Meet and Greet

of course you don't want hypocrisy to be the topic
bahhumbug69 16441 reads

I wouldn't either.  People want to know who they are talking to use ONE profile so they know who you are instead of being a duplicitous manipulative person.  insults deleted

I heard there was a M+G in Boston tonight. There was no posting on the board. I think it is sad that there is a small segment of the hobby in this city that feels that it is the hobby in this city. Granted I realize that keeping things quiet is important for this kind of thing but it definately reeks of an exclusive boys club. Just my 2 cents.

HurtandExcluded17069 reads

I am a provider,well known and well respected and I was lied to and purposely excluded. All my GFs were there, it made me feel lower than shit. Lying is not nice. I'd rather be excluded to my face than behind my back.

Gottabeshittingme17379 reads

If you dont like the way it was done, start your own. Understand that this is a private affair & people have the choice as to who they invite.

As has already been stated - it was a private party. Do you get invited to every private party? ALL of your girlfriends were there? Hmmm, who has been "lying" to you then? If they were there then they were invited and knew about it ahead of time.

Perhaps there was a very valid reason as to why you weren't invited. From your post I could understand that.

I didn't make the cut either. It was almost impossible for me to get up the next morning as I was so depressed. Perhaps I will seek a Physician to help me through this very difficult and tramatic episode. Possibly I should seek out counselling as well.   NOT !!!!!
Whats the big deal? I had a big barbeque last weekend and none of you got invited. SO?

Have your own M&G and invite who you please

Ok I'll invite you guys next time. Hope you like ribs

The ribs are good, but we also like the breast meat & greet.

Yummy - but please don't forget the thighs and the wonderful "short-cuts" that are really tasty - and OH Sooooooooooooooo tender! :-)

I love to stuff cavities, do you?

Ummmm YES - For meat I like to use a special cream sauce along with the stuffing. (this is starting to get out of hand!)(lol)

Kacey_Cummings14188 reads

"I like to 'stuff cavities'", says one guy to another. "MMMM, YEAH... with my special cream sauce, too!"  If I didn't know any better, I'd think I accidentally clicked on the transsexual board, lol.

And guys, I have to say, the responses to the "hurtandexcluded" alias seem a little out of line to me.  Her girlfriends were there, yet she was purposely not invited.  I'm not trying to imply that anyone should construct their party any certain way.  Have it your way, by all means.  But yeah, I can see why she might have had her feelings hurt.  And regardless of what kind of inside information you might have as to the identity of this individual, and why she wasn't invited, I think your public replies to her are some of the snottiest I have ever witnessed, from supposedly grown gentlemen.  And you've just made yourselves look like total asses to the rest of the readers, who can't possibly justify why you would react so harshly to another human being with hurt feelings.  "Yeah, we had a party!  So what!  You obviously weren't good enough to be invited!  Throw your own party!"  Wow.  I know some of you, and frankly, I'm a little shocked to see this kind of behavior, regardless of the circumstances.  You know the old saying... if you can't say anything nice at all...??  Maybe the spokespersons for this group could benefit from a little PR training.  

There is nothing wrong with exclusivity.  But elitism is *truly* nauseating.

Kacey, Whenever someone is not invited to a party its natural to feel left out. Lets not forget we are not 5th graders talking about a birthday. As I stated I was not invited, so what? I don't know why I was not invited but I don't care either. hurt feelings? come on
If that is the worst problem I have all year its a great year!
You seem to have information regarding who hurtandexcluded is and that she was purposefully not invited. That is information I don't have. Peoples feelings will always get hurt, that is a certainty. BUt elitism because a group did not invite the entire hobbying and provider community? I disagree.

Kacey_Cummings13811 reads

I have zero information on who this individual is, nor do I care to encourage that sort of gossip.  I was simply invited to the party by a few individuals, and occasionally viewed some of the correspondence between other invitees, just for fun.  I also never discussed this party with *anyone*, other than my one girlfriend, whom I know for sure was invited and actually attended with me.  The leak to the original poster was NOT made by *me*.  

Yeah, sure, in the broader context, not being invited to a simple party is hardly the worst thing that could happen to a person, in a year.  But the responses to this individual were totally unnecessary and absolutely REEKED of elitism and callousness.  

Either you didn't see the very last line of my post, or you don't see the difference between "exclusivity" and "elitism".  Exclusivity means the party was indeed exclusive, as in, only certain people were invited.  And given that it was kept private and not tauted on the boards as a "community event", that was acceptable.  "Elitism" however, is the blatant insinuation that some simply weren't "good enough" to be invited.  The comment "you obviously weren't wanted at our party, and from your post, we can see why!!"...  THAT is what made my stomach turn.   A simple "we're sorry anyone may have felt left out.  The party was private, was kept off the boards for a reason, and we decided it was best to not offer an open invitation" would have been appropriate and much in line with the *exclusive* nature of the party.  And from the gentlmen who responded, that is exactly the type of response I would have *expected* to hear.  I am disappointed in the playground dispute, however, that resulted instead.

HurtandExcluded16566 reads

Thank you Kacey for Validating my feelings. I was hurt because I got 3 phonecalls the day of the party from provider friends asking whether I was in Boston yet. It was embarassing to tell them I was excluded. I have no problem with exclusivity and I was not available to go to BOston anyway but I guess my pride was hurt. You guys are act like you are still in High School. I am shocked that grown men can be reduced to teenagers in the face of someone sharing true feelings. It was by no means the worse thing that has ever happened to me and frankly I have no desire to go where I am not wanted.Don't waste your energy trying to figure out who I am Its immaterial just know you have shown your true selves and its really not that attractive.

Could it be someone who wants to be invited to every M&G in the country?  If you're from out of town, you weren't excluded, you weren't on the radar.  Pahleeze!  It has nothing to do with you at all.

DiabaloSticks16738 reads

Yo Kacey this is me Dman. How the hell have you been. It's been awhile.

crimsonlass16695 reads

HEY I made the cut and I didn't go...what's the big foo foo all was a party..sheesh I have a party or two every day...and only one person gets invited to each lmao

crimsonlass14934 reads

lol remember that song by of all people Eddie Murphy..."Party all the Time" WELCOME TO MY WORLD  lmao

And they are the best when they are personal! :-)

crimsonlass16203 reads

Helps when one has an equal counter part Teddy bear :-) ty again for today rainy days and mondays no longer get me down lmao

And, my dear, you are DEFINITELY an equal counterpart!! The "pleasure" was entirely mine to give and I'm so very glad that I was able to let you have your fantasy! :-)

Yes, it started out as a rainy crappy Monday - but please remember that we made the sun shine! (lol)

Sorry for the dumb question but how does one get invited to one of these ?? I've been on this site a couple years and have no clue yet I see several newbies that claim to have gone.

You weren't excluded.  I was invited to this meet and greet  yet was unable to attend.  Only because i went to the last party and had already been screened by Angie Renee who hosted it.  I did have a friend who heard about it and I asked the hosts if he could be invited and he was.

Skoal, it wasnt exclusion but more for safety and privicy.  Next time maybe contact a few friends back channel and you might get an invite.

Hurted,  your firends  could've asked to have you invited or maybe tehy did and there was a conflict with someone there.  I have to say though you were smart to use an alias here in case there is another meet and greet.

Perhaps if the original poster had indeed followed your suggestions (which was done by a number of ladies - and gents) she would have been invited. If she had also posted her discontent with her handle I, for one, would have a lot more respect for her to stand up and voice her opinion(s) and feel comfortable enough to take the heat (if any) instead of hiding (which is really what got this thread going).

bahhumbug6913633 reads

Or doesn't that count as an alias?

I would very disappointed if he is since I met him a couple of timesand he has a TER handle and a NAME!!! OMG, how novel...
Then again aren't we are all using aliases? I guess it depends on how one looks at it.
Now that I think about it, you are an alias using an alias aren't you?

-- Modified on 5/6/2007 9:56:24 PM

bahhumbug6914219 reads

I admit using an alias, I am sure you have met him, under his usual handle.  In the end all things work out my door.  You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time....Peace my little one.

Maybe because spinner69 is too busy following my friends and being paranoid.

bahhumbug6914248 reads

Give it up, it comes out in the end...stinks yours does lke everyone elses

So Katespinner(69), what does any of this have to do with the thread's subject or the subject of the Meet & Greet board?

-- Modified on 5/8/2007 6:13:24 AM

bahhumbug6916442 reads

I wouldn't either.  People want to know who they are talking to use ONE profile so they know who you are instead of being a duplicitous manipulative person.  insults deleted


Since you're using an alias to flame someone with unsubstantiated allegations and stealing this thread for your own purpose. Apparently you're an expert on hypocrisy because you're a hypocrite yourself.

You should use the alias hypocrite69.

bahhumbug6915185 reads

Truth is a defense to liable and people should know who they are dealing with agreed. Why is that a flame?  Only YOU can attack peple none else can?  No no no.  You don't like people  questionaing you, do you?

You are right, aliases were brought up here, but not to attack people.  The real question Kate is why do you continue to embarrass yourself with your flaming attacks.  You think your safe because you're using an alias, but it's so simple to figure out who you are, the clues are on the top of this forum.  Sure it reflects on me, but you're doing more harm to your self than me.  Keep in mind, I'm not and have not attacked anyone here, you have.  This thread and board are about Meet & Greet parties, not your obvious dislike of me.  Attack away at me, just do it in the appropriate forum.

We keep this up and Polecat is going to moderate both of us.  Then you'll blame me for the harm that does to your business, won't you.  Go take a cold shower and fight another day.

I let you have the last word.

-- Modified on 5/8/2007 11:42:46 AM

I don't hate you.  I disrespect liars.   you like me to prove what I say?  I will. Did you flame someone?  The rules don't apply to you and Angie, I gues the word is hypocrite.

Its about your actions.  I'm German, from a scientific family.  Emotions are second to anything.  I don't care at all either way about you.  Peace.

bahhumbug6914334 reads

Bad logic.  Do you want a list of flames and topics you've hijacked? Logic?  Have you been to college where they taught liberal arts.  Doubt it.  Do you know what logic is?  Doubt it. Logic?  What logic do you have.  Explain what logic is.  Its not a city in China its a real thing taught in school. That you never took.

Your insulting tone will only turn business away from your door. Please stop doing this to yourself just so you can prove to the world I'm an asshole.  Just realize that while your doing so, you're making a complete fool of yourself.

But if you want to continue Kate, go ahead and make a list of my flames and list them here.  It's relatively safe to hijack a thread on this board, not many people read them.

bahhumbug214789 reads

an alias makes it less true that you have mutiple profiles or are trying to bully again?  get some balls and post under capedude like you tell everyone else to do.  no respect here, girlfriend.

That doesn't make sense. I am posting under capedude.  What are you talking about?  Most of what you're posting doesn't make sense.  Do you ever proof read what your write?  Doesn't seem that way.  (btw logic is making sense in a way)

If you think I'm a bully, show me where, if anything Katie my dear, your being a bully under this alias, others and your own handle.

And if you think that no one can figure out that this is you, you don't understand how to use this board properly.

No go ahead and feed the flame.  I'm done, for now.  I'm just giving you more rope to hang yourself.  Have fun.

BTW, using an alias takes away most of the credence of your post as it shows you have no courage when speak your mind.  Now in your case Kate, I don't think that applies, you have no problem speaking your mind.  But your mind is beggining to show some problems.

-- Modified on 5/10/2007 7:28:24 PM

Personally I thought the MnG was phenomenal!  I met so many lovely young ladies that my dance card is filled through the summer.  The folks that hosted this should be knighted!

Hi Angie! How's retirement treating you.  

BTW if I turn the other way around you can see my other profile, lol.  WTF is this BS all about?

you really should get laid more often nstead of worryng about your alter egos.

... include a slyderluvs kissing booth which shall prove to have a very long line (eye roll). Guys don't get any ideas. Shall also include a capedude bitchslap booth which shall certainly contain one repeat customer. I think this event can pay for itself on those funds alone!

Everything we really need to know we learned in kindergarten. Logic is taught in math, science, literature, psychology and philosophy so I am sure everyone has a bit of logic even if they are a third grade graduate.  Personally, all I know thinking logically is the opposite of thinking sexually.  Unless, I quote Socrates while doing greek.  I'll take sexually anyday.  This is just a post to say I hate people that have nothing better to do then to attack other people using aliases. I hear Waiting for Godot is going to be playing at the next meet and greet as well, should be quite the event.

great and erudite response, crystal for fun.
far more interesting than most of what's above it.

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