Los Angeles

suddenly i'm dealing with a booker...
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 1452 reads

this has never happened to me before, so i put it out to the board in general:

i had corresponded by email with a new lady i wanted to see.  she responded very favorably, esp. to my role play request, even replying in character (something that really gets me excited).

the first email of course was my introduction, presentation of my references, white lists and ok's, and request for role play (to which she responded enthusiastically yes).

then a couple of emails of our trying to co-ordinate our respective schedules.  when i was free she wasn't, and visa versa.

finally i sent an email agreeing to a time and date she suggested.  but then the next day before she responded, i got another appointment (a doctor's appointment, which was not movable) for the same time.  i sent her an email explaining i couldn't make the date i previously agreed upon (which was 2 weeks in the future, so it's not like short notice or anything).  i suggested then any day the week following.

the next email was suddenly from her booker, whom i didn't have any idea she employed!  i totally thought she was handling her own correspondence, and in fact was enjoying little flirtations in our emails.

the booker (whom i had dealt with for other women) suggested a number of dates.

so my question... wtf?  did i totally lose my mojo by not pinpointing a date right away?  am i reading too much into a purely business transaction?  

i have to admit i'm totally turned off by a 3rd party inserting herself into the middle of my communication.  if i had known there was a booker involved from the beginning, i might feel different, but this is kind of like phoning your girlfriend and then in the middle of the conversation hearing her mom on the extension, asking what time you kids will be home.

any thoughts?

move on.  her loss, your savings

You wasted way too much of her time so she flipped you to her booker.  That's what bookers are for.  Guys who can't get their shit together to know when they will be where they got to be when they say they are going to be there.   By the way, Doctors appointments are just as moveable as provider appointments, but I can see at least your big head still has your priorities straight.  So you got that going at least.  Maybe your doctor will play dress up for you.  LOL!

back and forth emails, you might have worn out your welcome.  Emailing is OTC time for the girl.  Some will indulge it and some won't, but at some point the law of diminishing return kicks in for the provider and I think they just want to cut their losses.  

I often book up to a week in advance, but its usually about 30 words and covers everything I need to say.  She responds with a yes.  I say, "Confirmed.  Thanks."  The night before, I send another email saying I am reconfirming the date and time for tomorrow.  She responds okay.  I don't respond further.  Then I text when I am there.  I try to be as low-maintenance as possible.  Girls that do their own booking appreciate it.  Bookers that have multiple girls especially appreciate it.  

With that said, I haven't done role-play, so I don't really understand everything involved, but I can appreciate that there needs to be some back and forth to set the parameters, costumes, etc. for the role play.  I think it is up to the hobbyist to create some balance between what is necessary to make the appointment happen, and what isn't, in order not to be off-putting to the girl.  Just my opinion.

rest assured i never sent an email that didn't impart or solicit solid real life information - ie, references and/or time/date requests.  and the first email i sent asking for a specific time/date 2 days later, she replied to after said date had passed (she returned from a tour, i assumed she was recuperating).

i had only sent 2 emails, both with time/date suggestions/requests, neither of which were good for her, when suddenly the booker gets involved.

oh well if i do connect i will ask her in person.

the Big Peter we know.  Your OP gave the impression that you were doing way more emails that what you have clarified here.  In that case, I have no idea and my post is of no help.  Sorry.

np i fail to include all details in the op and i forget that you guys aren't privy to the step by step.

i think i'm going to make the date with the booker, only because this provider is in the top 10 in los angeles and gets nothing but rave reviews from guys.

i'll let y ou guys know how it works out.

You can still grind it out but I would move on...

Suddenly I'm dealing with A Hooker - and TBH I have felt this way many times - LOL

Perhaps you should expect that you are talking to a booker/assistant from the get-go so you don't create any false illusions for yourself? I am pretty sure that a large percentage of the escorts all over the country are too busy to answer their own emails so they need a trusted assistant. We all need help screening and staying safe

Posted By: Alanah415
 Perhaps you should expect that you are talking to a booker/assistant from the get-go so you don't create any false illusions for yourself? I am pretty sure that a large percentage of the escorts all over the country are too busy to answer their own emails so they need a trusted assistant. We all need help screening and staying safe
I always assume that I am in touch with the booker, even if they flirt. A lot of bookers know people think they are the girl so they play along. Really he could have been talking with the booker the entire time.

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