Meet and Greet

Might want to change that, Jan 8th is the Eyes Wide Shut.
Lardvador 61 Reviews 5707 reads


Greetings Friends,

Natalie Chase, Victoria Von Helkine and Juliet invite you to attend a get together prior to the AVN Awards.

January 9th, 2010

5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Please see the link below for more info......

Can't wait to see you there!

... considering the post she wrote below.

I guess we'll have an AVN Awards night that's kind of like Oscar Night in LA, with multiple parties for our community. I sincerely hope it works out well for all the party hosts willing to put time and effort into great events for us to share, as well as our guests and community at large. Good luck, Juls!

So sorry folks!!!

I put the wrong day on there.

The party is on the 8th prior the awards show.

Many apologies.


Your date's wrong in the ad as well.

PM Doc and I am sure he can make this problem "disappear"- and you can put a thread up with the right date. (I've made this mistake in the past as well.) ;)

It gives the rest of us something to do =)

Dammit!  Not getting into Vegas until early evening Friday night!  Hope you ladies will be at the Saturday night party.  I know Natalie from NYC parties past, but would love to meet you and Victoria during that w/e @ the M&G.  What a w/e that is going to be!

You know I love licking cheesecake off your nipples handsome man, I'll bring one just for you!

ya know flavors for dipping?

or chocolate cheesecake?

German Chocolate Cake?

Red Velvet Cake?

Sweet Potato Pie?

Sponge Cake?

Oreo Cake?


You're doing that on purpose just to tease me!!!!  Im not biting, nice try.

I am innocent and not guilty of any teasing Ma'am!

But one of you sexy ladies better be in airport by 11pm :)

I got two very special New York Russian Flavored Big Apples i will be bringing :)



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