Seadweller234 3 Reviews 7901 reads
1 / 15


I had a great time last weekend at Amnesia.  I am becoming a big fan of beautiful Mexican women.  I have been missing out on them.  Have done a little research and will probably go to a provider soon.  Any thoughts on Live Latin Angels?

Feel free to reco. someone else.

Thanks for your time,


Kadjevic 7402 reads
2 / 15

Posted By: Seadweller234

I had a great time last weekend at Amnesia.  I am becoming a big fan of beautiful Mexican women.  I have been missing out on them.  Have done a little research and will probably go to a provider soon.  Any thoughts on Live Latin Angels?

Feel free to reco. someone else.

Thanks for your time,

I have not used them, but that's not because anyone I know has had bad service, I just find their selection below par - especially for the rate they charge.  Their selection seems very homely looking and the videos are basically a cell phone camera with blasting reject club music in the background while the girl moves her hips.  At first I was thinking "This must be a joke," but I'm afraid they're serious.

If you're looking for beautiful women, I would look elsewhere unless they have some talent not visible on their website.  Visible cosmetic scars and being overweight somewhat move them out of the "beautiful" category for me.  That and a few look like they've been hit in the face with a baseball bat.

The website says $100 an hour.  That's about $50 an hour too much for what I'm looking at.  I would possibly do it for $50, but a few conditions would apply:

Must be a night where finding another option is impossible.
10 minutes max, I'm not breaking a sweat for them.
They can't ask me my real name or what my hobbies are.
They're not allowed to use the shower here.

Under those conditions I would give it some thought.  As I said earlier though mate, if you're looking for beautiful, keep looking.  Let us know what you find please.

bonitachika See Agency Profile 5881 reads
3 / 15

If you like Amnesia, then you will probably like them.

Pete5227 12 Reviews 6612 reads
4 / 15

Be careful...I had two terrible experiences, including one date that was just awful and a "bait and switch" -- it is better to go with the more esstablished agencies. LLA seems to get the rejects from other agencies that have either gone out of business or just faded due to bad reputations.

Seadweller234 3 Reviews 7753 reads
5 / 15

Appreciate your thoughts.  Anyone feel free to reco. and independant (ideally with her own site) or a reputable agency.


Kadjevic 8438 reads
6 / 15

Posted By: Seadweller234
Appreciate your thoughts.  Anyone feel free to reco. and independant (ideally with her own site) or a reputable agency.

I think that SexyTijuana is a good resource to use.  It's not an agency, but it's a classified ad website.  In it there are agencies and there are independents that advertise.  For the most part, I've had good experiences calling people that post on that site.  It could be hit and miss though, so compare it to looking at something such as Cityvibe.

As far as agencies go, Damas de Noche is one I've had good experiences with.  It's not an agency per se because each number belongs to the woman who is in the ad and your business is done with them directly.  I've found the pictures to be pretty accurate and I have not had a problem with anyone from there I've called.  The price is reasonable ranging from 1,200 to 1,500 MN, and the few that I have contracted are attractive.

Either of these sites is at least worth a look when making a choice.

johnlcalifornia 6363 reads
7 / 15

It is incredible that a person who has complained so vociferously about ugly and unattractive girls on some agencies is so forthcoming in endorsing Damas de Noche where you can't even see faces of the girls.  

Hypocrisy of self-righteous people never ceases to amaze me.  Is Mr. Kadjevic a shrill for ddn? Sounds very fishy.  Just for the record, some of the girls listed there are from the discredited and now defunct agency who were photo-shopped and were famously offering safe-gfe.

Now lets get ready for a long self-defense of Mr. K (I don't mean Kafka)

-- Modified on 11/29/2010 4:36:03 PM

Kadjevic 9069 reads
8 / 15

Posted By: johnlcalifornia
It is incredible that a person who has complained so vociferously about ugly and unattractive girls on some agencies is so forthcoming in endorsing Damas de Noche where you can't even see faces of the girls.  

Hypocrisy of self-righteous people never ceases to amaze me.  Is Mr. Kadjevic a shrill for ddn? Sounds very fishy.  Just for the record, some of the girls listed there are from the discredited and now defunct agency who were photo-shopped and were famously offering safe-gfe.
I don't endorse anyone.  If having good experiences with certain prostitutes makes me their shill (shrill?), then I suppose I might be a shill for 3 or 4 different websites and about a dozen or so classified ads on craigs list.  Your logic must be a joke, mate.

I haven't had the experience of seeing pictures that are altered.  Could be true, but not that I have seen.  Again, I don't endorse anyone or support anyone.  A question was asked which I answered.  If you don't agree, then don't call.  It makes no difference to me.  

And how am I self-righteous because I'm selective about where I spend my money?  It's business, it's not personal.  I suppose I'm self-righteous if I don't shop at Wal-Mart and I don't drive a Hyundai also.  I should stop being self-righteous and just give everyone my money, I suppose.  That, and I'm a shill for every place I shop, every mark of suits that I buy, the kind of shoes I wear, and the person who cuts my hair.  Give me a break.

We all buy things from different places.  There are a few sources I use to buy women.  There's also a few places I buy groceries and a few places I pay to see movies at.  If you ask me where to get a decent suit, or where to see a film, I might have some suggestions.  But in your mind, that makes me a shill, doesn't it?  A shill is someone who posts up pictures constantly, people say they had a bad experience, and then he presses on with excuses and reasons why people should use them.  I do nothing of the sort.  If you had a bad time, then hey, please let us know who it was so I know not to call them.  

As I said above, if you don't have anything constructive to offer, I could really honestly care less.  I wish I could see faces myself, but I haven't been disappointed yet.  Could happen though, who knows.  If they decide not to show faces, I really don't give a damn because the payment of my bills doesn't depend on a prostitute's success rate.  I'm not a pimp, I'm not a prostitute consultant, and I don't run escort websites or answer the phone and book appointments for women.  I have a career and I have loyalty to no one.  That also includes the opinion of others.

Oh, Bajasensual is another site I've found to call women from.  But I'm a shill for that place too, right?

EDIT:  If you'r referring to Eros Tijuana as the defunct site, that was a good site.  I had good experiences with them as well.  The lady who ran the site seemed nice the 2 or 3 occasions I spoke with her.  From what I understand, she sold it to one of the prostitutes who was on there and that lady basically stopped maintaining it.  I'm a shill for them too, right?

-- Modified on 11/29/2010 4:58:34 PM

Seadweller234 3 Reviews 7036 reads
9 / 15

[Thanks for your opionion Kadjevic.  John- Any reco's.  

I have found some good reviews on Ter.  I should be set for the next trip soon.  I will be sure and offer an opinion.


Kadjevic 7256 reads
10 / 15

Posted By: Seadweller234

[Thanks for your opionion Kadjevic.  John- Any reco's.  

I have found some good reviews on Ter.  I should be set for the next trip soon.  I will be sure and offer an opinion.

Just don't say anything nice about any particular service provider.  He might call you a shill - or "shrill" as he puts it.

Burt2010 9 Reviews 6723 reads
11 / 15

Posted By: Seadweller234

I had a great time last weekend at Amnesia.  I am becoming a big fan of beautiful Mexican women.  I have been missing out on them.  Have done a little research and will probably go to a provider soon.  Any thoughts on Live Latin Angels?

Feel free to reco. someone else.

Thanks for your time,

LLA is an agency with very mixed reviews.  They have some happy customers as well as some very unhappy customers.  (Part of LLA problem stems from hiring some good looking chicas who have been fired by other agencies.  These chicas often have drug problems leading to no-shows, early departures, failure to preform advertised services, etc.)

As far as recommendations go:  very few people complain of the sessions provided by HotTijuana and MexicoLindoBar.  If you want a first rate "sure thing" GFE session then I suggest contacting one of these agencies.

johnlcalifornia 4336 reads
12 / 15

I agree.

Also I should add that any agency that blurs almost all of their chica's faces should be avoided like a plague.  They have very seductive photos of the legs and breasts but you can't see the face.  An example of such fraudulent agency is It has photo-shopped girls from the now discredited and defunct solo divas agency that offered so called SGFE = rip off.

Kadjevic 3796 reads
13 / 15

Posted By: johnlcalifornia
I agree.

Also I should add that any agency that blurs almost all of their chica's faces should be avoided like a plague.  They have very seductive photos of the legs and breasts but you can't see the face.  An example of such fraudulent agency is It has photo-shopped girls from the now discredited and defunct solo divas agency that offered so called SGFE = rip off.
How's the service?  Anyone up there I should stay away from?  I use them sometimes.

johnlcalifornia 5533 reads
14 / 15

Yes, stay away from any body who blurs her face and offers SGFE.

Seadweller234 3 Reviews 5571 reads
15 / 15

Burt and John..

I appreciate your thoughts.  Thanks for taking the time.


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