Has your TJ MO (the way you do TJ) changed?...I know mine has evolved and changed
juanstijuana 23957 reads
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I am now in my 10th year (or somewhere around there) of going to TJ. When I first started going to TJ, there was very little TJ info and few TJ websites. Like most newbies to TJ, all I heard was about the bad stuff in TJ and how you would get ripped off and fucked with by the cops. The words Mexican jail rang clearly in my head.

It took months for me to get comfortable in TJ. The best thing was that on some early websites, a lot of us hooked up. I did make the mistake of meeting too many mongers, (I am very sociable) some of who I wish I never met. As in life, there are some crazy people out there. Personalities also do clash. Once you give up your anonymity, you can't go back. But I do cherish friends that I have made and kept for years.

My first six months in TJ was for the most part in CC. I found the chicas to be the best looking in the zona. (CC was hotter at that time) AB, the small bars and street girls weren't much of an option. I thought CC was all I would ever need. I was wrong. I also lived in LA at the time so I only went to TJ every other week.

I also find it funny how I have evolved in the way I do TJ. I have been rigid at times but have learned to appreciate all aspects of TJ, even the street scene. The only thing I haven't done is TJ escorts and at this time won't do because of cost. (also there is not enough variation available as compared to the zona)

I am well connected in that $40-$50 always gets me an hour or more with many bar girls. Getting a place in TJ helped.  Also,  always having a room that was affiliated with that bar you were doing chicas at. But if guys have the bucks and want to spend the bucks on that or expensive massages that is their choice. I don't have to do that to get longer GF sessions nor do I have the money to do so. I have a budget and I try to keep it. I have known mongers to go into debt with hookers, whether it be the US or TJ. I also don't do TJ where I have a session and then leave. I always spend a few hours in TJ.

From CC, I then started doing AB chicas. Lot's of them. The funny thing is that many of them are still there like Tania, Candi, Dora and some others. That's a lot of clients over that much time.

After a year or so I started hitting the smaller bars like Tropical, Chavelas, Miami Bar and Hong Kong. In fact in the last seven years I have only done three AB and CC chicas. I still spend time in these places but I prefer the smaller bars.

That brings us to the street girls. I never thought I would do SG's but the more you go to TJ, the more things you tend to try. I generally am in TJ 3-4 times a a week now. I now do a lot of SG's but generally just do BBBJ's. (bareback blow jobs) I have quite a few who will do this at $20 as well as getting naked. There are only a few SG's I have penetration sex with. At 15-20 minutes I need to concentrate and a BBBJ is the most relaxing.

I used to always go to TJ with friends but now I always go alone. I always will hook up with friends in TJ. There are always mongers there I know. The more you go to TJ, the more you see many of the same guys. We talk, party and then do our own thing. It works much better this way than large bunches of guys hanging together all night all the time. When you are alone, many chicas will approach you. Speaking some Spanish does help.

The TJ monger community is and always has been very opinionated. There has always been clashes between mongers and websites. Not everyone gets along and there are just some guys I don't like. As well they don't like me but that's life. Too many get wrapped up in website personas as well. That's never bothered me nor what people think of me. We all pick and choose our friends. I crack up when some of these guys still watch all my moves. To these same guys, I am never allowed to change my MO, my ideas or even my own website policies. Well I've always been a doer beating to my own drummer, so I do what I like. They'll slam everything I say or write and that's okay too. That's what makes the US a great place. Members presently on our website know the real truth.

Lately, things have been very slow in TJ. I tend to hang in the smaller bars, including the tiniest of zona bars where there are rarely if ever any gringos. Once a bar becomes gringoized I spend less time there. On nights I don't feel like drinking or partying, I spend hours on the streets. There are a whole sub-culture of guys who I am friends with on the streets who rarely go in the bars and many don't go on websites.

So what's next? Are there any more TJ frontiers? Lately, I've been wanting to do outdates with chica friends including movies and dancing. (no money involved unless we have sex later) I've found for the most part that you need to plan your date that day or when a chica is getting off work or it won't happen. Planning something two or more days in advance with a TJ working girl generally doesn't work.

As I've said before, some people call TJ a shithole. I always respond, yeah but it's my shithole. :) I still enjoy TJ and have learned to do a wider variety of things in the zona. Like everyone else who goes to TJ a lot, I do get a case of TJ burnout from time to time.  I have evolved in my TJ mongering ways. How has the way you've done TJ changed over time?


-- Modified on 7/26/2003 5:59:49 PM

-- Modified on 7/26/2003 6:00:26 PM

ABeautifulMind 24173 reads
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I started it off with a bang, as you and others have read on TER.

I have never thought I would fall for a TJ working girl.  As a matter of fact, I thought it would be near impossible due to languange, cultural, and situational barriers.  But shit happens.  
Anyway, I have learned that TJ is a totally dynanamic environment.  Everyoen's trying to hustle -  moving and shaking.  I love the "semi-outlaw" and "Blade Runner-esque" atmosphere that is the Zona.  Situations are always fluid and you need to have your wits about you.  

I went from pure monger to Don Juan mode.  If my Don Juan phase doesn't pan out, I will be going to explorer mode and trying the smaller bars such as BT, LC, HK/Miami, etc.  

I'm still in the "will never try SG's" mentality, but you never know.  In TJ, you never know :-).


-- Modified on 7/26/2003 12:45:22 PM

ABeautifulMind 23862 reads
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It's the BOMB!

I was disappointed at first b/c of the lack of TJ chica pictures.  But after getting into the other parts of the site, I have to say that it is by far the most current and robust discussion and intel site for TJ hobbyists.  The regulars on Juan's site are the true hardcore veterans of TJ's hobby scene.  Plus,they are not shy about sharing wisdom, info and opinions.  

I couple Juan's information-ladened site with Club Hombre's extensive library of chica pictures for a one-two combo of intel that can't be beat.  On a monthly basis, for full access to both sites, it is less than $10 per month.  A bargain if you plan on becoming a TJ adventurer.


-- Modified on 7/26/2003 12:46:52 PM

ABeautifulMind 22148 reads
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rockhard 140 Reviews 24882 reads
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I really miss Redsnake, a TJ board that was the predecessor of Juans' and Club Hombre's sites. Redsnake was what got me really interested in going to TJ and I met quite a few guys from the site. A bunch of the guys used to hang out in the evenings on Mirc and chat about the chicas and such. But Redsnake closed down and pretty much guys split off and went to either Juan's or Club Hombre. Both are great sites but I belong to Juan's.

Rico, since you're a member of both,
what are the strengths and weaknesses of both TJ sites?

GFE_HUNTER 26775 reads
6 / 12

IF only, you can start banging more than 2 chicks a day down there, than i'll give you props ABM, come on get a V cocktail.
I've read your trips, and hmm you b.s. alot, F**k more chicas.

ABeautifulMind 23574 reads
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I have been a member of CH for about 6 months and now I just got there to cross reference intel from other sites, as well as the chica pics.

As far as the discussion part of CH, I noticed early on that it was not as happening as on TER or Juan's.  Actual, I am kind of disappointed with TER's TJ board as of late.  Hopefully it will pick up later on.

Apparently there are problems associated with the postings of chica pics, and I can understand why.  I myself never ask for pictures from the chicas, even though I always carry my little Canon digital with me everywhere I go (fits nicely in my jeans pocket).  The TJ chica pictures postings on CH has slowed down considerably, but there are new pic posting from time to time.  

Juan has a unique policy on chica photos in that he only offers them to trusted, discrete and hardcore posters and contributors via his Platinum section only available to an exclusive cadre of trusted members who are "stakeholders" of sorts on the site because of their extensive "investment" of current and vital intel to the site.  By "investment" he doesn't mean money.  Apparently, you can't buy your way into this Platinum section --"you have to earn it."  I hope to get into that exclusive club in the near future.

Juan's site has a real feeling of authenticity and community in the sense that the regulars are actually living the Zona experience and not just doing the "tourist" thing.  Many of them actually live in TJ.  They are posting on a weekly, if not daily basis.  It's really very interesting.  The discussions can get pretty deep -- both in detail and experience, as well as on a philosphical level.

There is a whole extensive section on hobbyist/provider relationships in the Zona that is insightful, enlightening, informative, and educational -- not to mention interesting and intriguing.  There are no gimicks, just real people experiencing real life in the Zona, and telling it in a compelling and real way.  

Juan also has a section where there is a resident Spanish language tutor/translator if you want to have something translated properly or if you just want to learn some Espanol.  For us computer geeks, there is also an IT section if you feel like discussing technology with the site's tech wizard.  

Finally, I couldn't close without mentioning the world scene  on both sites.  CH is much more robust when it comes to content and pictures regarding the world scene -- especially Brazil, Thailand, Cuba, Russia, and other favorite world mongering locales.  Although Juan's does have a fledgling world travels section, it is first and foremost a site about TJ.  

Hope this helps.


-- Modified on 7/27/2003 3:07:16 PM

creamy1 2 Reviews 23793 reads
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As I read this post, I felt compelled to reply being how I've been a long time monger (I think. What does that really mean anyways?) and infrequent contributer to TER. I hardly post to much for several reasons. One, being that I don't frequent TJ as often as I use to and, two, I always told myself not to post anything unless I have something to contribute. However, even though I don't visit TJ as often, I've been going down there since '89. As Juan's question came up regarding changing the way we've done things over the years, I can say that speaking for myself, somethings have changed. Such as, opening up the options of seeing s/w's and going to other bars. But, I still find myself being drawn back to AB and CC (mainly AB) though. I think it has to do more with the level of comfortability than anything else. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to venture out. I have no problem with language or anything, being how I'm mexican as well so I can get around very easily, it's just that I think that even though I've done most of the things that Juan has done, I just haven't done it with the same frequency that he has, so doing things such as visiting the main bars isn't really boring to me 'cause I'll usually see some different girls than from the last time I've visited which keeps things fairly fresh. As a result, I haven't really had to change my MO.
I have noticed over the years, that with the popularity of this and other similar sites it has made it easier for people to get together and get to know each other at these places, which I think is pretty nice considering that this was rarely done when I first started going down.
Going back to the main premise, I believe that with almost anything in life as time progresses, we adapt and change to accept new options. It's just who we are as a society, always wanting to try that something new and unexplored. I apologize to those who think I've been rambling, I'll try and be more concise next time.

rockhard 140 Reviews 22432 reads
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zorro 21 Reviews 18548 reads
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I used to think that most guys that did TJ made it an occasional thing, just for fun and a change of pace either from GFE incalls or AMP's.

However, seeing the "monger" community that has sprouted up here, I am no longer proud to be a TJ hobbyist.  While I can appreciate my L.A. Discussion Board brethren on the TJ board, there are others that make my stomach turn at the thought that I am associated with them, namely those that would urge the reporting of an impoverished cab driver that charges $5 for a ride to or from the border.

TJ is a nice place to go to have some fun once every few months but I cannot even imagine making it a regular hobbying locale, at least not any longer.  After being around the world a few times and staying in the finest establishments, there I was, just last night in some shithole of a room banging some 18 year old girl and asking myself what the hell I was doing there???

Unfortunately, I am starting to develop much the same attitude with AMP's, but at least the AMP's I frequent are clean and the girls are immaculate.  Most unfortunate, however, is the fact that I lack the ability to hobby with GFE incalls without getting my ass in some sort of trouble.  The screening requirements are unacceptable and have gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion.

So, back to the topic at hand, while TJ served me well from the last dozen years, now that I am more accomplished, or at least better travelled, the thrill of TJ has definitely worn thin, and this one day removed from banging not one, not two, but three girls.  

While I have no interest in being a leader on the TJ board, I do find that those that have taken a more prominent role on this board, author of this thread included, have definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.  I guess I was naive to think that guys that have quality providers in Los Angeles, whether AMP girls or GFE Incall girls, were going to embrace TJ and bring it up a level.  I would be very surprised if from this point forward, I personally visited TJ more than once a year, unless I were to endure some economic or mental breakdown.

Peace out.

ABeautifulMind 22531 reads
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Hey, Zorro, how much did it cost to buy into that COUNTRY CLUB.

Okay, I agree that Juan's post was a bit on the petty side.  But he did bring up a valid economic and ethical argument that wasn't really defined in his post.  This argument is not about thrifty hobbyists denying cabbies an extra taco platter or case of Tecate.  It is about these unscrupulous Libre cabbies extracting unjust premiums through unfair business practices.  The people being ripped off are not the "snookered" hobbyist. Rather, it is the fairly competitive cabbies who are being robbed of their fair share of tacos and Tecate -- not to mention diapers, formula and books.  It's an argument for fair business competition in the Zona.  

Zorro, once again you bring up this thing about your potential for being a "leader" of the TER TJ crowd. I smelled this early in the post even before you mentioned it later on in the passage -- it only confirmed my suspicions that your pungent post was laced with an agenda.  And if not that, then with comtempt for anyone trying to stamp their own style of adventure in "your playground."  We don't need no leader and we are not interested in your aspirations of dominance and deluded glory.  This is everyone's playground.  

BTW, I thought we were of the same generation (x-generation) that shunned the errors of the ways of the YUPies right before us. But then, I did a quick calculation and if you are 33 y.o. as you state, then I think you missed the x-generation by a year or two.  This explains alot.  My cousins in their mid to late 30's are all YUPies and they irritate me with their obsession with herd consumerism, the "image is everything" mentality, and bad habits of conspicious consumption they picked up in the 80's.  

As always, the mighty ZORRO (sarcasm) is the one that stirs the TER drink (compliment intended).  

Peace out, homie. :-)

-- Modified on 7/30/2003 2:23:00 AM

johnrp 21117 reads
12 / 12

Like Rockhard I remember the good ol'days of Redsnake & Club Hombre. I did more lurking on the T.J.board because I frequented Ensenada & really did'nt like the T.J.scene as much.But what I see developing here is what destroyed Redsnake & caused Hombre to go membership only.Zorro I doubt you know as much as you think you do,so don't try to tell us veterns of Mexico who's right & who's wrong.Let each person absorb the knowledge & learn for themselves

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