Taxi Libre Fees?
jaymez858 7 Reviews 16037 reads

On the way back from the Zona, I assumed Taxi Libre was only going to charge $2. I just jumped in and asked to go to the border. On the way there, he said it would be $5. The meter only read 17.40 ($1.74) when we stopped. I know it's only a few bucks, but I felt like I was being ripped. I tossed $5 at him, pointed at the meter, and then called him a ripoff like the yellow cabs and left his door open.

Is this the norm at night? Has anyone else had similar experiences?

burt202016082 reads

My experiences with the Taxi Libres have always been positive.  I've never been charged more than what is on the meter.  Like you I probably won't have made a scene over a couple of bucks, but you'd have been within your rights to only pay what was on the meter and leave.  

I always try to carry some ones and fives. I've been the victim of the "I don't have change" game that so many waiters and taxi drivers like to play.

Sometimes I've had trouble with the yellow cabs trying to charge more than $5.00.  I usually tell them "cino dollares para llevar me a ---" before getting into the cab.

Sorry you had a bad experience. If it make you feel any better Teresa complained to me once about getting ripped off by a cab driver.  So I guess it is not just the gabachos who get victimized.

Milkster14500 reads

The money isn't really a big issue here its the principal.

If they think they can fuck gringos they will.
I have been taking them since they first appeared many moons ago when you would be lucky to find one and now they are everywhere.

Same thing happened to us late last night. He didnt even turn his meter on but he wasn't exactly dealing with dumb gringo tourists. He stopped at the border said nothing and we handed him about 25 pesos and just walked out without saying anything.

Sometimes they will not turn the meter on when I hit plaza Rio but still only charge like 17 pesos which is about the norm for that area.

More and more taxi libres and hitting TJ and if you let them walk all over you they will. To me whats a few fucks but whats right is right. When I go to TJ I transform into a local not into a dumb gringo tourist.

If he makes a stink and threatens police action tell him to go ahead and write down his cab number. He will get a fine or if it constantly happens he can get his cab taken away from him.

good luck

juanstijuana16718 reads

The meter is the meter.  Make sure they turn it on and is reset to 6 (6 pesos)  The other night I got in a Taxi Libre and it was at 17 pesos.  I politely asked him to reset it and he did.

If he says the meter is broken get out and take a different libre.  The meters are not broken.  There are taxi libres all over the place now.  I've also had a couple take longer routes.  I know where I am going and one guy charged me less than the meter after he knew I had figured out what he was doing.

You can always get his name or cab number and report him.  The border to the zona should be between 18-22 pesos.  Plaza Rio is around 14-18 pesos from the zona.  Las Pulgas is only only around 11-14 pesos from the zona depending on where you are.  

I am also told the locals don't tip these guys and tipping cabbies is not the norm in Mexico.  Whether you tip or not is up to you.


Californican17145 reads

I agree with Burt's & Milk's posts.  I always take Taxi Libre because they cost less than half of what the yellow cabs charge for the same service.  Never had a probelm with Taxi Libre.

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