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Sexuality History and Tantra Sex, available now in Baltimore 06/17 til 06/20
Raicca See my TER Reviews 791 reads

A little knowledge about sexuality history and Tantric Sex !!!

Passion is really our life energy, it is what propels us, or compels us, to act on something. Therefore, in a culture that suppresses their sexuality, or in other words, makes it very unconscious, all you have to do is attach sexuality to anything and we notice it. We sell everything with it. There is a schizophrenia in our culture about it.  
About 5.000 years ago, there was this movement in the West, mostly in Europe, to contemporize spirit in order to control the lives of people by controlling their access to spirit. This is religion. Religion is probably the biggest business on the planet. Essentially what they had to do was convince human beings that something was wrong with them and that they needed to be redeemed. The church business is redemption. One way they did this was to demonize sex. Well then, you are demonizing the energy that created you. You are demonizing the energy that propels you daily.
They got people to totally surrender their energy, and the ones that suffered the most were women. A woman's entire body is erotic, a man's entire body is not erotic. So when a woman suppresses her sexuality, her entire body suffers. She needs something to convince her that this suffering is worthwhile.  
For thousands of years prior to this sex was considered to be a legitimate path to healing and enlightenment.
Tantric Sex is the ancient key to sexual pleasure and psychic power, attained through a set of rituals practiced by the "Hindu Cult of Ecstasy."
It is kind of "sexual magic" which brings pleasure, power, energy, and control.
Through the rituals have existed for thousands of years, they have been virtually unknown in the Western World.
They can enable you to reach new heights of sexual pleasure and at the same time tap your sexual energy for creative use in other areas of your life.
It has taken many years for modern psychology to discover what the Tantric Masters have known all along - that all animals, including man, are in their most intense state of conscious and subconscious concentration during sexual involvement.
Through its rituals, Tantra teaches ways to carry this intense focus of concentration into all areas of life.
The rituals make it possible to enjoy sex more often, for longer periods of greater pleasure than you have ever known before. And the more frequently you have sex, the more quickly and powerfully your sexual energy will regenerate itself.
Tantra is the Sanskrit word meaning "the essence." It is derived from the verb tantori, "to weave"; hence the derivation Tantra, "the warp or essence of that which is woven."
From the beginning, Tantric teachings passed from one generation to the next in the unwritten form of the rituals themselves, then later through writings known simply as "Tantras." The Tantras were written in Sanskrit and are composed of dialogues between Shiva, and Shakti. In these most basic texts, Shiva discourses on the Tantric origins (female) of the universe, the rituals themselves, and the esoteric doctrines which view the changing, visible world and universe as a "creative pleasure" of the Divine Mother, Kali; and the need for ritualistic discipline to lead the practitioner to the realization of the essential oneness of the self, the visible world, and the godhead.
Basically Tantra seeks to move you back to your own origins – to help you reach your own roots of identity. Tantra would have you "experience the truth that is yourself" by following specific rituals which enable you to know yourself in a manner you have never experienced before. You do this through intense effort: physical, intellectual, emotional, and sexual.
In uncovering certain truths about yourself, you learn the truths of the world, the universe, and the psychic forces of enlightenment.
But this will happen only through the experience of Tantra, not through reading about it. To be understood, the secrets and psychic knowledge of Tantra must be experienced through practicing the rituals.
As part of my curriculum, besides marketing, I have Spiritual Therapy formation based in psychology and Quantum Physics, therefore I am qualifield to provide such additional services for minimal 2hs appointment!
So let's experience Tantra Sex !!!

Sexy Raicca❤❤❤

-- Modified on 6/17/2015 6:07:30 AM

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