Burt2010 9 Reviews 756 reads

In case I am new to you let's start with for over a dozen years I have lived in downtown Tijuana within walking distance of the Ticuan Hotel.  

I doubt you'll have problems.  I walk to and form my place near the Ticuan to the Zona and all over downtown Tijuana at all hours of the day and night over and over again without incident.

The Zona is most dangerous in the morning hours (not afternoon as stated elsewhere).  The reasons are (1) the cops don't patrol the Zona in the morning and (2) there aren't a lot of people out making it easier for muggers to play their games.

If the cops do stop you NEVER, NEVER pay.  Hold your money, wallet, and other valuable in your hand if they search you.  What most  Gringos don't realize are:
1.  Prostitution is legal EVERYWHERE in Tijuana.  It is only public solicitation that is limited to the Zona.
2.  In Tijuana the cops must take you before a judge to get a confinement order to put you in jail and there are judges on duty 24/7.
3.  Corrupts cops will try to scare you into paying a bride.  Politely but firmly say no and let's see what the judge says.  Once the realize they aren't going to get any money from you they'll find a face saving way to move on.  (They want to make money, which they can't do by taking somebody to see a judge on a bogas charge.)

Been there.  Done that.  (So have lots of other experienced vets that don't wet their pants at the sight of a cop in TJ).

4.  078 is the tourist assistance hot line.  It is manned 24/7 by English speakers.  If you have any problems with correct cops call 078 at once.  (If you don't  have a Mexican phone but have service in Mexico with a US phone then dial 011-52-664-078.  Of bluff that's what you're going to do if you don't have service in Mexico.)  

5.  Get the license number of the patrol car, names, badge numbers, etc.  Tell the cops you are to report them to Sindicatura (Internal Affairs).  That too makes corrupt cops back off.

I really doubt you'll have problems with the cops.  That's far more common in the Zona than around the Ticanua. But if you do don't give them a dime.

Your choice of seeing escorts (in alphabetical order) from Cumintj and Mexico Lindo Bar is a good ones.  (Tell Mundo and Dennis that Burt recommended you to them on TER.  It won't get you a discount, but it will get you a welcoming hello.

Alright guys well it looks like I'm going to TJ for the very first time. I'm very excited and also I little apprehensive about the trip. Let me start this off by saying that I'm white speak very very little spanish, and have never been to TJ before. I have been to Mexico I few times, but mostly resorts and very safe locations as well as rocky point. I have done some research on the subject and have heard some good and some bad. I feel the more you read the more you start to second guess the trip, so I have just come up with a general plan and want all of you guys with more experience and knowledge on the subject to weigh in and tell me your thoughts.  
I will drive up there early in the morning and will get at the border around 12 pm. I will park my car around the burger King in the 6 dollar lot. I will walk across the border with just a backpack. I will head directly to the orange and white cabs get a taxi to hotel ticuan. Check into the room and get a ag girl from cumintj and using Lindo Bar as well later in the stay. Will do a session and after i recover because I plan on doing msog with the girl. Head to hk in the day with a taxi and see what it's like and see where it goes from there. I plan not to be out and about at night if it's dark I plan on being in the hotel getting ag girls. I am traveling alone so I don't know how big of an issue that will be. Question where should I keep my money wallet, pocket or other because it sounds like police will shake you down alot on tjamigo. Do you pay them, say no, or try to give them a 20 right off the bat so they leave you alone. How safe do you guys think the fist part of my plan is and do you see concerns in this plan so far. Thanks and stay safe.

Hey jimmyJohn are you talking about the pm I do get mail on this site, but don't have anything from you in the pm box if you could resend thanks.

Please don't do this.  If you don't plan on walking around much, and considering you'll be taking a cab from Ticuan to Hong Kong, I assume you won't be, the police won't bother you.  If for some reason they decide to stop you, take all of your valuables out of your pockets and hold them in your hands until they are finished.  They have absolutely no reason to handle your money.  As long as you aren't doing anything illegal, you'll have nothing to worry about.

Police searches seem to be a trend on TJAmigos right now, but believe me, they're not a big deal, nor are they happening any more frequently than normal.  The guys who get stopped are typically the ones who are doing something stupid enough to draw attention to themselves.  Unless you're doing something illegal, do not pay their bribes.  

As far as not going out at night, why are you so afraid?  It's actually the most dangerous in the mornings to early afternoons.  In fact, I would say the safest times are around 7-10pm.  Just stay within the main block and don't wander down the alleys between buildings (you'd be insane to do that).  Walk around the "alley" and check out all of the working girls.  That sight alone is reason enough to visit.  

Posted By: Azdesert
Alright guys well it looks like I'm going to TJ for the very first time. I'm very excited and also I little apprehensive about the trip. Let me start this off by saying that I'm white speak very very little spanish, and have never been to TJ before. I have been to Mexico I few times, but mostly resorts and very safe locations as well as rocky point. I have done some research on the subject and have heard some good and some bad. I feel the more you read the more you start to second guess the trip, so I have just come up with a general plan and want all of you guys with more experience and knowledge on the subject to weigh in and tell me your thoughts.  
 I will drive up there early in the morning and will get at the border around 12 pm. I will park my car around the burger King in the 6 dollar lot. I will walk across the border with just a backpack. I will head directly to the orange and white cabs get a taxi to hotel ticuan. Check into the room and get a ag girl from cumintj and using Lindo Bar as well later in the stay. Will do a session and after i recover because I plan on doing msog with the girl. Head to hk in the day with a taxi and see what it's like and see where it goes from there. I plan not to be out and about at night if it's dark I plan on being in the hotel getting ag girls. I am traveling alone so I don't know how big of an issue that will be. Question where should I keep my money wallet, pocket or other because it sounds like police will shake you down alot on tjamigo. Do you pay them, say no, or try to give them a 20 right off the bat so they leave you alone. How safe do you guys think the fist part of my plan is and do you see concerns in this plan so far. Thanks and stay safe.  

In case I am new to you let's start with for over a dozen years I have lived in downtown Tijuana within walking distance of the Ticuan Hotel.  

I doubt you'll have problems.  I walk to and form my place near the Ticuan to the Zona and all over downtown Tijuana at all hours of the day and night over and over again without incident.

The Zona is most dangerous in the morning hours (not afternoon as stated elsewhere).  The reasons are (1) the cops don't patrol the Zona in the morning and (2) there aren't a lot of people out making it easier for muggers to play their games.

If the cops do stop you NEVER, NEVER pay.  Hold your money, wallet, and other valuable in your hand if they search you.  What most  Gringos don't realize are:
1.  Prostitution is legal EVERYWHERE in Tijuana.  It is only public solicitation that is limited to the Zona.
2.  In Tijuana the cops must take you before a judge to get a confinement order to put you in jail and there are judges on duty 24/7.
3.  Corrupts cops will try to scare you into paying a bride.  Politely but firmly say no and let's see what the judge says.  Once the realize they aren't going to get any money from you they'll find a face saving way to move on.  (They want to make money, which they can't do by taking somebody to see a judge on a bogas charge.)

Been there.  Done that.  (So have lots of other experienced vets that don't wet their pants at the sight of a cop in TJ).

4.  078 is the tourist assistance hot line.  It is manned 24/7 by English speakers.  If you have any problems with correct cops call 078 at once.  (If you don't  have a Mexican phone but have service in Mexico with a US phone then dial 011-52-664-078.  Of bluff that's what you're going to do if you don't have service in Mexico.)  

5.  Get the license number of the patrol car, names, badge numbers, etc.  Tell the cops you are to report them to Sindicatura (Internal Affairs).  That too makes corrupt cops back off.

I really doubt you'll have problems with the cops.  That's far more common in the Zona than around the Ticanua. But if you do don't give them a dime.

Your choice of seeing escorts (in alphabetical order) from Cumintj and Mexico Lindo Bar is a good ones.  (Tell Mundo and Dennis that Burt recommended you to them on TER.  It won't get you a discount, but it will get you a welcoming hello.

In addition to 078, call 066.  This is the equivalent of 911 in Tijuana and all of the calls are recorded and logged, which makes the corrupt police accountable for their actions.  

It was reported on another site that a member immediately called 066 after a TJ police officer randomly stopped him and took money from his wallet.  According to this member, a higher ranking officer (he assumed he was higher ranking based in this guy's iniform) was at the scene within a couple of minutes to take the member's report.  Luckily, the member remembered the cop's truck number, so this higher ranking officer was able to find the corrupt cop, again within minutes, bring him back and sort out the situation right there on the sidewalk.

Apparently the corrupt cop mustered a bullshit excuse, apologized, and even offered our member all of the cash in his wallet as a means of retribution, which this cop obviously stole from other gringos (why else would he have dollars).  The member refused the extra cash, shook the cop's hand, and then here's the kicker...

Because calls to 066 are recorded, they asked him to call back and tell the operator that everything was good and that he was happy.  

If that doesn't show you the importance of 066 when being searched by the local pigs, then I don't know what will.  It's nice to have these resources available.

Posted By: Burt2010
In case I am new to you let's start with for over a dozen years I have lived in downtown Tijuana within walking distance of the Ticuan Hotel.    
 I doubt you'll have problems.  I walk to and form my place near the Ticuan to the Zona and all over downtown Tijuana at all hours of the day and night over and over again without incident.  
 The Zona is most dangerous in the morning hours (not afternoon as stated elsewhere).  The reasons are (1) the cops don't patrol the Zona in the morning and (2) there aren't a lot of people out making it easier for muggers to play their games.  
 If the cops do stop you NEVER, NEVER pay.  Hold your money, wallet, and other valuable in your hand if they search you.  What most  Gringos don't realize are:  
 1.  Prostitution is legal EVERYWHERE in Tijuana.  It is only public solicitation that is limited to the Zona.  
 2.  In Tijuana the cops must take you before a judge to get a confinement order to put you in jail and there are judges on duty 24/7.  
 3.  Corrupts cops will try to scare you into paying a bride.  Politely but firmly say no and let's see what the judge says.  Once the realize they aren't going to get any money from you they'll find a face saving way to move on.  (They want to make money, which they can't do by taking somebody to see a judge on a bogas charge.)  
 Been there.  Done that.  (So have lots of other experienced vets that don't wet their pants at the sight of a cop in TJ).  
 4.  078 is the tourist assistance hot line.  It is manned 24/7 by English speakers.  If you have any problems with correct cops call 078 at once.  (If you don't  have a Mexican phone but have service in Mexico with a US phone then dial 011-52-664-078.  Of bluff that's what you're going to do if you don't have service in Mexico.)    
 5.  Get the license number of the patrol car, names, badge numbers, etc.  Tell the cops you are to report them to Sindicatura (Internal Affairs).  That too makes corrupt cops back off.  
 I really doubt you'll have problems with the cops.  That's far more common in the Zona than around the Ticanua. But if you do don't give them a dime.  
 Your choice of seeing escorts (in alphabetical order) from Cumintj and Mexico Lindo Bar is a good ones.  (Tell Mundo and Dennis that Burt recommended you to them on TER.  It won't get you a discount, but it will get you a welcoming hello.)  

Not sure if 066 works any more, as of a couple of weeks ago, 911 is the number to dial in Baja for any emergency.

Thanks Mundo!  

 I hadn't heard that 066 was replaced by 911 as the number to call for police, fire, and other emergencies.  I am used to seeing 066 signs and don't know if they haven't been updated or if I haven't noticed the change.

-- Modified on 10/22/2016 12:34:04 AM

I believe that both numbers work and they added the 911 for the benefit of our neighbors from the North.  Please understand that it should be used for emergencies only.  078 is appropriate if the police are trying to extract a bribe, etc.

066 and 911 are both supposed to work for a year according to an article that was in the TJ paper prior to 911 service starting.

I go to TJ all the time by myself.   It's not that bad.    

 Revolution street is very busy with everyone clubbing at night.  I love walking up and down Revolution and eating at the taco stands at night.   I usually don't take my wallet, I usually just take cash , phone, and id.  I stick my passport and other valuables in the room safe.   I have gotten stopped by police a few times. I would just give them a twenty and they would leave me alone.        

 In regards to Ticuan Hotel, try to not to get a room in front of the hotel.  Ask for a room in the middle or the back of the hotel.  Weekends are very loud and noisy from the clubs until 4 AM.        

Take a taxi to the clubs.  I have only been to clubs at night and I have not had any problems.  It seems safe enough.  I am not sure how much action you will see during the day.  but the nights are crazy and very active.

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