Meet and Greet

Re: Based on previous M&G's I've been involved with...
cvegas 8647 reads

I thought the turnout was a small handful of hob/prov.  Your turnouts are way bigger than I expected DoctorGonzo.  I applied for an invite, but being fairly new to the hobby, I was told to get some more creditials (which I am persuing).  Can't wait to attend an upcoming M&G.  Think it is a great idea for all involved.

vegasdreamer9785 reads

Just curious, what is the normal ratio of hobbyist to provider at a meet and greet?

Tough question to answer. Take in to consideration that some ladies will get an appointment after they RSVP to the meet and greet. Do they go to a party, or take the appointment?
Also, I am not sure what you are expecting at a meet and greet. It's usually a way to meet both sides of the coin, get to know one another, and see if there is something that would make you want to see someone. Also, it's just a good social atmosphere. Lots of laughs, and good people. Both hobbyists and providers.

The ratio of hobbyists to providers based on our guest lists usually runs 2:1 - 3:2 ratios... there will always be more gents than ladies, because thats simply how it works.

But there have been points during our parties when the ladies outnumbered the gents. That usually happens earlier in the party; early arrivals come to make their presence known, meet who they can, and then they are off to an appointment or other activities. Sometimes, they return. There's also usually a late rush... people who had earlier obligations, and thats usually when the ratio evens up again...

Using the AVN parties as a template, we've had 120 guests with a 60=40 split, 180 guests with a near 50-50 split and this past AVN we had some 130 names on the guest list, including more than 50 ladies.

Now these refer only to the M&G's in Vegas hosted by B3 and myself. I can't speak for others.

NYC M&G's with a similar number of guests run about the same ratio.  For smaller gatherings, i.e., 20 - 30 people, I've been to a couple where the ladies outnumbered the guys by better than 3:1.  The last one in the City was almost all ladies...only four guys, well over a dozen ladies.  Of course, it can be vice versa as well...

cvegas8648 reads

I thought the turnout was a small handful of hob/prov.  Your turnouts are way bigger than I expected DoctorGonzo.  I applied for an invite, but being fairly new to the hobby, I was told to get some more creditials (which I am persuing).  Can't wait to attend an upcoming M&G.  Think it is a great idea for all involved.

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