Media & Erotic Literature

The 1/2 + 7 rule is a dumb one to begin with
GaGambler 716 reads

I am 58 which means by the 1/2 + 7 rule means I should be with a woman of 36. Sorry dude, I know you are new and you mean well, but please GO FUCK YOURSELF, no way in hell am I going to be seen out in public with an "old broad" of 36.  

You don't have to be movie star to be seen with a woman "much" younger than yourself, I have more than enough balls to be seen with any woman of legal age. For the record, I am not watching anything as boring as any awards show, so how old was the young lady with Mel Gibson?  

Lastly, you don't have to be in LaLa land to be seen with a "much younger" woman.

Wow blew this rule away on the red carpet.  Looked somewhat ridiculous.  Then again money talks.  I don't think I could take a lady out that young, but my hats are off too all that have the the ball to do it.  Only in LaLa land.  

good for him, and her! who cares what everyone else think... I certainly not

between Gibson and Rosalind Ross than there is between me and the provider I hope to take to Europe.

GaGambler717 reads

I am 58 which means by the 1/2 + 7 rule means I should be with a woman of 36. Sorry dude, I know you are new and you mean well, but please GO FUCK YOURSELF, no way in hell am I going to be seen out in public with an "old broad" of 36.  

You don't have to be movie star to be seen with a woman "much" younger than yourself, I have more than enough balls to be seen with any woman of legal age. For the record, I am not watching anything as boring as any awards show, so how old was the young lady with Mel Gibson?  

Lastly, you don't have to be in LaLa land to be seen with a "much younger" woman.

He's 61.  She's 26.  

My hat's off to all that can pull this off.  

Agree with the boring awards comment.  Already turned it off.

more power to her for milking the old goat for all he's worth πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Posted By: clairecavendish
more power to her for milking the old goat for all he's worth πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Haha! I've dated men 3x my age and after a while got used to people looking at us in confusion and disgust. With older men I just feel extra safe and cared for. I don't see anything wrong with huge age gaps as long as both people are happy. They're both adults and they know what they're getting into. It's very different from a much older guy taking advantage of a college aged girl who's naive and hoping for money that she never sees. (I've dealt with a lot of scammy "sugar daddies")

I used to laugh to myself whenever I was out with a young lady who was significantly younger and staff would ask for IDs, from both of us. There was no mistaking that I was over 21 so asking for me ID was a bit much.  Then I could tell they were doing the math determining the age difference between us.  That was followed usually with some sort of look.  

they only rate a 9 in appearance but IMHO it is all about performance and yes, you can find women who are a 9 with performance skills at 10.

-- Modified on 2/26/2017 9:30:46 PM

he's the one who's probably really smiling.

Since the beginning of time, older men have sought the pleasure of younger women. the lucky ones can pull it off.

ROGM464 reads

Why is everyone going crazy over this? There's nothing wrong with an older guy going out with a young girl. Money does talk.

Posted By: Iluvasians58

Wow blew this rule away on the red carpet.  Looked somewhat ridiculous.  Then again money talks.  I don't think I could take a lady out that young, but my hats are off too all that have the the ball to do it.  Only in LaLa land.  

The only thing anyone will remember about this year's Oscars is the fucked up ending.  How embarrassing. post at a site that exists in large part to connect young women with old men.  
I say Viva Mel!!!!!   :)

Posted By: Iluvasians58
Wow blew this rule away on the red carpet.  Looked somewhat ridiculous.  Then again money talks.  I don't think I could take a lady out that young, but my hats are off too all that have the the ball to do it.  Only in LaLa land.  

Age is only a number---you're as young as you feel!! I'm 53...have a dinner and Broadway show date Friday night with a beautiful 22 year old and I FRIGGIN CAN'T WAIT!!

If you've met many strippers, you're sure to have seen a few Gals with her 21 year old  BF, with no drivers license, no job, no money, no ambition, scrawny, weak, and dumb, out on bond, hanging around the club with his GF buying his beer, interfering with her tips.  
                         She has SPS ...Sick Puppy Syndrome.
 The first time I saw that I was 16 with a fake ID, I realized I don't need to be rich to find a Hot GF.
  Rosalind and Mel resemble my GF and myself  in a lot of ways except we're both taller than them  my nose is much  larger than Mel's and I don't have mesmerizing Blue eyes.     :-D
  I think they look like a nice couple and Rosalind is probably smarter than a lot of my GF's. :-D
    As long as my GF is at least 25, I am  comfortable with her on any Beach and never embarrassed when she  craves public displays of affection, though I don't enjoy  exposing my
   bathing suit boner on the boardwalk.  I am thankful Speedos aren't the style in my town.
 When she's  younger than 25  I feel like she's using me for my Distinguished Grand Dad Look.:-D
 Confidence with yourself is the Key that can open doors everywhere, you'd rarely find without it.

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