Los Angeles

FIDCUOF 1232 reads

Any providers out there have a client that wants someone to watch him with you.  Please PM for more details.  I'm willing to pay half.  :  ;)

To anyone who might respond to this user please be aware we PMed about this and I requested he pay the full donation which he agreed to but then stopped communicating once informed he would be unable to review the session since he would not be participating (as per TER guidelines - it's not specifically written there but I was informed if you don't participate in physical activities the date can't be reviewed from when a date tried reviewing our dinner/show date where there was no intimate contact).


This guy's a time-waster.  Not a real hobbyist.

FIDCUOF407 reads

Thats NOT what Goldie is saying...she is saying you are a fat old keyboard warrior

old, but not the fat.  Too many hours in the gym each week.  You're starting to sound a little prissy.  Man up and pay the rate, sir, or stop wasting providers' time.

I haven't met Fiddy personally, but one thing i do know, he is an ATF of a lot of girls in LA.  

And how do i know that?

Because when he requested a date a few years ago, he sent me numerous references, and there wasn't one girl that didn't rave about him.

The only reason i can think of as to why none of them speak up for him on the boards, is because they don't want to get caught up in the Testosterone bs.

Your exaggeration exceeds the bounds of reality.  There are a lot of ladies here that won't have anything to do with him.  The fake reviews, the erratic behavior and general weirdness during the date.  He's probably a gentleman most of the time, but his reputation is that of a dog you don't want to turn your back on.  Especially if you are a young hot dude like he is.  The way he treated our mutual friend should be more telling to you, although things apparently and thankfully turned out OK with that.

Besides, he has always been the board whipping boy, a role he thoroughly enjoys.  It's tough job but somebody's got to do it.

Aw Jinx, i'm not exagerating at all, i'm just stating what i know of from a few years ago, maybe things have changed since then.

But you need to remember also, what a lady may be telling a client, doesn't mean it's going to always be true.

And i really have no idea as to how he treated our mutual friend :-/

Whip away at Fiddy all you want :-)

Ladies sometimes tell clients things that aren't true.  Shazzam!  Who would have thought?

FIDCUOF318 reads

Who's your mutual friend?   I think I know who it is and she and I still talk to this day. She is awesome and we had a great time.   Remember we pay for this Jinx....She's NOT in love with you.

Never give up!  A half dozen times with your odd request is just not enough!  This is the last time I can make the gimp suit offer though, so you better decide quick.  

Posted By: FIDCUOF
Any providers out there have a client that wants someone to watch him with you.  Please PM for more details.  I'm willing to pay half.  :  ;)

He wants to have his hands free so he can touch one of you when you're naked. Any guess which one?

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