Re: Your advice
sean1985 16 Reviews 7489 reads
1 / 19

Has anyone been to the Purple Rain Bar, how do the girls look and what services do they offer?

bonitachika See Agency Profile 6089 reads
2 / 19

This place is hit or miss.
Service has to be negotiated as they do not have any blanket rules for services.

It is in a dangerous area. I recommend going and leaving by taxi.

Recently on another site where their manager posts, a client complained about the pricing and service and the manager answered, that the client needs to negotiate better. :)

sean1985 16 Reviews 7751 reads
3 / 19

Thanks for the information, do you know any good place?

bonitachika See Agency Profile 7093 reads
4 / 19

Everyone has different tastes.  The massage parlors seem to not provide good value(and often not even a bed).  Getting down on a massage table does not excite me at all.

There are a variety of bars on Coahuila.  Most casual visitors enjoy Hong Kong or Adelitas.  I enjoy many of the smaller bars in the evening.  Daytime action is ok, but far more options after 7pm.

bigirlluvinguy 14 Reviews 5998 reads
5 / 19

Purple Rain is not a good choice.  They provide taxi drivers with fees to bring in customers and you don't speak with or touch the girls you hope to have the sexual experience with.
 Just tell the taxi driver Adelitas or Hong Kong and you will get in the right area.  Then walk into a few of the bars on that two block area around the Hong Kong.  Adelitas is loaded with model material 8 to 10 girls, who will probably be a little businesslike unless you know how to break the ice.  Hong Kong is like 'Disneyland' for single males.  A lot of nice boobs hanging out all over the place, girls literally naked and bathing or rubbing each other with shaving cream, and a lot of girls more than willing to rub all over you for buying them a couple of overpriced drinks.  The Chicago Club is also better lately, with a few very attractive girls and a little quieter than the other two places.  But I'd also recommend you walk in some of the other clubs in this area and even walk around and look at the street talent.
  I am amazed at how poorly some of the guys do down in Tijuana.  Remember it is still 'dating' in a sense to get to know a lady and get the best experience.  Dress nice, be clean, use some after shave, be polite, smile and joke, and try and learn a little spanish or do the best you can to communicate a little with some of these sexy women.  Your results may be amazing at times.  I speak some spanish and I've found that the number one complaint these girls have is they are bored and the guys can be rude or smell badly.  Take some time and joke around in a nice way.  If you don't speak spanish bring some pictures or props.  Believe me the results you get can be amazing.  Nothing is better for the ego that having one of these 20-something solid 9 or 10's literally popping her cookies in bed because you can be just a little charming, sexy, and amusing.  Like real dating, it's a bit of a head game, in more ways than one.  And if one of these girls is really enjoying her work it can get real interesting.  Then your problem will be them getting jealous about what other girls you might be hanging around with or them wanting to talk your ear off.(which can definitely be tolerated if they a rubbing that pretty body up again yours in bed).  Happy hunting.  
  If you don't want to do this stuff, then you may be better off going with a service like bonitachika is associated with, where he can recommend a friendly girl, who will know how to show a guy a good time for a few bucks more.

WaterBoys 13 Reviews 4639 reads
6 / 19

"... bring some pictures or props."

This is too good to let pass.
Wanna show us yours?  :)

I'm imagining a deck of playing cards and pulling out the Queen of Hearts who is entangled with ...

Kadjevic 5973 reads
7 / 19

This has to be one of the most interesting things I've seen all month here to be quite honest.

So you act polite, "date them", joke and have fun, and also pay them to be with you?  What in bloody hell does that come from?

You pay so that you don't have to do those things.  If I want to have to listen to someone or entertain them, then I'll find someone I'm not paying.  They are there for me, not the other way around.  If I have to entertain them, then they should pay me.

The only head game is the one inside your head mate.  I don't mean to be insulting, but how long has it been since someone mildly attractive showed interest in you that did not involve money?  Maybe your basis for reality is a bit off.

In Tijuana especially, most women that work in the prostitute bars are pretty much the bottom of the barrel.  Their work ethic and attitude and education level prevents them from having a real job that requires showing up on time and not using narcotics.  They usually have multiple children, sometimes with different fathers, because the only kind of men they can attract are ones not really worth having in the first place, or perhaps she ran them off with her attitude or lifestyle.

There's a reason why they are in the position they are in.  Most don't have vehicles, they did not finish grade school, they live in almost complete filth, and they have no skills other than putting on bikinis and standing around for a chance to lie on her back to get a little extra rent monies.

I don't dislike prostitutes or mistreat them.  But it's business, it's not personal.  If I'm going to have to entertain her and do all of those things, then I'm not paying, I'm sorry.  I can just as easily find an attractive woman with a corporate career who has a vehicle, actually uses a cell phone plan (instead of that prepaid joke) and doesn't have to be a semen receptacle for money.

The reason I pay is so I don't have to do all of those things.  They get money in exchange for me not having to "date them" like I would someone else.  I can have sex with them and then have sex with their friend the next day and there's nothing they can really say about it because taking the money absolves me of any and all responsibility for their feelings or how they perceive me.  If they do a good job, they get repeat business and recommendations.  If they don't do a good job, then good luck paying the rent when the 1st of the month rolls around.

It's guys like you that cause a lot of these women to show up at my house unannounced without calling just to "say hi" or call me 5 times in a row about how I called a different women over after I saw her like I'm her god damned boyfriend.

Please stop ruining it for us professional types mate.  Seriously.  I know you might think it's great to be a nice guy, but they just make fun of you like they try and make fun of everyone else behind closed doors.  Believe me, I speak Spanish usually better than they do (which isn't hard when they don't make it past the 6th grade).

bonitachika See Agency Profile 4776 reads
8 / 19

Please stop ruining it for us professional types mate.

I don't think you need any help with that.  You do a good job without anyone's assistance. :)

I'm betting you have gotten into a fight in an empty closet.

Kadjevic 5618 reads
9 / 19

Yes, I'm the problem.  I'm such a jerk, a woman I hired a week prior came over to my home and knocked on my door at a little before midnight because she was "thinking about me".  Might have been because I'm so rude.

Different woman called me virtually every day on my personal phone to see "How I was doing" or some awful nonsense after I hired her one time.

Look, if I pay, that means leave me alone.  Don't call me, I will call you when I need you.  If it's not business, then sure, I can try to accomodate and be nice and all of those things that this mate above talked about doing WHILE paying them to be around him.  (Makes no sense).

They must bother me so much because I'm such a jerk and just a sour son of a bitch that "fights in empty closets".  If I get one more phone call "Will you teach me French?" then I probably will fight in an empty closet.  I'll have to start calling from a bloody pay phone or something, I don't know.

You're ridiculous mate.  It shows.  Much ado about nothing.

bigirlluvinguy 14 Reviews 6666 reads
10 / 19

I'm a little puzzled by the hostile response.  A lot of guys have very good experiences in TJ, but many don't because they forget the working girls are people too.  I'm not trying to say any particular person on this board has a problem or great success.  My idea of 'props', especially if you don't speak english, is pictures, post cards of where you are from, maybe even some american brands of gum they can't get in TJ. There is a great deal of difference between the quality of women in TJ and whether they start relaxing and really having a good time.  If they are having a good time, then I've found my time is much better.  That's all I'm saying.  Sorry if I stepped on somebodies overgrown ego in the process.

HalfHour 3872 reads
11 / 19

is greatly appreciated, and sounds like the type of time I would enjoy. Do the ladies typically speak any English? Are there topics that might not be obvious to us Americans, that work well? Any clubs that YOU recommend?
I enjoy doing something similar in strip clubs here in the US, and I am amazed even though I am not a young stud, how much appreciation and attention I get, so I can completely see where you are coming from!
Any other specific tidbits that you can share with us gringos?

bigirlluvinguy 14 Reviews 5966 reads
12 / 19

I've found it very expensive and a long process to do U.S. strip clubs.  I'd really recommend you hit the main places, til you get to know TJ.  The block or two around the Hong Kong Club is probably the place to start.  Most of the girls do not speak much english.  That's why I suggested interesting 'props', that would be like conversation starts.  This will allow you to see how the girl reacts and see if she is 'your type'.  As I said most of these girls are bored and have been treated badly at times. Some might deserve it for poor service or attitude, but most don't.  If you make some sort of connection and get a good reaction, then you are likely to have a good time.  If you get somebody who just wants to rush to a room, then they will likely rush their way through the whole thing.  You may want to interact with several before you go to the room.  If you are not going to follow this type of approach, then you are probably better pay a few bucks more and going through a service like bonitachika provides, where he can vouch for the girl.  Happy hunting.

dday 26 Reviews 5462 reads
13 / 19

Agree with most, Adelitas, Chicago Club & Hong Kong are usually the places to go ....

HOWEVER... Variety is the spice of life, and I like trying new places.  A few years ago I tried Purple Rain and had an awesome time.  Been there many times since, although not in the past few years.  One girl looked like Sophia Loren (I told her so and she said people said that often).  Fantastic body with a perfect ass, and friendly.  A perfect 10 for me.  I saw her probably 8 times over about 3 or 4 years.  The house fee was 40 and her time was 120.  More expensive than the other clubs, but well worth it.  Cant say about other girls there and YMMV.

Anyone know if Gina is still there?

HalfHour 5862 reads
14 / 19
tjcaliente 6233 reads
15 / 19

Please. Save the Hooker with a heart of gold speech. They are there for the almighty dollar and if you are not willing to spend it let her know that up front and see how long she stays as your company.

3rdMan 5643 reads
16 / 19

Half Hour,
I’m kinda of an old guy.  Did I say kinda?  This works for me.  I don’t like a quickie in a love hotel.  I like to have a TLN with a chica that is good looking and speaks enough English who can conduct a fairly decent conversation.  Now I was lucky in finding a bar girl working in Adalitas that worked out for me first time.  
I would not worry about making conversation.  Ask her questions and respond from there.  Money is what really talks in the clubs in TJ.  If a chica likes you the service should improve.  So don’t be an arrogant asshole.
If I was to do it all over again I would have contacted an escort service such as Mexico Bar Lindo and tell them exactly what I was looking for and have her delivered to my hotel for a couple of hours to see how things worked out.  At my time in life of sex is important.  I still like to take my Fav. to the movies, diner and even to the bullfights. So there has to be a connection made other than just sex.  For me, going to TJ is like going to Disneyland.  It is fun while you’re in the magic kingdom but when you leave all you really have is a lot of pleasant memories.  This is a concept that a lot of us have problems with.  It is easy to get hooked by one of the young gals and do a lot of stupid things like sending them money for family emergencies real or imaged.  I’m going to devote a whole chapter to this in by book to this subject.  
“She is not yours; it is just your turn”  

3rdMan 6023 reads
17 / 19

I took my brother to TJ and we caught a yellow cab. from a restaurant close to Amnesia Strip Club.  I told the driver who spoke English that we wanted to go the Adalitas.  He said ok.  Well to make a long story short he took us to every other place than we wanted to go.  Purple Rain was the scariest.  It is located in an area that you would not want to walk to.  The last stop was Luxor which is next door to the Pueblo Amigo Hotel that we were staying at.  My brother and I almost peed our pants from laughing.  We did finally get to Adalitas.  And all this for five dollars.  Sometimes it is fun to just go with the flow.

ISCOTT 13 Reviews 4899 reads
18 / 19

I think he was just having fun.

These discussions have been really great. The TJ board has been dried up for so long. I'm so glad to see this level of conversation and detail. Thanks to all you guys.

I started going to TJ in 1985, and stopped 2 years ago with the scary news stuff. I really did mourn the loss of my playground. And I'm really happy that it seems to be coming around again.


3rdMan 7529 reads
19 / 19

Until I read this thread I didn’t think of props.  I have been using this ploy and I didn’t think of it this way.  I have a lot of videos that have been sent to me by my friends. Some of which don’t need to be translated. I load them on my iPhone and I show them to the chickas and I get a great response.
I have bar tenders at my hotel that ask me what new videos I have to share with them when I make a bombing run to TJ.    

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