Meet and Greet

I agree
1rob 42 Reviews 2881 reads
1 / 12

in Tampa last night. Food and drink were special, the location with the gorgeous view over the bay was awesome and the company with a bunch of great hobbyists and gorgeous ladies was sublime. What a super time!  Mega kudos to you two for a great job!  1rob...still smiling from a great event....out   8-)

SuniBaby 825 reads
2 / 12

A great time with gorgeous ladies and some very awesome hobbyist. Can't wait for the next.  
Nice meeting all of you!! Thank you again Dave and cinnamon
: throb: Suni

Molly Feinstein See my TER Reviews 673 reads
3 / 12

WOW I had such a great time! It was a pleasure to finally meet all the lovely ladies & all the finest  gents. You all know how to show & make me giggle & laugh wink wink!
Can't wait for the next event!
Molly Feinstein

Sexy Toni See my TER Reviews 704 reads
4 / 12

...especially since I heard it was one of the best ever!  The pineapple vodka was the bomb
 I heard ;) Hopefully "everyone" found their cars and got home

I know, a great time was missed...I know all of the hard work that went into it by Cinnie and Hobby Dave. Thanks guys for everything you do!  Sorry to all of the friends that we missed... Sindie, Jade, DD, Pitching, Rob1, and the others I didn't mention or would have loved to meet.  

You know what? You're just gonna have to do it again real soon.  Do I hear holiday party perhaps? ;)

Love ya' guys!  Be well, stay safe & see you soon...
Sexy Toni & Big Keez

Molly Feinstein See my TER Reviews 672 reads
6 / 12

Sindie and I ate the pineapple fruit, after I left it did hit me!

sofiaOnline See my TER Reviews 758 reads
7 / 12

Unfortunately better late than never...arrived on Latin time but shared great convo with you all.
Big Hugs to the host & hostess.

Autumn Breeze See my TER Reviews 694 reads
8 / 12

Going to do my best to make the next one. Glad to hear the great feedback for this one!

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 681 reads
9 / 12

the mixer was another smashing success!  Gabby and Dave had all the bases covered.  Some great food, drinks and, of course and most importantly a room full of gorgeous and sexy women

Sindie Symons See my TER Reviews 660 reads
10 / 12

I am happy it finally hit you!
Gabby sure knows how to spike it up!!!
It was so nice FINALLY meeting you in person Molly. :-)

Sweet Kisses,

Sindie Symons See my TER Reviews 622 reads
11 / 12

Thank you Gabby and Dave for a wonderful evening, you both rock!
A special thanks to my workout buddy... side planks are better balanced with your tip.
To all the wonderful people I met, it was an absolute pleasure.
To my friends that I reunited with again, it was an absolute pleasure seeing you again as well! :-)

Sweet Kisses,

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 673 reads
12 / 12

Damn, a man's work is never done . . . . . . .

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