Los Angeles

Re: Not "usually" by any means
KaylaKisses See my TER Reviews 1564 reads
1 / 32

There are lots of GREAT ones out there, so don't let a bad experience scare you off!.

Popular/well reviewed Ladies usually have Bookers/Assts., as they could not possibly answer hundreds of e-mails monthly., and still have a LIFE....They are there to make the process EASIER, not aggravating., or give you a buzz kill..

A good Asst./Booker, who has a good relationship with the provider, stays around for a couple of years (or longer)....I would admit it is definitely a Red flag, when the provider goes through MANY Assistants.....It is a tough relationship to have, as there UNFORTUNATELLY is alot of Drama in this business..

Some Assistant's are so well LIKED, they receive expensive gifts/shoes/gift cards/Cash/etc, from the Client's....It is their way of saying THANK YOU, for making it a easy breezy process., and Assistant's REALLY appreciate that!.

Appreciate the GOOD ones that are out there, as they help facilitate the process of YOU visiting with a lovely gal!. :)

Kayla~ x

TheGentlemanLover 847 reads
2 / 32

You said it very well, Kayla! :)  

Yes, so much energy spent on being frustrated with a booker... whether it's just or not.

There are so many nice ladies out there, and also some very efficient and pleasant bookers. I'm not so sure what's so special about a particular lady that a guy should get so worked-up over.

I've only dealt with a couple of bookers, and I had at least one that I wanted to gift something to, but just couldn't figure out how to do it (I guess I should just ask, or have the lady pass it on next time I see her).

I will say I have met many lovely ladies, either privately, or at the recent Meet & Greet (Thanks again, Bond & Kate!). And while each lady is especially unique, I can't imagine that there is anyone out there that is worth such frustration.  

In other words, don't waste your time spouting off, buddy, but use your fingers to find another lady who deserves your appreciation.

And I will agree... appreciate the GOOD ones -- there are many out there, and bless them all! :

lopaw 29 Reviews 1141 reads
3 / 32

how do you know if a provider has a booker/asst when it is your first time contacting them? Especially thru email?

KaylaKisses See my TER Reviews 1051 reads
4 / 32

Sometimes you know ahead of time, and sometimes you do not...

When you e-mail a lady, and you get a reply., it will say........"Betty"....(Linda's Asst.)

Then you will know they have an Asst. :)

RRO2610 51 Reviews 933 reads
5 / 32

I have enjoyed NOT having a third party involved with the process of booking an appointment. The few times in the past I ran across an 'assistant' or "booker" I politely withdrew my solicitation for reasons of it not feeling comfortable and losing a huge amount of 'intimacy' usually enjoyed.  

   Of late I have more regularly run across assistants/bookers and so I finally capitulated. Well; she(the assistant) fucked the pooch MAJOR the first time. And when I graciously forgave her first fuck-up she offered me an undeservedly arrogant attitude at my second attempt a month later. I subsequently voiced my opinion on this "trend" that IMO is built wholly on indolence, or lack of rudimentary organizational skills on the part of the provider.  

 Unless the provider is hobbled by reason of English not being their primary language I see no reason to suffer the lack of intimacy, the innate peril of a third party's presence in an historically intimate written congress, and the proven problems suffered from their superfluous presence.

KaylaKisses See my TER Reviews 893 reads
6 / 32
RRO2610 51 Reviews 904 reads
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You think the "bashing" is "sad"

I say it is deserved!  "Too each their own".
Posted By: KaylaKisses
LOL :)  
 To each their own..

KaylaKisses See my TER Reviews 883 reads
8 / 32

I did not say "ALL" well reviewed providers, use Assistants...."Usually" does not mean ALL, Sweetie.. :)


Posted By: BustyGFE
I do not agree at all with your statement that "popular/well reviewed ladies usually have bookers/assts".  I know many TER ladies who have been here since it's inception (myself included) who have NEVER used a booker or assistant.  I also know several on the Top 10 in the US list who do not have bookers or assistants.  They answer their own emails and phones. Maybe your group of friends or peers do and that's OK but I would not say "usually" by any means.  
 I think there is no issue with using a booker and there are some great ones out there.  I think of Betty in Baltimore who is world class and the guys adore her.    I would NEVER entrust my clients information with anyone other than myself but that's just me.    

KaylaKisses See my TER Reviews 807 reads
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The Clients appreciate just as MUCH, when they are screened/speaking/communicating with a VERY efficient/FUN Assistant/Booker....

It's not that the provider is NOT appreciative of the e-mail inquiries, it's just that she/they do not have the time., OR they are not comfortable with their OWN screening abilities..  

If it were a huge problem, lot's of Assistant's would be out of a job., and many e-mails would go unanswered (or take a few days)....Then there would be more bitching about THAT, too!!....Just sayin.....


Hpygolky 208 Reviews 861 reads
10 / 32

But there's asst answering emails that you don't even know. Haven't you ask for a request and when she shows up she forgot this or that. Or where to meet. Its almost like she wasn't aware of any emails or texts that you sent. Some Asst have a sense of writing that they carry from girls to girl, it's hard to pick up but if you're savvy you'll see the same kinda of wording   They also place the ads on the TER, with the captions,which is cool I get that. Some asst will even answer the "In search of post" with the "pick me, pick me" responses. And sit down on this one, they may even write a :: shudder:: review for them......OH NO NOT THAT!!!!!
So you can be dealing with a asst and not even know it....But when it's all said and done, I got no beef with them.

KaylaKisses See my TER Reviews 747 reads
11 / 32

Part of the Assistant's job, IS to post on the boards for the provider., or answer a "ISO"...

AND answer PM's, AND...................................................

It's called an "Assistant". :)

GettingOlderAndHappier 854 reads
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Busty never used the term "all" and thank goodness she is correct that "usually" (which implies greater than 50%) is not true yet true either. Kayla, you really misunderstood her on that point.

When I first started, I preferred using bookers and agencies (which I know providers consider to be different than bookers but from the hobbyists perspective, they sound and act alike upon initial contact).

However, now I try to avoid bookers at all costs. My personal experience is that there are fewer good ones out there than poor ones - and that poor ones are particularly frustrating because they frequently blame the client for their own (bookers) errors.  My personal experience also indicates that higher volume providers are increasing their use of bookers, while higher rated providers with higher donations are not following the trend as much (presumably to provide a more personal experience from the outset).

Kayla you acknowledged that finding a good booker is difficult. Curious how many bookers you used prior to finding a good one? During that period, how did you find out that they were not serving your needs properly? Did you find complaints from clients went up during the initial transition or did you just not have to deal with complaints directly as much?

I agree that "bashing" is not a good thing. And, I have never tried to book an appointment with you so cannot comment directly on that experience. However, it seems to me that the combination of the difficulty of finding a good one as you describe and the general increasing trend in the overall use of bookers means that the overall quality of service is probably declining with their increased use.

frontpage 26 Reviews 876 reads
14 / 32

I don't like not knowing a lady has an assistant.  They should say so upfront.  When I contact a lady with references in hand, I'm trying to develop a sort emotional contact that will hopefully carry into the appointment.  However, if after several emails back and forth, I find out that I was never talking to the provider, it does piss me off.

RRO2610 51 Reviews 878 reads
15 / 32

Us an "assistant"; lose my business; PERIOD!

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 947 reads
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And when they answer the "In search of" why do they make it sound so cheesey? "Oh Baby I'd love to play with ya" instead of "Hi this is so and so, I'm so and so asst, I'm sure you'll have a great time with so and so etc etc"....Just sayin...ya know.

niceguy13 14 Reviews 775 reads
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If they have a booker, that no longer makes them Independent....
This should be a one on one intimate encounter.

Nightfalle 14 Reviews 924 reads
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when the assistant pretends to be her.  I don't like this at all, and I avoid anyone that I learn is doing it. I like to know who I'm sharing info with, and if she's sharing my info with someone and concealing that, it's a no no for me.    

I will see a girl who has a assistant who doesn't hide that fact.  

If they use an assistant or booker, then they also have to live with the fact that the quality of the assistant also determines if I repeat.  Some are great, my requests and the details are forwarded on without any problems (this is awesome as I usually get much faster responses and complete answers).  Others seem to be like playing telephone (obviously frustrating).  It's all part of my experience with her, and I evaluate on repeating accordingly

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 891 reads
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When check references some said.....  They are assistant ..
I Never have bad experience-they were very attentive  
and promptly ..

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 816 reads
21 / 32

As someone theguys adore. She is one of the main ones being bashed! : D

MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 801 reads
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The gentleman in question who was bashing my assistant Betty was exceptionally rude. I might go so far as to say vile. We were both very polite and respectful to him in our conversations and then he tried to find a way to see me regardless by circumventing the system that I have in place for my safety and that of my clients. I simply told him that Betty brings such value to my life and Sanity to my crazy world but I was not willing to risk that relationship which I hold so dear for an hour appointment with someone who is shown me that they don't have the class to be a gentleman.

I politely asked him to keep mine and Betty's names off of the put discussion boards and I would do the same for him. Anyone who wishes to see the communication transaction that occurred is welcome to p.m. me and I will forward you detailed lengthy rude emails sent from him to my email. We are not talking about one rude email people we are talking about 10+ vile mean disgusting emails from someone who is supposed to be a "gent".

I even went so far as to say perhaps we would run into each other in a meet and greet and have an opportunity to communicate with a fresh perspective at a later date and see if we might actually get past things.

I am seeing is other such post on various boards and responding to threads after doing a search and I decided he was not the type of gentleman that I would enjoy to share an hour of my life with. Do yourselves a favor take a moment to review my reviews where numerous clients say that Betty was a breeze to work with and they really enjoyed their time with me before buying into all this hullabaloo!

Betty I love you and I wouldn't trade you for the world!

Kisses and O's

Youngbill25 54 Reviews 710 reads
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What.......someone is bashing Ms. Betty? Well that's nonsense. I haven't dealt with many assistants in my hobby career but I have dealt with Ms. Betty on a few occasions and she is the best by fair. She's always polite, prompt and courteous. And there was a time or two when my schedule had to be adjusted and she handled it in a professional manner. I have nothing but good things to say about Ms. Betty.

Ms. Betty keep your head up high and rise above this. I know you will because you are a very classy lady.

termsofdelicious See my TER Reviews 844 reads
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Madison you say, "The gentleman in question" - I think is WAY TOO polite of a statement.  
This man is NOT a gentleman in any sense of the word. From what I've read here and back channel, he sounds like a tyrant toddler with his lil winnie in his hand. This lame excuse for a gentleman is rude to an assistant and a provider because they  don't jump to answer him or his PMs fast enough?...
It's your business, run it the way you see fit. With or with out an assistant it's personal preference.  
However, anyone questioning the integrity one of THE BEST assistant in the service provider world is a short bus rider (aka slow if you didn't catch that).  
Betty is an amazing, thoughtful, thorough, prompt and respectful asset to many ladies and moreover OUR community.  

Sending my thoughts and love to Betty and Maddison for dealing with this uber impatient baby prick (why a baby prick?... He's not man enough to have an adult sized one).  

-FWIW- I do not have an assistant. I personally would not; if I changed my mind I would wants B. Betty.  

Pricks are suppose to go be warm wet places not nagging your virtual inbox.  

Keep it Real,
Samantha sofa king Goo

Tabu See my TER Reviews 692 reads
25 / 32

To rail against her is stupid in the extreme. She has never worked for me as an assistant, but I can't tell you how many times she has been there for me.


stupidoldguy 705 reads
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I have had a number of interactions with Miss Betty over the last several years and never has she been anything but polite, responsive, efficient, kind, thoughtful, dare I add "thrifty, brave and reverent"? (I was a good boy scout, source of these last several traits. You gotta know the Boy Scout creed to find the humor) Anyhow, Miss Betty has never been anything but aboveboard and first class. She never "pretended" to be anybody but herself. She has, on occasion, responded to an email I sent to her client and I was surprised to hear from Miss Betty, but its always a pleasant surprise, she is so nice and efficient and responsive. After I realize that emails to her clients are generally seen and often responded to by Miss Betty, I understand that I don't know who I am corresponding with, client or Miss Betty, but clearly, her clients all trust her discretion and integrity and so do I. I will vouch for Miss Betty anytime.

Posted By: Nightfalle
when the assistant pretends to be her.  I don't like this at all, and I avoid anyone that I learn is doing it. I like to know who I'm sharing info with, and if she's sharing my info with someone and concealing that, it's a no no for me.    
 I will see a girl who has a assistant who doesn't hide that fact.    
 If they use an assistant or booker, then they also have to live with the fact that the quality of the assistant also determines if I repeat.  Some are great, my requests and the details are forwarded on without any problems (this is awesome as I usually get much faster responses and complete answers).  Others seem to be like playing telephone (obviously frustrating).  It's all part of my experience with her, and I evaluate on repeating accordingly.  

Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 715 reads
27 / 32

She's pure class and someone I trust wholeheartedly. Anyone who would "bash" her is either grossly misinformed or just plain melodramatic.  

Posted By: perfectstorm
As someone theguys adore. She is one of the main ones being bashed! : D

stupidoldguy 607 reads
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I have had a number of interactions with Miss Betty over the last several years and never has she been anything but polite, responsive, efficient, kind, thoughtful, dare I add "thrifty, brave and reverent"? (I was a good boy scout, source of these last several traits. You gotta know the Boy Scout creed to find the humor) Anyhow, Miss Betty has never been anything but aboveboard and first class. She never "pretended" to be anybody but herself. She has, on occasion, responded to an email I sent to her client and I was surprised to hear from Miss Betty, but its always a pleasant surprise, she is so nice and efficient and responsive. After I realize that emails to her clients are generally seen and often responded to by Miss Betty, I understand that I don't know who I am corresponding with, client or Miss Betty, but clearly, her clients all trust her discretion and integrity and so do I. I will vouch for Miss Betty anytime.

belindabell See my TER Reviews 733 reads
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There is always 2 sides to every story.  If someone does not pass screening, the assistant gets blamed and  
will occasionally be bashed.   This is not right and not fair.  An assistants first loyalty needs to be to that of her client.  The provider entrusts her assistant with her safety and well-being.

BaltimoreBetty See my TER Reviews 808 reads
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I have been watching this thread and want to say thank you to all of you for the kind words you have written about me here today. It truly warms my heart to know you have so many positive things to say about me. Thank you so much. I feel the same about all of you. I cherish the friendships I have made in this business. I thank God everyday for the blessings in my life.

It boils down to this: Non of us are perfect. When things go wrong, feelings can sometimes get hurt. Or people can become angry. I try my best to appease people should these things occur. However I cannot please everyone all the time. None of us can. That being said, I am quick to apologize if I feel I am wrong. I am happy to take the heat for any of the ladies I work for too. It is my job to be the buffer for them so they can focus on being the amazing providers they are.  

If anyone feels the need to bash me so they can feel better about themselves, I am truly sorry for you. No matter how much you rant, rave and complain, I am not responsible for your bad feelings. That's something you need to work out on your own.

All the best to everyone....including the bashers. I hope you find peace and happiness in your lives inside and outside of this hobby of ours.  

Love and Hugs, Betty xxxo
aka: Miss. Betty, Assistant

findjimbo2 184 Reviews 135 reads
32 / 32

I have never had any issue with a booker. As long as you treat them with respect then things should go smoothly. Sure, once in a blue moon something might go wrong with a booker, but it could happen to any provider as well. We are here to have fun so take a deep breath and just let it go and move on.

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