Los Angeles

Thank you all
UripHiga 21 Reviews 594 reads
1 / 10

I have been a member of TER since probably 2004 I lost count. I have been in and out of the hobby since then.
A lot has change since my last string of hobbying, and a lot clearly changed.
I tried to make an appointment to see Nuri  and it was my very first time in more than 15 years in the hobby that somebody tells me that I did not passed the screening.
I send via txt an image of my business card, the business card shows my website but the PO does not answer my calls and does not respond my messages.
She claims that I need to have to 'asian' (I guessed she means koreans) references
Last week I saw Nuru Nadia but i guess she is not part of the ethnic group in which the PO checks for references.
I called other providers but it seems like this particular booker handles them all.
If somebody can help me I would truly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for your help

Beemer310 35 Reviews 433 reads
2 / 10

that anyone can do for you here. If the booker says you do not meet the screening process then you do not.

The only option would be to keep trying but possibly your number has already been passed around so you may have a hard time getting in altogether now. Good luck.

UripHiga 21 Reviews 344 reads
3 / 10

Well that really sucks, Thank you for the reply anyway

latwister 11 Reviews 253 reads
4 / 10

Don't keep calling the booker that told you no.  This will just get you blacklisted.  

A better plan: There are around 100 or so K-girls on cityvibe.  They are controlled by a handfull of bookers.  Lots of those girls are just sitting around because they have no business because they are the same price as the Kgirl all-stars (why they price them all the same is beyond me.  Pickup an econ101 book, k-bookers!).

Find one that gets no play (I recommend Stella: and no, those are not her pix.  Not even close).  The booker will ask you a bunch of questions and assuming you are not on a blacklist or have a weird phone demeanor, you will get your appt.  You will not be thrilled with your date, but you will be sweet to her because she and your 250 layout just got you on the whitelist.  No, you don't have to tip her.  Just be a perfect gentleman to her and her booker.

If you can't see Stella, do some research and see a girl with predominantly 8's in her reviews (the equivalent of 4's in the real world).

johncaged2 1 Reviews 188 reads
6 / 10

I can attest that latwister's method works - I used it a few weeks ago.  Start with lower-traffic K-Girls.

corwinofavalon 31 Reviews 247 reads
7 / 10

Fuck 'em!  Good lord, do you know how many Asian providers there are in LA?!?  Let it go and move on to the next!

Harpman60 240 reads
8 / 10

you seen and how easy was the screening process, that enables you to easily move to the next one ?

Posted By: corwinofavalon
Fuck 'em!  Good lord, do you know how many Asian providers there are in LA?!?  Let it go and move on to the next!
-- Modified on 5/22/2012 7:11:33 PM

acheleus 9 Reviews 305 reads
9 / 10

early this year when I decided to return to the scene.  The bottom line is that the booker you are going to has consistently good girls and doesn't need to take anyone that doesn't have references.  I recommend you watch CV for new girls and take a chance and try one.  This is how I got back in.  I have never had a "bad" experience with a kgirl even a brand new one....they are not all outstanding performers like the few superstars out there, but again, they are never bad.....

UripHiga 21 Reviews 200 reads
10 / 10

Thank you all for the advice given here publicly and by private message. Some advice was better than others and I read them all with the due attention to the time and effort everybody put into helping me.

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