Media & Erotic Literature

Yes, please!
MarcusLL 315 reads

I'd be delighted to see more private material by my favorite girls. Need new favs as well :)

Have you seen any? Ads or just a peek into their day-to-day? I just finished making (anotheR) one and was curious where they are shared on the board. Here? There? Anywhere? ... Pm me if you want the link :) Three ladies in one video!

I like the concept.  Have heard a few audio files from some ladies out in Las Vegas, but putting the voice and video together along with a casual peek into a lady's life is just great marketing

MediaAdmin346 reads

Hey Natalie, well done on the videos you have on your ad site! We'd love to see more :) We'd encourage you to post more, video submissions are always welcome on the Media Board! Keep them coming ;)

MarcusLL316 reads

I'd be delighted to see more private material by my favorite girls. Need new favs as well :)

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