Re: Asking to see health cards
Bic54 57 Reviews 576 reads

I've never spent the night in TJ.  In fact, I'm still fairly new to the scene.  I did, however, recently check out the bars for the first time.  Holy shit, they're insane!  You're going to have fun.  Make time for Hong Kong.  The talent is incredible.  

Posted By: monkichiii
Thanks Bic and Bert. Very cool of you guys. So hey heading down this coming Sat.. Agua Rio a decent place to stay? Or any recommendation for around $50? I am staying the night.  Thanks a lot.

Anyone know if the agency and strip club chicas are being tested regularly? I heard the street standing ones don't but others do. I love DFK and DATY but can't help but feel a bit worry. Any info will be greatly appreciated.

From my limited understanding, only the girls working in La Zona Norte are required to get tested.  Escort agencies operate in a legal grey area, and therefore don't require their talent to get tested.  That being said, I've heard the health cards are a bit of a joke.  Are they strictly enforced?  Do girls lie?  Are doctors paid off?  Who knows.  I hope this helps.

-- Modified on 1/30/2015 11:14:24 AM

Thank you for the response. Yes it does make sense. I don't mean to dampen the party but some bad decisions can effect the rest of our lives. Found this article on the net. It's a bit old (2010). (The entire article can be found by a simple search).  

This is what I read: 1) licensing are only done with about 50% of the chicas 2) they are concentrated in the Zone but appears higher profile clubs are more regulated and 3) drug use during the session reportedly promotes higher cases of unprotected sex. 4) wear a condom!!!

You won't find it on this site, but there are others very similar that detail BBFS sessions.  Unfortunately BB everything is easily negotiated with a lot of the women down there.  PM me if you want the site.  Stay safe!

Thank you Bic, very cool of you. I am not a VIP (yet) so don't think I can PM. I will when I do. Thanks again.

Elsewhere I posted about Tijuana prostitution laws.  

Prostitutes are supposed to have health cards.  Some do and some don't.  Getting a health card requires a chica to be tested for some, but not all, STDs.  (For example, they don't test for herpes.)  So a health card does not necessarily mean a chica does not have a STD.

The system isn't prefect but has a positive impact on prostitution in TJ.  The rate of STDs among Tijuana prostitutes is MUCH less than in the US.

Of all the categories of sex workers the percentage of street girls with health cards is the highest.  That's because when Reglamento does its checks they can't duck into the ladies room or out the back door like bar girls do.

The larger the club the more likely a bar girl working there is to have a health card.  But again, some do and some don't.

It's true many escorts want to fly below the radar.  However, it is more common than most think for those without health cards to get private checkups.  (Also they are low mileage which helps make them safer than some think.)

Contrary to urban myth:  You have to go to a lab set up by the city to get a health card and the doctors and lab techs working there don't take bribes.  (Nor are the chicas allowed contact with the lab techs.)  On top of that it would be cost prohibitive to pay a monthly bribe to keep a health card active.

Many chicas who can't get a health card (usually because they have a STD, but sometimes because they aren't Mexican citizens, etc.) work the streets as freelancers.  They are known as walkers because unlike street girls they're never in the same place.  I recommend avoiding them a high percentage have STDS, most are hard core drug users, and they sometimes work with the rateros by setting up tourists to be mugged.

The requirement to get a health card is part of the business code, not the criminal code.  Seeing a prostitute who lacks a health card violates no law.  (It is the prostitute, not the customer, that has to obtain the health card.  It is similar to buying a taco from a taco cart without a license:  the owner, but not the customer, is the one who can get in trouble.)


Going bare back always--even if a chica has a current health card--puts a man at risk.  Only you can decide how much risk you're willing to take when hobbying.

Once again Burt, great answer.  Thanks for your help.  On a side note, I can't help but laugh when I hear them referred to as walkers.  I picture a bunch of zombies wondering TJ.

Thank you Burt. Very informative and some of your points coincide with what I found on the net. Just curious, had anyone ever asked some of the top tier agencies for girls with health cards?

It is very difficult to get a chica you show you her health card.  That's because they contain the chica's real name and most sexoservadoras--especially most escorts--want to fly below the radar.  

They live in fear of family and friends learning about their occupation.  It is common for a chica with a health card to lie and say she doesn't not have one.  (Which, of course, makes it very difficult to know what percentage of sexoservadoras have health cards.)

Thanks Bic and Bert. Very cool of you guys. So hey heading down this coming Sat.. Agua Rio a decent place to stay? Or any recommendation for around $50? I am staying the night.  Thanks a lot.

I've never spent the night in TJ.  In fact, I'm still fairly new to the scene.  I did, however, recently check out the bars for the first time.  Holy shit, they're insane!  You're going to have fun.  Make time for Hong Kong.  The talent is incredible.  

Posted By: monkichiii
Thanks Bic and Bert. Very cool of you guys. So hey heading down this coming Sat.. Agua Rio a decent place to stay? Or any recommendation for around $50? I am staying the night.  Thanks a lot.

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