Meet and Greet

Re: Friday the 13th.regular_smile
CLSexxyRed See my TER Reviews 14866 reads

Count me in.  Please email me with time and location.  Not been to a M&G in a while.  Look forward to seeing new and regulars.  



When's the next meet and greet in Los Angeles?

We're looking at having one for LA/OC on Friday the 13th of July.  More details to be posted soon.  Maybe with a Hawaiian theme?  Even some out-of-town ladies are planning to attend.  Maybe you guys can even plan to be "out-of-town" that night.  ;)  Keep the date open.

Hmmmmm, friday da 13th I usually stay in bed.

You can stay warm in bed with someone nice, huh?

Who you flying here Master??? *deep sigh*  Here we go again!!!

Hiro_Nakamura17194 reads

It may even be a great way to get over your paraskavedekatriaphobia.  (now say that 10 times really fast :)

Looking forward to meeting many of you there!

Count me in.  Please email me with time and location.  Not been to a M&G in a while.  Look forward to seeing new and regulars.  



I will make plans to attend

SensualGent14854 reads

i would be honored to recieve an invite.Would reallylike 2 put faces to chatters.I'm still a fairly new hobbyists-less than a year & I've done enough internet searches & have not had such great experiences w/o TER. TER has been a godsend, as has the chat room been.Am planning to visit a couple of providers I've met there. Lach I'll hang out at the pre-meet at chilis. I'll be the one w/the classy hawaiian shirt-if there is such a shirt-LOL.  Please e-mail me w/time & actual location. Thanx all you LaLaLanders

MasterSin12827 reads

I would consider making a website free of charge to host a forum/site for the LA M&G. of course the catch is i use it as a self advertise refenerce for my line of work as a free lance web design.

Also where will be the LA M&G? If Everyone is interested in my idea, i'll get to work on it and keep this thread updated on where the site is to near complete. Of course i have to say since it be on my spare time, it will take longer then what i get paid to do.

Count me in.  I would love to attend.  Keep me posted.

and i've got about 100 hawaiian shirts, so i'm ready.

Hey, please keep me updated. I will definitely attend.

...I'm married!  Aren't you married guys worried about somehow the M&G blowing your cover?

Maybe that fear is irrational.  Would love to hear from the married guys.

I think part of the reason I would love to go is that I've been doing this for more than 10 years and I never really get to talk to any guys about it.  Except my shrink, who ended up contacting one of the girls I talked about.  Gross.  (And I stopped seeing him immediately of course.)

I also like the idea of going to party looking around the room, and thinking, "I could fuck any girl I want in this room."  Some guys get that without paying, but I'm not one of them.


But to me thats the thrill of it... esp going to party with all the absolute hotties here and really knowing hey i could fuck her and her and her and her  and so on... anyone of us could go put the time in on a civilian but this way its no hasstles and it actually costs less!

My birthday.. ok you know I'm coming... celebrate, meet new ppl.. I'm in along with a few ppl.. plz send invite for me

Christina xox

Well if its your b-day Christina, (even if its not) hit me up I'd like to buy you drink.

I'd love to attend!
Its near my birthday as well.
Please keep me posted or private messgae me through ter!

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