Meet and Greet

Please, no Pm's here; they will not be read. Party email address contact only. (eom)
jhonny8770 40 Reviews 299 reads


..................and our magnificent ladies list is now at 24!!
(with many more still on the fence!)
Q&J's Summer Bash is shaping up to be yet another stellar night you should not miss!

party email: [email protected]

To get yourselves on our party list, the following info is required.
Ladies requirements:
-stage name
-site address/contact info
-2 good reviews/drama-free history or verification from a reputable lady
Gentlemen’s requirements:
-drama-free history
-2 references from well-known/reputable ladies*
*All reference contact info (name/site/email) must be supplied by you.
*Please contact your refs PRIOR to submitting their info to me.
*Also tell your refs I or someone representing me will contact them (VIA EMAIL ONLY) regarding you.
*Datecheck, P411 are not acceptable as refs.
Please send all your info to the party email listed below.  
Questions/concerns of any kind, also please send them to the party address below only.
No PM's here, they will not be answered.
party email:
[email protected]

Messages will not be read/deleted immediately.
Very easy to create an alias email (if needed) from the many mail vendors available.

.........and there are always additions in the last week!
This Summer Bash is shaping up to be an epic night with a plethora of beautiful ladies!
Be there or wish you were!!!


party email: [email protected]

Register Now!