Los Angeles

The sad part of being an 'escort'
Shaunna See my TER Reviews 499 reads

Geez, i've made some really good friends through this industry but when they disappear completely it leaves me feeling empty.

One who i grew more than fond of had a heart attack and from what i know was on the road to recovery.  I never heard from him again and i got caught between do i contact him as a friend or would he see this as an intrusion.

Sucks :-(

think about your regulars that fall off the radar? I know there is a time when we all have had a regular, whether it be friend or provider, who falls off the radar. No emails, phonecalls, etc. Wonder about them? How they are doing? I find myself thinking about my friends from time to time, not sure if this is 'normal' but seeing someone consistently for years, you can't help but get a little more personal than just a 'meeting'..

On a serious note, I wonder about them also, some either are on a relationship, or decided to leave the hobby. A couple of mine also moved out of the country, various reasons but it is also nice to reconnect with them at some point.

I think about several ladies all the time.  One lady, who I saw regularly, I think about her often.  
She made hobbying so convenient for me. She went out of her way for me with hosting incalls and offering me references. She showed me what a great woman can do for a guy.  I know why she retired and I wish her the best and hope she is doing good now.  

This might be a business but friendships can still be born from this.

I think very highly of the few men I am fortunate enough to see on a regular basis and find different things at different times that may remind me of him... And as a matter of fact  I just recently did have someone I saw on a regular basis and communicated with often, 'fall off the radar'. I actually contacted another provider to express my concern for his well being and although I stil  have heard nothing, I do hope to get a 'hi, I'm ok' email someday soon. I do consider my 'regulars' my friends, in the sense that I wish them nothing but the absolute best and hope that wherever they are and whatever(or whomever,lol) they are doing that they are happy.

Belonging to another country  and  culture
I find out that friendship inLA tend to be very shallow..
I have fortune  to met great ladies and guys
ON this type of environment  
some people vanish and  is COMON thing that  I find out  in LA.
But have some regulars  
 or ex regulars that keep in touch
In fact one of them... I use to met once while  for coffee I love listen him  
He is sort my mentor HOW   nice is chat with smart people ..
We providers are not all greedy and about the money like I read.  in post on the past
Honestly I  met nicer  women in this bussiness then  my regular job
Who has bunch married  CINDERELAS with no sense of reallity  totally unreal expetactions about men
THAT it  


-- Modified on 3/13/2014 7:32:59 PM

From a hobbyist POV I care about the provider, particularly if they go UTR. You never know what ever really happens to them. I certainly hope they are okay. I think it's a fun part of the hobby to kinda get to know who you are with to some extent. Ladies that are leaving the business I generally stear away from for that reason. That being said, when are you coming back to LA hottie?

-- Modified on 3/13/2014 12:22:06 PM

danoops261 reads

The times when I did have regular providers I saw all the time there was always a personal connection made.  For me the personal connection was why I kept seeing them.  There's been a couple of them that after they retired, they gave me their personal number to keep in touch.  I've lost connection with them through the years, so there's a few that I wish I knew how they were doing now.

Geez, i've made some really good friends through this industry but when they disappear completely it leaves me feeling empty.

One who i grew more than fond of had a heart attack and from what i know was on the road to recovery.  I never heard from him again and i got caught between do i contact him as a friend or would he see this as an intrusion.

Sucks :-(

I don't mind if a girl I've seen before many times before,  drops a note to say hello. Nothing wrong with that

I love getting emails just to say hi from providers. I have gotten a couple. It makes my day!

She didn't exactly fall off the radar, just retired and is in another line of work. I knew her real name, and I know where she is and what she's doing, and it's so hard not to call her. But, I know that would be a major intrusion. In some ways I think it would have been easier if she had fallen of the radar.  ;)

You would not just fall off my radar, but not get too far from my lips, tongue, or cock!

Glad I am not alone!!! Thanks everyone!!!  

Posted By: Blofinger
You would not just fall off my radar, but not get too far from my lips, tongue, or cock!

It's really nice to know that if a faithful regular disappears, our absence will be noticed by at least some of you lovely ladies. I would never just disappear on an ATF without saying a good bye in person.

My two ATFs recently made changes in their lives preventing our 'relationship' to continue. One retired from the business completely, a move I respect and privately encouraged. The other relocated to NYC, but does occasionally visit LA.

I have spent time with both ladies a half dozen times each over the past three years. This may not seem like a lot of time, but in both cases I felt there was a connection between her and I. Most appointments went off the clock, talking about life. There were physical needs, of course, but to me that intangible connection is just as important. I'm not the type to sample as many ladies as I can. Sometimes I wish I were.

I do not mean to imply either of them became close personal friends, that would be naive. I am sure other hobbyists were treated the same way.

But in both cases I will wonder how they are doing in life, at least for awhile.

-- Modified on 3/17/2014 8:21:57 AM

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