
Sounds like a good plan
CoffeeBreak 428 reads

From what I read, looks like you got solid goals and determination to meet them.  I am sure you will succeed and have a bright future in Florida.  I can not help you with the stick shift issue, but if you need help in some other way, I will be glad to lend you what support I can.  Always nice to see someone grab life by the horns.

Anyone with a clutch willing to take a little bit of time to teach me how to drive? I want to buy a manual vehicle but need to learn first. I am not offering a barter of my services... As everyone that knows me knows how I am quite the tight ass. If you have spare time and are looking to fill it by doing this then cool. If a provider wants to teach me that's cool too... I'll buy you lunch or dinner each time we do it. This person has to be patient with me and be somewhat experienced at teaching someone because I am known to get frustrated and flustered when I start getting disappointed in certain outcomes.  We have to be able to work through this. I will probably need reassurance. Yes... I'm like a little kid when it comes to some things.

If you're a tight ass, maybe we can trade for anal.
Seriously, you mention this would not be a trade, but we all only have time in life and that is what we sell, clothed or not.

Awes I know how but I don't have a stick shift anymore!

Learning to drive a clutch is not worth my rate... I could pay for lessons cheaper. I am more than happy to compensate but not barter. Lunch, dinner (at a nice place. I'm not cheap when it comes to good food), even money if necessary but as I said you would have to be experienced and patient. I won't pay for a crap lesson. That is why I didn't post that. I'm sure I'd get tons of responses offering crap lessons if I had initially offered money. Another thing I did mention, is that if you have time to kill and would rather be hanging out and teaching as opposed to sitting in front of the tv or whatever it is that some people rather not be wasting their time doing. Anyway, it could be fun.

You sure do under value other people's time, wear on a clutch, brakes and a person's patience.  You come on a P4P site where you charge a pretty nice rate for an hour and act like a cheap ass.

Posted By: Jake-dc
You sure do under value other people's time, wear on a clutch, brakes and a person's patience.  You come on a P4P site where you charge a pretty nice rate for an hour and act like a cheap ass.  
she said she was cutting cost for the get-go...can't hate on that, right. lol.  

some people may be on the verge of replacing those parts and don't mind newbie adding extra wear. Plus, Plenty of people got a hooptie/beater in addition to the good car. plus she is willing to exchange some food. time and patience is the major requirement beside being able to drive a stick

I am surprised that you have not received a ton of responses on the forum offering help, instead getting one sorta douchey response.  It does sound like it could be fun but I don't have a manual car anymore.  Are you looking to get a manual car because they are a bit more fuel efficient or because they are more fun to drive?  Pure manual cars can be a real pain in the butt in heavy traffic.  An alternative is getting a BMW with smg (sequential manual gearbox) or similar technology.  I used to have an M3 with it.  It is a manual car but without a clutch (it's computer controlled) but simply shifting the stick gives you all the responsiveness of a stick shift without the hassles.  If you get lazy, you can switch to an "automatic" mode.  Plus, it takes about 2 minutes to learn.  Hope this helps.

Agreed lots of cars today have whats generically referred to as an "auto stick" I have had several BMW Mercedes Benz and now a VW with it. I love a true manual gearbox but with the heavy traffic in Balt/DC/NVA it can be a massive pain in the rump and if you are not really proficient with it you will wind up burning out clutches like crazy and be in the shop for costly repairs more often then you would probably like.

In all honesty, and nobody probably wants to hear this (at least all those I haven't caused any sort of bitterness by refusing to see them after screening them (for personal reasons).), but I'm heavily planning my move to Florida for climate reasons and my battle with seasonal effective disorder and mild depression (TMI, I know). I am buying an off-road vehicle for the beach that I can play rough with and strap my board and bike to. Also, because I am simplifying my life and reducing my bills, expenses, and spending habits. By doing all of that I should be able to save my target of 100k in 8 months in order to start my own coffee/smoothie business/food truck and buy a house to turn into a recovery house-Florida is a great market for recovery houses due to the massive amount of treatment centers (the most in the entire United States). I'm fixing my credit, working, and saving and I have all intentions of meeting this goal, since I find it completely realistic. I know I will be sacrificing much, including; time-alone and with loved ones, my Lexus, shopping, lavishly eating out as much as I do, and so much more.  

I've had quite a few people PM me and message me through screening services offering to help with my non-barter, OTC request. I didn't take offense to any comments by anyone, nor did I react because after doing a lot of work on myself, I realized people do and say things about others because they're really hurting inside or don't really like theirselves. Although some do it because they never fully matured-a mind state I once was in and at times find myself still in, during and after certain thoughts and reactions. I continue to try to work on and better myself. It makes me sad that others never get that opportunity.  

Thank you to all those who have been kind about this matter.

-- Modified on 4/30/2014 11:10:12 PM

I almost forgot my biggest sacrifice of all... I'm getting a roommate. Which means no more complete privacy, the luxury of living alone, and a lot less alone time in general.  

Which reminds me... Any non-drinking, smoking, druggin' providers looking for a roomie in baltimore/ hampden? Email me.

Agree with you. I like your goals, seems very realistic and you are very form with them.  
Good luck girl!

CoffeeBreak429 reads

From what I read, looks like you got solid goals and determination to meet them.  I am sure you will succeed and have a bright future in Florida.  I can not help you with the stick shift issue, but if you need help in some other way, I will be glad to lend you what support I can.  Always nice to see someone grab life by the horns.

Posted By: anya_marie
I realized people do and say things about others because they're really hurting inside or don't really like theirselves. Although some do it because they never fully matured-a mind state I once was in and at times find myself still in, during and after certain thoughts and reactions. I continue to try to work on and better myself. It makes me sad that others never get that opportunity.  

-- Modified on 4/30/2014 11:10:12 PM

dudes bust each others's how it works. You're in the pit of known sex lovers, haha.  

you just learn over time women are sensitive and can't take ball busting. You can make fun of a guy for being fat...but god forbid you do it to a woman and she gets mad and stops talking to you.  

just sayin....

Not so. Men can be sensitive to criticism as well. I've seen it more times than I can count. Everyone has feelings. We are all only human. I know this board pretty well and I've seen my share of bashing once somebody stirs something up. It is a way we feel superior if we can top somebody else's remarks and make them appear smaller. It is the nature of the beast.  

And on the contrary, I have learned to not really take offense to anything said on this board. But I will not refrain from using my intellect and my knowledge of human nature as my defense in regional board combat. It is all for mere entertainment value. Am I right? Self amusement may be all we have on our down time, besides deep thought.

Posted By: anya_marie
Not so. Men can be sensitive to criticism as well.

 And on the contrary, I have learned to not really take offense to anything said on this board. But I will not refrain from using my intellect and my knowledge of human nature as my defense in regional board combat. It is all for mere entertainment value. Am I right? Self amusement may be all we have on our down time, besides deep thought.

entertainment is the point...and laughter comes at expense of other people. Laughing at...and talking about people is the essence of stand-up comedy mixed in with self deprecation. Actually, someone reacting to be insulted is half the fun...haha. I see insults more of social warfare like fencing...but to each they own.  

Not that i'm old...but old enough that emo, drake listeners, anti-bullying has made a generation of dudes too sensitive. I came up "playing the dozens" and when bullying was real....i'm an 80's baby. Handling insults is a sign of maturity to me.

Also, some people are just overly dramatic and read too much into things in order to be so. I do admit if I was an outsider looking in this would be entertainment. So at least you guys accomplished your targeted goal... Since there wasn't any real good reason as to make snide remarks except that I haven't seen any of you guys and maybe you're holding resentments?

Could it be that I'm just trying to save my money? Not trying to undervalue anyone's time. Sorry it appears that way.  

I could pay a professional a lot less, but I'd rather meet some fellow hobbyists.  

No need to get your panties in a bunch guys.  

So much for me not responding... Oh, well. It's not good for me to bottle things up.

-- Modified on 5/1/2014 12:12:40 AM

Pimpathy344 reads

and are already aware of... is not a manual transmission.

Posted By: flyers17
I am surprised that you have not received a ton of responses on the forum offering help, instead getting one sorta douchey response.  It does sound like it could be fun but I don't have a manual car anymore.  Are you looking to get a manual car because they are a bit more fuel efficient or because they are more fun to drive?  Pure manual cars can be a real pain in the butt in heavy traffic.  An alternative is getting a BMW with smg (sequential manual gearbox) or similar technology.  I used to have an M3 with it.  It is a manual car but without a clutch (it's computer controlled) but simply shifting the stick gives you all the responsiveness of a stick shift without the hassles.  If you get lazy, you can switch to an "automatic" mode.  Plus, it takes about 2 minutes to learn.  Hope this helps.

Posted By: Pimpathy
and are already aware of... is not a manual transmission.  
Ummm, I am not really sure what you are trying to say.  You seem to have the ability to construct short phrases separated by little dots but are unable to parse them together into a cogent thought.  Is it a learning disability related to dyslexia?
I won't respond beyond this since I have read Anya's posts about people with little to do other than watch television and write posts to make themselves feel better.  Let me try to explain things to your understanding about SMG technology.
This is the simplest explanation I could find via google search: "Sequential manual transmissions are true manual transmissions, and should not be confused with automatic transmissions that provide some degree of user shifting input. One commercial example of this type of automatic transmission is the Tiptronic transmission. User shifting through buttons or lever does not necessarily mean that the transmission is a manual transmission."  This is from wiki.  Much more complex explanations can be found via a google search but you have to give me some credit for spending 15 minutes searching for an explanation that you may understand.
I am talking about...sequential manual gearbox is based off of a manual transmission...less refined technology...widely available...i.e. tiptronics...automatic transmission...I understand.
(wish I knew haiku)

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