Warning: Avoid US Outlet Mall Parking Lots When Going to TJ
burt2020 22097 reads

Tonight when I was returning from a very nice trip to TJ I saw a guy getting his car towed.  He had parked (near Ross in front of the Perfume store)in one of mall lots that has warning signs about towing cars if people leave the premises.

When I saw him the tow truck had hooked up to his car.  He didn't have enought cash to save his car and learned the hard way that tow trucks won't take a creidt card or check to pay an impound fee.  

I recommend parking on the street or in a pay lot.  This guy returned just a little too late and instead of saving $7.00 I'll bet he ends up paying over a hundred in towing and storage fees.  (Also, if this guy is married explaining what happened may be the worst part of the whole mess.)

QueerJuan16846 reads

After going for years, one day this past summer I decided to be cheap and park in the new mall as well. When I came back about 2 a.m. in the morning the whole lot was empty my car included.

It cost me 225.00 to get it back and 90 bucks for a cab ride home. Not only that but I had to make up a b.s. story for my wife. Those guys at the impound lot are thieves.

If you value your car, you better take a moment to think about where you leave it and how you leave it. Don't leave valuables or anything that may be conceived as valuable (suitcase, sunglasses, loose change, backpack, discman, etc) within plain view. Invest in a club and take the time to at least put it on even if you don't lock it. Turn your wheels until the steering locks. Park under a lamp post if possible.

$7 is a small price to pay versus the risk of being towed. Also, why pay $7 when you can pay $4 for a better location at the Gateway Inn?

I find it hard to believe that the towing company couldn't accept a credit card. I think that was BS so they can squeeze out an impound fee. I would look into that if I were the poor guy. If he was there just as the truck hooked his car, he shouldn't be responsible for no more than $80-$100 (hooking fee).

Do you remember the name of the towing company?

Californican19186 reads

Gateway Inn's big parking sign reads "$4 parking all day" but in small print it also says "0-8 hrs."  What is the rate after 8 hours?  Does this lot have security patrolling like the $7 parking lot for 24 hours on the other side of the freeway?   Where are the free street parking located?

I've never parked at the Gateway Inn longer than 8 hours. If you are there longer, I believe they charge an additional $4. I'm doubtful about their security, but it is such a small lot and there is always an attendant waiting to receive payment from incoming cars. If you go when it's busy, they make you park in the overflow lot which is on the north side of the Gateway Inn. I'd be afraid to leave my car there past 3am since it's less visible to the attendants.

burt202015213 reads

I don't know how much the guy was charged.  He needed an extra $40.00 to get his car released on the spot, which I loaned him.  He gave me his driver’s license for security and we met the next day at a Burger King near where I work.  He repaid me plus bought me lunch.  

My understanding is tow trucks won’t take checks or credit cards in these situations because too many people put a stop payment on their check or dispute the credit card billing.  They don’t want the collection hassles.  Once they have your cash the only way you can get it back is by taking them to court. And you know what they say about fighting city hall.

(What they say about fighting City Hall is all too true.  To make a long story as short as possible, years ago I had a car towed.  I’d received a “fix it” ticket and during a subsequent stop ended up getting my car towed.  I’d paid the ticket.  The court vacated all charges related to the second ticket as I had proof of payment for the first ticket.  Somebody at the courthouse or DMV had make a clerical error, but if you think I could get LE, the court or the DMV to pay for their mistake then there’s a bridge in Brooklyn I’d like to sell you.  They even charged me a $10.00 processing fee after finding me not guilty.  That’s right:  you have to pay towing and impound fees in cash even if it isn’t your fault you are towed as long as LE is acting in "good faith."  If a private party ordered your vehicle towed you can recover, if the government screwed up you are out of luck.)

A final bit of advice.  Somewhere in your car hid enough money to pay the parking lot and get you home—just in case you have trouble while in TJ.

State laws says they must take Credit cards as payment. The news did a story a few years back and filmed them breaking the law.

If it is in fact the law for them to accept credit, then I'm sure the guy technically could have called the police and say the towing company was stealing his car or illegally towing it.

Some tow companies patrol apartment and condo complexes looking for unauthorized vehicles parked in the lot. At my friend's condo, there are spaces marked "Guest Parking". You would think anyone that doesn't live there is allowed to park while visiting. It turns out that you need to obtain a 'Guest Permit' at the clubhouse, which is not open 24 hours.

Again, I recommend parking at the Gateway Inn. It's only $4 for overnight parking. If you park there 10 times in the same car, you get to park there once for free; they give you a dashcard each time. Save 10 of those and your 11th visit is free. I realise that there is some construction causing some confusion in the area. If you need help, drop me msg and I'll be more than happy to set you up with some cereal-box instructions.

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