Massage Parlors

Re: mr fisher has it right...
vegas918 13 Reviews 3480 reads
1 / 7

Does time of day matter at all on the quality of girls at a massage parlor?  Like strip clubs if you go in during the day they are usually the bottom of the rung girls and the top girls do the night shift.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 1938 reads
2 / 7

noon, late afternoon, and evenings.

I can't say that my experience was affected at all by the time of day

inthepink257 109 Reviews 1144 reads
3 / 7

....I have been in AMP's at all different times and noticed no difference in performance etc.

tantraerica See my TER Reviews 1138 reads
4 / 7

Personally, Im feeling my best late morning to early afternoon. Im an independent though. I don't work in an AMP. But I thought Id comment because as a woman in this line of work I do my best work in the middle of the day when Im fresh and not still craving coffee to wake up or getting tired at the end of the day. so thats my two cents for what its worth.


angelexotic See my TER Reviews 1016 reads
5 / 7

in my experiences with offering body rubs spa services and the like.
and having worked at some of the massage parlors in town....( one that got shut down...had an espresso.machine and good clients cool girls as co workers."
anyways in my experience with massage it's a date I'm normal hour type of a situation
I personally am a daytime person anyway and I think that's when the majority of normal business men are going to be able to sneak away from work going unnoticed'
I also feel that doing things during the day is going to conceal what you are up to better than doing things in the evening
having one guy in a day at 9 to 10 a.m. Is not going to raise eyebrows however having guys in in the evening may tend to make people question what you are doing
not a lot of people are going to think anyone's up to no good at 9 a.m. To be quite frank''
I would personally say go when it is convenient for you and you can work it into your schedule because you're the customer
chances are if the girls working the night shift then she's the kind of person that will sleep in late and then come in at night and if the girls working the day shift she probably goes to bed early and get supper early I think you will get the same experience no matter what especially for you go see someone that has a lot of the same style reviews and seems to be consistent in their reviews and performances''
I know for me if I'm tired or not in a good mood I don't care what time of the day it is I am NOT working
but lucky for me this job allows me to be flexible like that with my schedul

MSON123 44 Reviews 766 reads
6 / 7

For me I see the prime time difference. Late eves and weekend nights the prices go up and the negotiation is harder. Most ladies want the quickie 30min session. Some parlors will refuse 1hr sessions. Best time is early am!

jroy12 30 Reviews 655 reads
7 / 7

I usually hit an AMP earlier when they open and the girls are the same as when I go in the afternoon or at night. I have noticed (and it may just be in my mind) that earlier the girls are in a better mood and fresh (not as in cleaner, as in more energetic and awake).

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