because it allows them to schedule their days to be home when their kids are. They are putting themselves at great risk of losing the kids they are trying to provide for. Not everyone has the ability to attend college or get the higher paying jobs. Maybe they have a barrier to this, such as a lower IQ, mental or physical disability, or have disabled children at home. Some are working hard at bettering their situation while attending college, and providing gives them the ability to support their children while doing so. Being cynical and implying that those who share such stories are lying is disrespectful at best.  

I'm still considering becoming a provider for some of the reasons stated above, but I am afraid of finding myself dealing so intimately with someone who doesn't respect providers as the complex individuals they are, let alone the other risks involved in such an endeavor.  

Finally, I think this world would be a better place with MORE positive messages, not less. Sharing a kudos or whatnot is not a weakness. Being cold and negative is. I predict some of you will be angry and lonely in your later years.

arunee 34 Reviews 626 reads
18 / 18

I think that says it all, nicely done.

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