Los Angeles

Re: I think I just got challenge to a race! Poor little man lol
Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 520 reads

I do  not like to run ... expect when I am  driving  !!
I like take my time enjoying the trail and the view
I am a  lazy   laid back European  LOL
Email I have some secrets spots here In LA..
I do NOT  like compete  with men ..
I like to be a  feminine  princess ..

LOL I was looking at my ad on Los Angeles. jackmacguyver really? lol  

Imagine Escort Vs John.  

Who else runs here? What is the best shoe you have worn? What are some good running trails in LA?

Have you done Runyon Canyon yet and no, he's not a hobbyist. Ha ha
Asics are the best for me but they are very pricy!!! You get what you pay for, even with shoes!!!

No Claremont run a few times reason I asking what places to go running get bored of treadmill and know I get better work out outside running

New Balance 915 are my fave.  Try the trail above Burbank starting at the nature center.  Great view of the SFValley and LA from the top.

I don't run much really ever lol. But I would with both you and alanah if I could have both of you at the finish what a prize that would be I'd probbaly die but happy.

"Poor little..." - I think you will find that I am neither of those.  

So, here's the course.  Eaton Canyon (nature Center) to Mount Wilson via the fire(toll) road. 9 miles w/ elevation change of appox. 5000 ft.  Now you get to name the time.

 Imagine  Escort Vs John.   Then realize;  Man vs girl

Yes, Really.     P G E says, "I can out run most any man. "  

We'll see...



Posted By: PrettyGirlEscort
LOL I was looking at my ad on Los Angeles. jackmacguyver really? lol  
 Imagine  Escort Vs John.
 Who else runs here? What is the best shoe you have worn? What are some good running trails in LA?

TO: dakine18  Can't wait to meet-cha.


Posted By: dakine18

End of Message

I do  not like to run ... expect when I am  driving  !!
I like take my time enjoying the trail and the view
I am a  lazy   laid back European  LOL
Email I have some secrets spots here In LA..
I do NOT  like compete  with men ..
I like to be a  feminine  princess ..

What are those secret spots, Bella di Mer?

Bella di mare ..
Love it gato!!!!
Probably  be my new life  stage name lol

..but not a race. I don't think I'd make a 1/2 mile.  

Motivation is always the hard part, but I'm thinking that I'm way too young to be panting after a flight of stairs. So....off I go for a run. Well, mostly walk, with some running thrown in.

I will put some thought for now I am looking up some of the trails you guys have mention

What part of town do you like to run in around?  And do you prefer road or trail runs?   And how far?  I can show you some runs around Griffith park at lunch if you want?  Do either of you use Strava.

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