Meet and Greet

Check your Emails...Invites have gone out!
SunSensualMnG 581 reads

to those that are on the list!

Don't forget to send us your fun fact.

And if you want to us what we need to screen you!

Softly Sarah and Makenzi

Get ready to study hard and prepare for your examination- join “students” and “teachers”, “professors” and “cheerleaders” as we welcome the fall semester at Sunsensual U!

Date: Sept. 8, 2016
Time: 6pm to 10pm
Theme:  Back to School

Attire: Ladies and gents- it’s time for school!! Why not dress up like a school girl, a cheerleader, a football player, a prom queen, or perhaps a professor, band leader, or frat girl? Your outfit can reflect the (not so) innocent days of high school, or the naughtier days of college. Whichever you choose- just remember (especially ladies) to cover up while in transit if it’s too revealing. ;)  

The location will not be publicized until the day of the party in order to preserve the highest level of discretion and safety. It will only be announced on the invitation the day of the party. However, we can tell you that it will be in a very secluded private room, well away from public eyes. (You’ll be heading through public territory on the way, however, which is why we need you to cover up if your back-to-school outfit is too revealing.)

Gents:  an entrance fee of $100 will be collected at the door upon your arrival.
Ladies: your gracious and studious presence is payment enough.

There will be an open bar and hors d'oeuvres during the party (better than cafeteria food, though. lol!).

If you’ve received invitations from us before, you’re already on our screened list and will automatically receive an invitation to this special event.  

**Please do not make hotel or airfare accommodations until after you receive the invitation. If you need suggestions, send us an email and we will gladly send them along**

As security and discretion are our top priorities (next to sexy fun), all attendees will be screened without exception. To be added to the list of invitees, please send the following information to
[email protected]

~Stage Name and ID #
~Website address, email address & cell phone
~Twitter handle (not required for entry but we do promote the party on Twitter)
~Link to at least 2 good reviews from gents with at least 5 reviews each
~For fun: What was your best moment that you remember in school? Send us a fun fact that you’re willing to share with other guests about an experience in high school or college. Or band camp… lol! Were you voted class clown?  Were you homecoming queen? Did you get suspended a lot? Get hazed during freshers week? Summa cum Laude? Lose your virginity to a professor? Make it something unique and fun! But please keep this secret for now, just between you and the party organizers. And if you were at the last party, this will be all you send us!

~Real first name  
~Email address
~Twitter handle (not required for entry but we do use twitter to promote the party)
~Cell number (this # will not be called-it's only for reference the day of the get together)
~2 references within the last 6 months from well known/reputable ladies who have at least 5 good reviews. Please include a link to each lady's working website, her email address, and/or a telephone number. You are advised to contact the ladies and inform them that we will be in touch with them.
~For fun: What was your best moment that you remember in school? Send us a fun fact that you’re willing to share with other guests about an experience in high school or college. Or band camp… lol! Were you voted class clown?  Were you homecoming king? Did you get suspended a lot? Get hazed during freshers week? Summa cum Laude? Lose your virginity to a professor? Make it something unique and fun! But please keep this secret for now, just between you and the party organizers. And if you were at the last party, this will be all you need to send us!

Once we’ve received your information, we will verify you and add you to our Invitation List. Once you’re verified, you will continue to receive invitations to all our future parties (unless you NC/NS).

PLEASE! Do NOT PM us here as we cannot read it. Please email us at [email protected]

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us and we will be happy to address them.
Your hostesses for the evening,
Softly Sarah (ter # 198060) and Makenzie Rae (ter #143954

I am excited that its working out with my travel schedule and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to attend  and see my old friends and meet some new ones too.

to those that are on the list!

Don't forget to send us your fun fact.

And if you want to us what we need to screen you!

Softly Sarah and Makenzi

Thanks for inviting me! I can't wait to visit Orlando. It's my first time ever. And, I'm bringing my good friend and doubles partner Roxy. You can find her website address in my subsequent post. I'll see you guys there!

We will be there all day Thursday, 9/8, through Saturday morning, 9/10.

We are thrilled to announce that we are now almost 2 months out and the numbers of yeses that are coming in so far is soo phenomenal!!

Gents....don't forget to check the ladies blog to see who is attending in case you want to spend some time with them.

Anyone wishing to attend...please go to the main part of this thread and email us what we need to get you on the list!!

We not only have ladies from our gorgeous state but also West coast and North East coast planning on coming too!

Softly Sarah and Makenzie Rae

I would love to attend! I will also be bringing my Jacksonville partner in crime, Bedroom Barbie! Can we get invitations? Never attended a M&G before!

Please send in all the requirements listed in the first part of this thread. As well as
EACH person wishing to attend must send in separate emails with what we  
require to screen.

The party is looking to be one of the best we have had so far and hope you can
join us.

Makenzie and Sara

Register Now!