Los Angeles

carlhungus 53 Reviews 295 reads


As many of you know Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday we had a really solid winter storm. As I was looking to Mammoth I saw Wednesday forming up as an excellent storm riding opportunity. It would be dumping all day, cold, windy and uncrowded. I was really feeling the itch to drive Tuesday night and get a good day in on Wednesday and a possible morning session in on Thursday and then jet back home.
   I wanted some company so I started making some calls to some of the girls I know in LA. Either no one was available or they didn’t snowboard or they were too busy et al. So I decided to call my new friend from LA – She was keen - I made it clear that I would be paying for the trip but no 24 hour rate or anything (and I had no expectations beyond snowboarding). She was all good, despite my warning about how cold it would be and how hard it is to even talk on the mountain when it’s like that. She literally laughed when I said that “why do we need to talk on the mountain?”.
   So I showed up at her place (different place then where we met the first time) and she’s waiting there all keen and ready to go with her gear all packed tight and pig tails sticking out from under her beanie. It felt like she had done this a thousand times before. Well, if you really want to get to know someone take a 6 hour car ride with them. I told her it was all good if she wanted to sleep but she stayed awake the whole time (not just endlessly yabbering on but talking, listening and asking questions).  
   We didn’t make great time driving into the teeth of the storm but our conversation was great and evidently she has been snowboarding in many places in the world and had a high degree of competency. By the time we got settled in Mammoth we had about 3 hours to sleep (she was clear we wouldn’t be fooling around) and then it would be time. She was up early and made the coffee and SHE was jonesing for powder. She asked me where we were going and I said 25 would be a good place to get started and she basically called me a pussy for not wanting first tracks on 9. I said OK it’s on I guess and she replied “more than you know”. I was thinking “holy shit I may be IN even deeper than I thought”. I could tell just getting from the top of the first lift to the bottom of 9 that she could snowboard.
   So, it didn’t surprise me much when she strapped in her bindings before we even hopped off chair 9 – so I did the same. She looked at me before we hopped off and said that I would have the best sex of my life tonight if I could beat her to the bottom. She just bombed it straight under the chair while I cut hard left so I could get down the mountain and still keep an eye on her. It was madness up there and really hard to see. She didn’t know I was riding parallel with her and about 3/4s down she stopped to wait for me. I cut hard right and when I was blowing by her I gave it a little check turn that flocked her like a Christmas tree except this snow was real and fucking cold. I continued right and thought I’d impress her with a big fronthand gaff and of course I caught a rail and ate shit. She beat me to the bottom of the chair and she seemed way too happy to point out that I wasn’t getting any tonight either – and I was delighted to point out that I was completely satisfied with the way I had already flocked her on the run anyhow…  
   I thought she would be really pissed but she was just laughing her ass off and pushed me over. She said it could still be on for that night and I said “oh, I thought you said I could flock you – which I have already done quite magnificently!” She just said “ok but it’s going to be harder for you to keep up this time.” It was! - and the willpower that it took for me to stay on the mountain all day trying to out macho this pig tailed girl was everything I had. She is such a stud! If she was on a Fish (like I was) it would have been impossible for me to keep up with her and as the day wore on I fell more and in more classic ways.
   That night we had pizza at Juniper and I fell asleep by 730pm. I half expected to wake up with ‘pussy’ written on my forehead in sharpie but I was up by 6am making coffee and trying not to let on how sore I was. If she was sore I couldn’t tell – this chick is an animal!! We snowboarded for a couple of hours and were on the road home by 11am as I had a dinner meeting in Orange County. It was a drive back that could have been sponsored by Red Bull for me – while she just chatted away. I caught myself just staring at her a couple of times thinking of just how magnificent she was.
   I dropped her at her place, carried her stuff in and when she asked me if I could stay I reminded her of my meeting that I barely had time to make. Unbeknownst to her the orange envelope was in one of her snowboard boots this time… That was a couple of days ago and I have not heard from her yet - but damn. She is one in a million and I’m going to take my best run at her. I don’t know how this all ends but I’m too far in to pull out now and I must push in deeper!
Cheers Boys and Haters Feel Free!!

Since there was no sex, it gets a 0 in performance.  Looks are up to you.

Let's  start
The review!! WE WANT JUICE!! JUICE JUICE !!!!!
Help me lol  
With sense humor please!!
Let s Laugh!!!please   NO haters    


JUICE cliche detail.....    

"THEn the fun began "
after she saw my 10  inch GORGEOUS  cock and my toned body ...ops..  
 Need mention I am  sucefull  "young rish"    bussiness man  
"........ anyone free to continue !?????????.......(do forget mention  how many times she comes !! )
Anyone help to "".............continue ...


Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
Since there was no sex, it gets a 0 in performance.  Looks are up to you.

I got sucked into reading this whole thing and there was no sex involved.  Tank, you are quite the spin-miester of tales.

A teller of tall tales on the LA board circa 2002?  I think he has an heir .

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