THERE IS A FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING: The adventure continues...............
ABeautifulMind 16574 reads
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Hope y'all didn't miss me too much, but I have been around -- lurking.

I went down to TJ this past weekend.  First time since end of August 2003 and I did alot of firsts on this trip.  FUN FUN FUN

Told myself I wouldn't be back till end of the year, perhaps never again.  

But I needed to buy some vitamins for upcoming local action to ensure peak performance.  

After a little update on my little love story, I will change-up on my style of writing and give you a list of my firsts and you can surmise the totality of my trip.

My love story has fizzled to nothing -- a faded memory.  She is still in La Zona and she is more beautiful than ever.  She is now the current star at CC -- night in and night out.  I still know we had a real connection. But in retrospect, I really did treat her with disrespect. I treated her like a whore -- breaking the classic rule, "Treat a whore like a girlfriend, and treat a girlfriend like a whore."  Besides, her novia is there in TJ with her for good now -- living with her and working with her.  It all worked out for the best.  She's got someone she really loves there with her now to support her and give her the love she desperately needs.  I ignored her completely this time, getting glimpses only in passing, or from afar -- avoiding all eye contact.  Sorry about the constant delay, but the account of the bizarre, explosive finish that occurred in August 2003 is almost done.  I have had severe writer's block.

Okay, here are my list of firsts:

1. First time driving a convertible (2003 yellow Mustang GT).

2. First time driving in Mexico.  I parked in Levya and drove all the way to La Mesa on the way back to the border (I got lost).

3. First time with a street girl in La Zona.  Weird, surreal, dirty, sad.  Won't do it again.  Sorry, but not my cup of java.

4. First time getting BBBJ in TJ -- from hot, tall blonde bar chica Saturday night.  It was a BBBJTCCIM -- awesome!! Dangerous?  Will get tested soon.  I did two bar girls, Andrea (AB) and Jasmine (CC)-- both are hot, tall blondes with big natural tits.  Guess which one got my special sauce.  50/50 chance so you should try both -- can't lose with either.  Sadly, I can't remember the SG's name.  She was so sweet  -- a young pretty, innocent, petite, classical Mexicana spinner type.  So sad, gentlemen. So sad.

5. First time going to church (Catholic Sunday Mass) in TJ.

6. First time going to church with a provider, anywhere.  This time with my former favorita, Jessica.  

7. First time going to a Mexican white magic shop.  Again, I went with Jessica after church.  Pretty cool, got myself a protection amallet (sp?) for $1, and got to see some pretty interesting stuff.

8. First time trying Levitra (20 mg). Bought 4 for $51 at a farmacia in the heart of Revolution.  Worked, but slow to act.  I had a major headache, and even though I performed decently with it and lasted till the afternoon the next day, it did not work as well as the two generic Viagra I have used for the last 4 months -- the no-name diamond shapes or Vega brand (fat oval). I had a hard time cumming with Levitra that 1st time.  

9. First time getting stopped and searched by the Mexican policia.  Legit stop -- I turned left into Constitution out of Leyva parking lot when there were no cars around and didn't realize it was a one way street.  Cost me $600 pesos.  Only had 8 bucks on me when I was stopped and policia were nice enough to escort me to an BITAL atm, stand in the atm booth with me, punch in the amount of money they wanted, and take the cash straight out of the machine.  What service!!  Then were kind enough to escort me half way to the border.  Overall, it was not a bad experience.  They seemed quite impressed with my car, with my cool, amiable demeanor, and with my friendly sense of humor.  oh, they also liked the cash.

10. First time meeting other fellow hobbyists I know from L.A., in La Zona.  This first time, I coincidentally ran into a couple of cool cats I met at Fantasy Island in West L.A.  We talked about TJ then and planned on eventually meeting up and exchanging other hobbying resources, but this trip was intended to be a solo adventure.  However, it was a nice surpise to see them there and we had ourselves a nice little party at CC Saturday night.

Another day in paradise, or is it?  Hmmmmmmm...


-- Modified on 11/5/2003 3:04:17 AM

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ABeautifulMind 17650 reads
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If you plan of driving to the border or beyond here are a few tips:

1.  If you don't want to drive into Mexico, it is best to take the 805 south instead of the 5.  Here is why:  I really didn't want to drive into Mexico since I had a really nice rented car that I was using to ride around San Diego.  But I mistakenly took the 5 instead of the 805 and due to my unfamiliarity with the 5, I missed the last U.S. exit and drive straight into Mexico -- right on the the Mexican freeway that the cabbies use to take us to La Zona.  I was looking for the San Ysidro Blvd. exit and whoops!!, there I was in Mexico before I could say, "Oh Shit!"

2.  If you do plan on driving into Mexico, make sure to make an immediate stop to your right after entering Mexico and pick up Mexican auto insurance -- it's better than nothing.  Some U.S. policies also cover you if you are within 35 miles or so of the U.S. border even though you are on the other side.  Check with your agent and get that coverage in writing.  

3. When driving in Mexico, make sure you realize that they have alot of one-way streets.  Drive defensively.  I noticed that the Tj traffic is not dissimilar to L.A. traffic.  Aside from the cabbies, Tijuanans were decent drivers that weekend.

4. Carry about $60 as emergency bribe cash for getting pulled over for minor traffic violations.  Follow the policia's lead.  I may have been lucky that the policia only punched in $600 pesos  on the ATM machine, but what was preventing him from punching in $3,000 pesos?  Nothing really.  


ABeautifulMind 25459 reads
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When using the ATM's in Mexico, make sure you get a receipt for the transaction, since that will confirm that the transaction was indeed complete and finished.  Because almost all ATM's, be they in US or anywhere else, always asks if you want another transaction, prior to getting a receipt.  And if you just leave without selecting "no," the next person using that ATM within the next 5 minutes can select "yes," and take you more money from your account.  So alway get a receipt for every ATM transaction.


hndsm 52 Reviews 17842 reads
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bdm, good to here from you again!I had a very nice afair going on in cc that I put to an end about 4 months ago! I meet her at least once a week at pubelo amigo and spent the day's feasting, dinning going every where in tj,I really like her and brought her a lot of nice gift;s, and being together making much love!She is are very cool chick! I am not going to name names at this time ( u can always pm me)but she want'ed to marry and I feeling different, so I stopped everything including my vistit's to CC. and that's my favorite bar(I'm not bragging and I am a good looking blond hair /blue eye male who work's out 2 hour's a day).My guestion to you is I 'm kind of done with AB and the rest and have had so many girl's again who want to go outside the bar from there(gfe).(nice compliment's)I guess I answered my own question.

burt2020 19113 reads
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You're right in saying it is easy to miss the last exit on I-5.  However, there is a U-turn return lane. The trick is getting all the way to the left before it is too late.  Just tell the Custom's guy what happened and he will lower a baracade and let you onto I-5 north.  It took me about 5 minutes--which was a lot better than a 2 hour crossing.  After missing the last exit once I doubt I will again.  The parking lots of the west side of I-5 have the best rates at &7.00 for 24-hours.  The street parking is free, and I've never had a problem.  However, don't use the mall parking lot as sometimes they tow in you don't get back before the stores close.

ABeautifulMind 17666 reads
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running away with a prince charming -- I guess it's the little girl in them.  But the deeper the love/fantasy, the thinner the ice.  So if you fuck up, you will be going right through into the ice water - and it ain't fun.

BTW, without naming names, just post the first letter of her name (this girl you had an affair with).  

And I still don't get that question you wanted to ask me.  Ask me again.


-- Modified on 11/6/2003 5:56:07 PM

ABeautifulMind 17287 reads
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