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I agree, it is a double edged sword....
mrfisher 108 Reviews 627 reads

On the one hand, you have a wonderful lifetime memory, on the other hand, circumstances will dictate that at some point you and she will be apart for ever (or will they?)

Pleasure and pain are so intermixed, aren't they?

But then again, sometimes things end up the way you least expect them to.  For example, I married one such person.

And we live ever after

When two souls come together that recognize something inside one another, a connection is forged that can’t be broken.

It’s timeless, and doesn’t abide by the rules.

Souls aren’t aware of what they should or shouldn’t be doing, they don’t believe in timelines, or what society says about love. They are unconventional and apart of any norm that we have ever seen. When we meet someone whom our soul recognizes—all bets are off.

To soul fuck is be open, honest, raw and not the least bit perfect. It’s to be ruined forever.

I believe sex is everything—it’s the throbbing life force that drives us in all that we do. It’s the lick of lips against juicy and ripe strawberries, it’s the way our lashes graze our check when we drift off daydreaming, and it’s the bite of a bottom lip as we think about late nights and sweaty skin.

Sex and physical intimacy is the fire of life and we all deserved to be fucked senseless, in every way possible…and as often as possible. Kate Rose

I've had it happen with clients. Blindsided. BOOM! There is an explosive chemistry that is undeniable when you put the right two people in a room. The circumstances don't matter and the sex is so fucking hot you can't stop thinking about it.... EVER.

On the one hand, you have a wonderful lifetime memory, on the other hand, circumstances will dictate that at some point you and she will be apart for ever (or will they?)

Pleasure and pain are so intermixed, aren't they?

But then again, sometimes things end up the way you least expect them to.  For example, I married one such person.

And we live ever after

Me too. We didn't make it to happily ever after, but still dear friends and eternal soul mates.

Interesting read.  But I can boil all that down to one word - chemistry.  When there is real chemistry between two people something amazing happens.  It's like Aristotle said - love is when a single soul inhabits two bodies.

I've been lucky enough to experience it quite a few times in my life.  The only downside is that it makes normal encounters feel - well, normal.  ;-)

But the rush of finding that next rendezvous with a partner we have chemistry with drives us.  Doesn't it?

...I took this two different ways; as a revelation and also as somewhat of a cautionary piece. I've been lucky enough to have felt this way, and one of those occasions was with an amazing gentleman I met here on TER. It's a long story, that I think I may explain in a blog post or 2, but I will never ever forget that man. If I ventured to do so, putting that feeling into words would undoubtedly be a difficult task, so it's a good thing that this article is out there.  

The reason I said this could serve as a cautionary piece is because once you feel this way, it could turn out that feeling any other way when having sex is not wholly satisfying. That's a bit of a scary thought. Luckily, I haven't found that to be the case personally, but I would be sympathetic towards anyone who developed in that way.

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