Los Angeles

Re: Always be a gentleman
Boogie Boy 443 reads

+1  A Booker for a relatively new Provider asked me if I would be so kind to write a complimentary review of her Provider.  I had a fun time so I obliged her and wrote a nice review.  Shortly thereafter, when I asked for a referral, the Booker told me she only gives referrals if I see her girl at least 3 times.  I understand the desire for repeat business but this sounded way too greedy for me.  Guess who I won't see again?!?!

This is for the ladies! How many references do you give one provider? Is it limitless or you do have a set amount you give/won't give? Also, how many references do you give one client? Thanks!!

Ladies, if I spend $1000 on you, how many reference checks is that worth?  Can you spare a few minutes answering a few text messages during your downtime?  

Isn't it good karma to support one another in the verification process? In the end, stinginess hurts the customers you make a living from.  

If customers want to see another girl, and discover that you are not cooperating with verification, they might hold that against you and not see you again in the future. Do you really want to burn bridges like that?  

How many of your clients are actually wealthy enough to be serial mongers that need your reference verification with annoying frequency?

Posted By: ashleydior
This is for the ladies! How many references do you give one provider? Is it limitless or you do have a set amount you give/won't give? Also, how many references do you give one client? Thanks!!

-- Modified on 2/3/2017 8:17:24 PM

I agree with what everyone is saying but you don't think at some point when you get contacted repeatedly for one single person they're just being lazy on screening and solely relying on you as their own screening method? Now someone mentioned spending money on a provider so you instantly feel like you're "owed" something more than the time spent with this lady. I understand where you're coming from, but you're not paying for multiple references. You're paying for the time spent with that said woman. A few references is no big deal, but there's line to be drawn. Another thing, if you see multiple women, use them as a reference, why use the same lady over and over? Isn't a red flag? If a provider asks me for more than 8 references within a certain amount of time I feel like she's not screening and relying on ONE reference

-- Modified on 2/3/2017 8:34:37 PM

for both parties. I personally have found that P411 has simplified things significantly for me.  A lady can quickly see what she needs to. Then it's up top her to determine whether additional screening is needed, if so she already has that data in front of her and can pick and choose whom she reaches out too.

I like them as an aide in screening as well. Smoothlines, a lot of it for me.  
In addition to which, they are hosted outside of this glorious country of ours.

Just do you. If you don't want to OK someone for another provider for whatever reason, don't.

Just know not doing so is a disservice to the provider and the client who is trying to see her.


I believe Arden Moon is doing a verification package for the guys who want to use her for OKs so maybe you should just start charging for your OKs or create some kind of verification package if it's truly this bothersome to you. It would ensure you are only OKing people you want to and know are in your "program" as well as keep the volume of OK requests down.

Is it OK to not give someone an OK just because the same person keeps listing you as their reference.

The answer to me, as I stated, is NO.

And then you commented more speculating things you can't possibly know so I suggested that if you don't want to OK someone then DO NOT. It's your call. Just keep in mind that what goes around (not OKing someone) might come back around (someone won't OK for you). I don't know if you believe in Karma but it might just be better to OK someone if you have seen them recently and they were a good guy. Not sure what the problem is beyond that other than you (seeming like by your posts) feeling like you're owed something for it.

Giving her website and email address and maybe her phone number when asked for references is slightly complicated because it means getting the info from her profile and typing it into the screening form or email. So...what I do is copy the info for two providers and email it to myself so I can cut and paste when giving references to someone new. So I might use the same two providers several times in a row.

when traveling for references....and I'm very happy to do it!

I know you're not asking, but this is from a client perspective.

Being a gentleman is more than just dressing tastefully and being polite.  I treat as I would like to be treated, so when using a reference, I think of how good I have been to that provider.  Saw her once three years ago?  I wouldn't expect anything.  If I've seen her half a dozen times, I would hope she would be kind enough to reference me to a reasonable degree.

I never think of ratios.  Not good at math.

Boogie Boy444 reads

+1  A Booker for a relatively new Provider asked me if I would be so kind to write a complimentary review of her Provider.  I had a fun time so I obliged her and wrote a nice review.  Shortly thereafter, when I asked for a referral, the Booker told me she only gives referrals if I see her girl at least 3 times.  I understand the desire for repeat business but this sounded way too greedy for me.  Guess who I won't see again?!?!

wondering1586 reads

Monger here. I do appreciate how one can get spammed by constant requests and the need to limit the number of requests you get. But if you were to have a general rule, I would think that the general rule should be that you should give AT LEAST the number of references that you actually ask for. In many cases, providers ask for 2 even if they only get one response back. So by this logic, providers who ask for 2 references should be prepared to give at least 2 references for the same client.

Think about it this way. Let's say I've seen 2 providers. Now I want to see a 3rd provider. The 3rd provider wants 2 references, so I give her both my references. Now let's say I want to see provider #4. Provider #4 also asks for 2 references. I can give provider #3 as my first one, but I need to give either provider #2 or provider #1 as my second reference. So at least one of them have to reference me a second time in order for me to pass the reference requirement. So in a system (let's imagine) where every provider asks for 2 references, each provider must be able to provide a reference at least twice in order for the system to work.

Ladies, when you see a client has a whitelist do you call the providers on his list for reference or accept them in lieu of references? I have heard some providers whitelist to avoid future calls for reference. Should I use a provider on my whitelist as a named reference?

It depends from  who  is the white list ...if is reputable provider  
Or how old is the  white list ..
Some guys have  white list too  old.. From  provider that  is not even in bussiness ..
I  Usually white list to help the ladies and guys  get reference easy... And on time ...
Give references does  not bother me at all.  and made a  lot girlfriends  checking  and giving references  As long is not abuse.. Use me.. but  not abuse me ...smiling .

 UNDERSTAND ashley side
Example...  While ago I  saw  guy  once... and  HE starts using me  as reference Every  week
I Was ok with that..  until He mail  me piss off  because I did   Not respond my e mail fast enoush For  his reference LOL
I ask him if he want a white list ?HE told me   no ...that he prefers that  I  respond the References  and fast .WOW LOL
Seriously... Am I  HIS secretary .. ?
White list is good  
specially when I am  back  and forth overseas and   I can not respond e mails..
Get things easier for everyone ...

PLay safe

Yes! The key word here is ABUSE. I have no problems as long as they're not abusing the reference check system

Do you ladies look at a clients reviews, white lists, p411 okays? I have ladies that I continue to see that are my go to reference if need be. But at some point doesn't it become obvious Client A seems like a pretty good guy that seems pretty respectable and I may even have a nice time with?

I'll give a refs to any one who ask  I don't keep count on who's asking  

1. For the gents I'll give out if it's been a year or less  
( but I do tell if I'v not seen you in the last 6mo/ now if I'v not seen you over 2years  
why use me ?

2. For the providers I get asked a lot by the same ones and I'am sure I ask the same ladies over  
   and over    

3.Gent's with a refes  I still screen every one no matter how many OKAYS on P411 OR TER White List or Reviews  and do my own screening even with your refes  given .

 Never To safe I  Say .. what work's for one may not work for others ..

Hi There  

Men of LA are just rude and unsettling. Received a an email from a providers for a reference.  
I always happy to help but when clients saying he saw me and never did. This really pisses me off.

Be honest men of LA. Stop the lies and fake bookings.


But I get how awkward it is to give a reference for a guy you saw one time over a year ago.  But putting a specific limit on the number of references you give for a guy you saw recently doesn't seem right either.  It's all about staying safe.

If I am going to use a lady that I have seen as a reference, I contact her either via TER PM, text or e-mail and let her know. I wait for a reply before moving ahead.  


I just had someone use me as a refes that I have not seen in 5years lol  
and only way I really remember him was from we did weekend date .

but I did tell the lady it was over 5yers ago so I can't vouch 100% he is still the same !

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