
Too bad the descendants of "Elmer Gantry" fame...teeth_smile
Nemodat 6605 reads

...from Montgomery County succeeded in dismantling TGND.  Am happy you are still in contact with one of the stellar ladies from that great agency.

Medicareguy5470 reads

is looking for and take the time to give it to him.

Many ladies really rush us oldsters even when we tell them to slow down and make it last.  I won't bore you with the war stories about some ladies who want you finish in 15 minutes so they can sit around and do nothing for the rest of the hour.

If you don't want to see men older than a certain age then just say so.  No hurt feelings and it will save us  both a bad experience.

Us oldsters like the sensual buildup to the event.  The stroking and kissing and touching is as important as the actual climax.   That is why when we find a lady who takes the time to figure out how we like pleasure we tend to stick with them as long as possible.  No need to go looking for someone new when you already have a couple who can make you happy.

Oldsters like to give pleasure also.  They understand that this is a two way street.  The skin of a lady feels so soft, warm and sexy after she has had a good climax or two that just cuddling with her at that time is erotic.

So to the ladies to take the time to meet our needs we thank you....and you will see often.

Now, if you could just institute medicare rates we would be super joyous

PeachesLover7138 reads

I know exactly how you feel, being an old timer myself.  I tried young tight and beautiful, but they were always in a hurry, even when I scheduled a two hour. That was a problem with the Agency ladies I found. Then I locked onto my precious peach. I am not delusional that we are in love or will ever be anything more than pay for play. But when we are together, the angels sing. She strokes my hair and cuddles with me. She loves to kiss and be kissed, no matter where our lips had been prior. Time seems to stop when I am with her.  When she goes on her extended breaks, I miss her terribly and look for an alternate, but the ones who truely are GFE and give a non-rushed hour appt are few and far between. My short list consists of a petite red head, a blonde with pencil eraser nipples in Balt and my peach when she decides to work.  You really hit the nail on the head with this post and I thank you for sharing and possibly opening the eyes of a future pleasure giver.....

Nemodat6606 reads

...from Montgomery County succeeded in dismantling TGND.  Am happy you are still in contact with one of the stellar ladies from that great agency.

PeachesLover8131 reads

Thanks Bob, your literary references always make me run to Wiki to understand your cerberal uterances. Although I do not really catch the connection based on the short synopsis below. Are you saying that those that dismantled a DC Escort agency several years ago are related to a Bible thumping preacher. No, I am not going to read the book to figure it out. I could not even finish Secret Diary of a Call Girl book.  


The novel tells the story of a young, narcissistic, womanizing college athlete who abandons his early ambition to become a lawyer. The legal profession does not suit the unethical Gantry, who then becomes a notorious and cynical alcoholic. Gantry is mistakenly ordained as a Baptist minister, briefly acts as a "New Thought" evangelist, and eventually becomes a Methodist minister. He acts as manager for Sharon Falconer, an itinerant evangelist. Gantry becomes her lover but loses both her and his position when she is killed in a fire at her new tabernacle.

During his career, Gantry contributes to the downfall, physical injury, and even death of key people around him, including a genuine minister, Frank Shallard. Ultimately Gantry marries well and obtains a large congregation in Lewis's fictional Midwestern city of Zenith.

"The forces of social good and enlightenment as presented in Elmer Gantry are not strong enough to offer any real resistance to the forces of social evil and banality."

Nemodat5975 reads

PeachesLover, the mentality seems to be similar to that of Elmer Gantry (portrayed by Burt Lancaster in the movie version). I just believe this fictional character of Sinclair Lewis--a master, IMO, of lampooning the hypocrisy of so-called upright members of the community who attempt to rid society of "sin" and those they consider "sinners" having a deleterious effect on a community--has counterparts in our time, but not all of them are hypocritical religious zealots, as was Gantry, but zealots, nonetheless, and some are hypocritical. Am confident that the dismantling of this one agency advanced righteousness and again made our society safer. Surely Cindy had a more undesirable impact on the public good than did the "greed is good" Gordon Gekko miscreants on Wall Street.

smiling fox6692 reads

I have been out here for many years, and some times this old disfunctional body decides not to work. Some times just the touch and caress, kiss of a caring passionate woman, cures the ills of senior status.
A little help from the vitamin world, dam I think I take enough suppliments, like alphabet soup.

But to find a tender lady to care enough to really share the time together, WOW.
They are out here. Some very "professional" ladies understand the needs. They are real treasures, and many are here on TER. Read their reviews. They Stand out and are treasures.

I have taken to more civilian, desperate ladies for desperate times, UTR. I have made a few really good friends over the years. Although, I discovered that a  reference of mine  seems to think I follow the ladies of back page. And for that lady. Your wrong.

Its a good point to remember, and maybe we admit our vulnerability, like tonight. But its real. And to those carring women, We thank you. And yes, I wish I could afford All those VIP's.
To Die in your arms with a smile on my face.

Although I'm a companion, I do appreciate the gentlemen who take their time. In my opinion, it's more about the journey than the destination. The destination will cum. (pun intended) I prefer to spend my time with gentlemen as yourself. Gentlemen who enjoy lots of sensuous teasing and pleasing, knowing when to slow down or change things up a prolong and intensify our experience together.

Paris Bouvier

I agree 100%.  It is more about the journey....Like you said;  "The destination will cum."  

I have found that many of my younger clients appreciate taking their time too.  That's a good thing.  Because that's the way I do things.  Sensually and slowly...  I like to enjoy every moment.  I make sure the gentlemen I see enjoy every moment too.

Best, Betty xoxo

As one who has been active on and off and is now a full senior citizen, I agree with what has been posted here.  For many of us, we can't perform like we once could  when we were in our twenties or thirties (nor do we want to anymore).  The pleasure of touching, kissing, and often just enjoying being with a lovely mature woman is a pleasure unto itself. I have found as I get older that I get great pleasure from a full body massage which ends with a happy ending rather than worrying about performing in a full kind of way.  Anybody have recommendations in MD for that kind of pleasure?

Ivabigin8049 reads

...many of my sentiments, feelings that I have left unexpressed.  Thanks for doing just that--articulating my feelings. I much prefer the older ladies who are sensitive to us "old guys" and know how to fix "flat tires."

pj19645452 reads

Sir, I commend you on this thread and the way you wrote it. I am only 47, but every word of your post rings very true! Again, very well said!
I love women and it goes much deeper than the way it sounds. A true companion "allows" and appreciates conversing with a new gentleman caller. To build a repore with a woman with whom we will be intimate with allows we men to get a good feel for her personality and her character. In my case, it allows for very few(usually none)surprises during my time with her. I prefer longer encounters specifically for the mental, emotional and psychological interactions, which lead to a more natural flow to the time spent. Knowing that intimacy is a given, the interaction on a more personable level is actually foreplay in itself, thus lending itself to, of all things, PASSION!! It seems to me that younger women(girls)mistake passion that we older men appreciate, for something entirely different, causing those young ladies(girls)to 'assume' that we are "falling" for them. They must have it explained to them that, an older man who wants/likes conversation, flirtation, etc., leading up to intimacy, is more than likely quite a bit older than her, and he prefers "committed" relations with women that have more depth to their character.
To talk, tease, flirt with a woman, using it at foreplay(its only foreplay if she recognizes it as such)and observe/experience her moods/emotions when intimacy does begin, is a turn on for me. To observe the change in her eyes, body language, tones of voice, choice of words, among other things, is quite satisfying to me as well. When something like that happens, she has allowed you into her "inner circle" that most men don't get to experience. The younger women(girls), and we all know who we mean, just don't get it, and in my opinion, they don't know what's happening to them, much less know how to act in that environment.
I gotta stop! I could go on for a while, and I sincerely apologize for the length of this post, but the post that started this thread hit the nail on the head, and I just went with it.
Well written.
Thanx for starting this thread.

Posted By: Medicareguy
is looking for and take the time to give it to him.

Many ladies really rush us oldsters even when we tell them to slow down and make it last.  I won't bore you with the war stories about some ladies who want you finish in 15 minutes so they can sit around and do nothing for the rest of the hour.
If you don't want to see men older than a certain age then just say so.  No hurt feelings and it will save us  both a bad experience.

Us oldsters like the sensual buildup to the event.  The stroking and kissing and touching is as important as the actual climax.   That is why when we find a lady who takes the time to figure out how we like pleasure we tend to stick with them as long as possible.  No need to go looking for someone new when you already have a couple who can make you happy.

Oldsters like to give pleasure also.  They understand that this is a two way street.  The skin of a lady feels so soft, warm and sexy after she has had a good climax or two that just cuddling with her at that time is erotic.

So to the ladies to take the time to meet our needs we thank you....and you will see often.

Now, if you could just institute medicare rates we would be super joyous

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