Another suggestion
alarmin1 21 Reviews 16955 reads

If you carry a wallet, wrap a couple of large thisc rubber bands around it - at least one in each direction.  Then, if possible keep it a tight fitting or side pocket.  This makes  your wallet very difficult to remove and you'll definitely know it if someone tries.  Also if it's on a different pocket than you're used to carrying it in, you're much more aware of its presence and less likely to have it stolen. You can also keep your money and credit cards in one place and you're not as likely to misplace or lose them.
Hopw this helps.

Ripped_Off18598 reads

I got pickpocketed at Adelitas last Sunday night. I’ll share more details but first I’d like to thank ROCKHARD for his July 1st post “Re:A newbie in TJ” in which he wrote “Be careful of your money, I usually have two wads of bills, one that are all $1's and my stash in another place”. Amen! Also, thanks to the other contributors for your Newbie suggestions. I found them all very helpful as it was my first time in TJ in a decade.
Heeding the good advice, I split the essentials (i.e. Driver Lic, emergency cash and credit card) and the spending money between two small wallets. The one that got stolen had only cash in it. Bummer nonetheless, but at least I avoided the hassles of crossing the border without an ID and dealing with the banks and DMV to get duplicates.
I only feel sorry for all the other victims who have been (and will be) robbed at the infamous Adelitas bar. Don’t let it be you and spread the word please.

hey dude, sorry to hear you got nailed.
I hope it wasn't too much.
the worst is if you have no money and you have your car in a parking lot.
For that reason, I usually leave $20 hidden in the car and even have the magnetic box with an extra set of car keys hidden under the car.
I pack light when crossing the border and take only stuff that I can leave behind.

I used to be paranoid about pick pockets and would split my money everywhere. Once in a while, I'd lose track of where I had my money and I would panic and think I lost $100 but searching, I'd find it in another secret hiding place.

One guy has a money belt which is real handy. There are many  out belts for traveling that have a small compartment. This is only good if NO ONE knows you have one. If I need to count my money, I always go into the Banos (bathroom), into a stall and lock the door, or I head up to my room.

A funny story:
Years ago when Hong Kong club was really happening, I was upstairs with Esmeralda and I was sitting on the bed and took off my boot and out fell a $100 dollar bill which I had place in my boot for safe keeping but forgot I put it there. Esmeralda was in the process of stripping, stopped to look to see what fell, and we looked at each other and just started to laugh. She saw my embarassment and it added the silliness and awkwardness of the situation. Ooooops.
Maybe you had to be there (but then again, I wouldn't want a whole audience watching) to see the humor.

It's rare to get pickpocketed in the big clubs but I know it does happen, especially if you're drunk. But on Revolucion, it's very common for you to get your wallet lifted or be overcharged.

If you're drunk, I Hope you have buddies, otherwise you're a big target.

Be careful but have fun

burt202019622 reads

I think many of us have had an adventure we'd rather forget.  It seems you had to foresight to follow some common sense procudures that reduced your loses.

Some things that help: Travel light. Be sure that at home you have a copy of your credit card numbers with the 800 report to report stolen cards.  Get an ID card from the DMV and leave your DL behind.  Take your ID card, an ATM card, and maybe one credit credit card with you--leave the rest at home or in your car. Wear a cheep watch. If your cell phone doesn't work in TJ--and most don't--leave it behind. Use a pay lot in the US if you are going to stay out late.  If you park in a pay lot always leave enough money in the car to pay the parking fee and buy enough gas to get home.  Carry a "fake" wallet in which you only keep the one's and fives you plan on spending in the bar or massage parlor.  Carry your credits cards, ID card, etc. somewhere else.  Some car-key cases have a place to hold a DL and pick pockets are less likely to want your car keys than your wallet.  Carry your ID card and ATM card there instead of in your wallet. Consider using a money belt for your reseve money.  A belt with a inside zipper works well as the girls won't relize it is a money belt.  (If you shower with the girl then ankle style money belts don't work as well as a zippered belt.) If you don't use a money belt, wears pants with deep pocets and put your reserve moeny in your front pocket under your handkerchief.  Some pants (such as Dockers 800) have buttons on the rear pockets.

Stay in the open street or on the side walk. Avoid alleys and poorly lighted places.  Use cabs, especially late at night. Don't let anybody take you to a girl. When you get to the room it will probably contain a couple of guys who want everthing you have, including the PIN number to your ATM card. Be especially careful of English speakings guys in the Zona.  Many were deported from the US following release from prison and live by scamming and robbing people.  

Actually, TJ is probably safer than many major US cities.  (For example, I've never known of a cab driver beening part of a setup--something I can't say about some US cities.) If you follow basic safety proedures, stay aware of your surrondings, don't get too drunk, and don't cuase problems you have little to fear while in TJ.

Have fun.

QueerJuan17788 reads

I've been going to AB for years, never had a problem. I leave my wallet in the room with the chica's when taking a shower, never had a thing touched. Same with Tropical and Las Chavelas.

Clubs on Revolution, thats another story.

If you carry a wallet, wrap a couple of large thisc rubber bands around it - at least one in each direction.  Then, if possible keep it a tight fitting or side pocket.  This makes  your wallet very difficult to remove and you'll definitely know it if someone tries.  Also if it's on a different pocket than you're used to carrying it in, you're much more aware of its presence and less likely to have it stolen. You can also keep your money and credit cards in one place and you're not as likely to misplace or lose them.
Hopw this helps.

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