Media & Erotic Literature

O What a Night, Beats by Dre
notracej 23659 reads

Had my first experience where neither of the headphones came off.  Walked in the door, headphones on.  Shocked to see her wearing them, as she danced to tunes on her Iphone with the talent of a feature act at the Cheetah.

Never have I had this experience, because we could only see each other, but not hear each other.  The pinnacle of headphone technology.  The music, and experience of the headphones, was UNBELIEVABLE.  Literally thought during one of the songs, door was opening, and someone was opening, and walking in via the division bell by Pink Floyd.  Wow, not only the best experience yet, but by the most creative.  When I finally took off my headphones after I popped, I felt I was re orbiting the atmosphere to which I didn't want to be.  Dining at the Y with furnished headphones on, unlike anything I've ever imagined.  My third time with said provider, taking to a level unlike any provider I've spent.  The best $229.00 on head gear I've ever spent, bar none.

Taylor Atlanta said some day she wakes up, puts them on, cleans her house and spends the day with Michael Jackson, Pink Floyd, Snoop Dog, Dre, R Kelly, to name a few.  When I reorbited back to earth, it was if I was coming down from an acid high, if you know what I mean.  The creativity in an hour or two was unbelievable compared to when I bought my first set of JBL 1130"s long ago.  LOng time.  No words heard.  Just both of us moving to both beats and sounds through the headphones.  Never two words once the headphones embraced both our heads, but wow, I'm hooked.  Smartphones, bring your owns, after she gifted me the Dre Beats after this first date.

Rarely post, but wow, what a great experience.  Maybe a review to follow when I come down.  

Can you imagine listening to your favorite song with quality, as you're between her legs?  This old flower child could have never thought he could bring that kind of excitement to the party.  Wow, Taylor Atlanta and Dre Beats headphones, equals unchartered territory.  Thank you Taylor

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