Los Angeles

Re: But What About Language Reclamation?
Julienne See my TER Reviews 707 reads
1 / 9

I keep hearing for years the term 'prostitution', used in media, i.e. news, TV talk shows etc.. A long time before I knew that I ever would become an insider of this industry I already disliked this term tremendously. There is an ABSOLUTE NEGATIVE CONNOTATION attached to this term, a connotation no working lady deserves. As we all know intimacy services are frequently used by representatives of ALL social levels of society. There are Actors, representatives  of diverse law enforcement agencies, Lawyers, Prosecutors,  members of the entertainment and movie industry, local Politicians, Physicians or Dentists visiting as a client. There also is the ‘lonely’ man who works in the military or in mining, on oil platforms etc. who is deprived from any human touch for months. The list could be continued ‘endlessly’. There are tons of people who suffer from sexual deprivation, due to circumstances, i.e. separation from a partner or illness and injuries. I believe these services were mainly used by powerful, wealthy and influential persons of society in the past. With increasing liberalism toward sexuality and alternative life stiles and because of other changes in society itself it became increasingly used by a broad range of professions and socioeconomic levels. Oftentimes our working ladies can feel the 'hunger’ for intimacy and human touch someone brings along, this so urgently needed release from restrained sexual energy. Blocked sexual energy influences mind AND body, , i.e. work performance, sociability, thought processing and much more. Using sexual services also 'rescues' long term relations ships, which lack passion and sexual vitality, as I mentioned in another post. It creates fantasies, which re-occur when being in a sexual situation with a long term partner again and therefore has a re-vitalizing, energizing effect in the bedroom. This is why I am absolutely convinced  that intimate companionship services DO NOT DESERVE the term 'prostitution' due to its negative connotation

FirstCav227 381 reads
2 / 9

Very well articulated.

Thank You.

Dbl_take 23 Reviews 504 reads
3 / 9

I for one have the highest regard for the majority of the ladies I have met in this arena. Far more character than most of the people from "respectable professions" I have met and dealt with. Thanks to all of you who Keep Calm and Carry On.

HarloweDahl See my TER Reviews 475 reads
4 / 9

I understand, respect and agree with most of what you're saying- but what about reclamation? Sex work (and related issues of criminalization, working conditions, job discrimination, politicians exploiting 'sex trafficking' to crack down on sex work, etc.) is a civil/human rights issue, as well as one of economic and health parity. In the vein of many other rights movements and oppressed groups who have embraced language reclamation as an empowerment tactic (LGBT, black civil rights, feminism, Chicano/a movement, etc.), we can choose to embrace the negative connotations our opposition has attached to words and labels, or we can start using them ourselves and actually change their meaning.  

Words and labels are social constructs; they are dynamic and fluid. If we go along with the derogatory associations of hooker, whore, prostitute, etc., then those words remain powerful and can be used against us. I especially LOVE the terms hooker and whore, because they have historic power and in my circles signify a giant umbrella of different ways to be a sex worker (as well as embodying a sense of irony). 'Whore' has gained significant reclamation traction in sex work and feminist activist/academic circles, and has come to mean a sexual healer, an intuitive, a job/role with powerful historicity requiring a broad skill set. While 'prostitute' is harder to reclaim because of its very specific legal connotations, I definitely advocate interrogating why we choose to embrace the word associations impressed upon us by our opponents.

-- Modified on 4/24/2014 8:09:11 AM

Airmobile 52 Reviews 427 reads
5 / 9

Oh my....!  

A Polemicist, as well as a Top Notch Provider.  
Some of you ladies never cease to amaze me with you insight.

ZeroDeal 65 Reviews 364 reads
7 / 9

I like the idea and there's a lot to choose from.  I think my favorite is harlot. It has a nice ring to it.  

prostitute, whore, fille de joie, call girl, courtesan; promiscuous woman; informalhooker, hustler, tramp, streetwalker, hussy, lady of the evening, tart, pro, member of the oldest profession, scarlet woman, loose woman, fallen woman, cocotte, wanton, strumpet, trollop, doxy, trull

Julienne See my TER Reviews 416 reads
8 / 9

Hi there, yes, I understand where you are coming from! Your contribution is very smart and impressive! Admittedly I have to reflect its contents for a bit, let’s say I have to ‘chew’ a bit on it before I can fully agree. However, it is a very interesting aspect and worthwhile that reflection.
Besides: I also love the term ‘hooker’, find it neat somewhat, but I use is only in a joking and teasing manner with right person or amongst working ladies onl

Rick_Blaine 242 Reviews 455 reads
9 / 9
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