Los Angeles

Pushing boundaries & expecting extra free time
Sweet_Pete9876 63 Reviews 491 reads

Olivia, I think you handled it well. Not everyone is a joy to be with.
If you are going to respond to his email, since he is 80, I would just say I'm sorry you feel disappointed and you will probably be better off finding someone else.
BTW I hope when I get to 80 I can still participate in the hobby :

Last week I had a 12pm, 1 hr appt with a 80 something year old gentleman.  In the bedroom I heard his alarm watch go off and asked what that noise was.  He said nothing.  I then looked at the clock, it was 12:57pm.  He lied.  

He didn't want me to stop so I continued 10 more min and then told him I parked my car on metered parking and needed to get it by 1:20pm so we needed to get going.   It was 1:10pm. He said "go pay the meter, I'll wait for you here so we can finish".  He told me to do this 10 min past his scheduled hour.  To get to the meter and back would take approx 10 min.  I'm thinking WTF?

I then told him I scheduled lunch plans with a girlfriend immediately following our 1 hr date.   He saw I was not going to take his demands, he was not happy and then asked to take a shower.  He finished his shower at 1:20pm and we were out the door a few minutes after that - 20 minutes past his scheduled hour, only because I pushed or he would have still been there.

Email from him.....

You notified me when we had reached the 1-hr mark. Had I left then, I would have been with you for just an hour.  My shower extended the time by 10 minutes. Had I taken my shower to fit within the hour, and considering the conversation time at  the beginning, I would have had, at best, 40 minutes of playtime. I consider this unsatisfactory.

Sign up for an hour, and you may get little more than 30 minutes of playtime. That in effect doubles the rate. Sign up for 90 minutes, and you may be restricted to an hour. You say that, if you are enjoying yourself and have nothing scheduled, you are willing to go overtime. However, in my case that possibility was precluded (in your mind, at least) by the meter and your lunch date. Those arrangements converted you into a “clock watcher”, which is a pejorative term among hobbyists.

Don’t get me wrong. You are perfectly entitled to do what you did. However, in my considerable hobbying experience, I cannot remember being with another clock watcher.

Back to me...

My problem with him is that he gave me a demand to go pay the meter and expected the extra time.  

There have been many times during my dates where we're enjoying one anther's company with nice wine, yummy appetizers and I allow the date to go over the scheduled time -  never because it's expected. The way I see it is, it's my extra time to give not anyones to take or demand of me.

From his review and his correspondence, he thinks my line of thinking is totally wrong.

...of convo in the beginning, he should have said so.  He's a cheapskate who wanted to stretch out the time so he could reduce the hourly rate.

You should have agreed to go put more money in the meter and then not come back.  He would have been left sitting there with his 80+ year old dick in his hand.

You are so right and yes, I would have agreed and left to go put money in the meter if it wasn't my apartment.  

There were no guest parking spaces available in my building, so as a courtesy to him, I moved my car so he could park in my space.

I've got the visual and am laughing...;))

You should have just reminded him that he got there early and so you started at 11:30.  You probably could have convinced him you were right.

...in your apartment.  I wouldn't leave anyone alone in my place unless I had known them for quite some time, let alone a stranger.

Also, you went above and beyond the call of duty to give him your own parking space.  He could have parked at a meter himself - there are plenty available in the daytime.  And the old geezer probably has a handicapped placard so it wouldn't have cost him anything.

hope I'm still hobbying when I/m 80. Prolly with blue pill.

is Rockynutz in San Diego.  I think he's about 85 now.  His reviews are very entertaining.  Been reading them for five or six years.

you went above and beyond imo.  i don't know if you replied to his email or not (probably best if you didn't; just cut off all communication with him), but if  you did i hope you reminded him that any donations paid were for your time and not for specific activities.

i have learned that even if a lady give me extra time on one session, it is a case by case, moment by moment occurrence, and i have no right to expect it again from her.  

a lot of it is to do with her schedule;  with a new client/lady, most of it is due to chemistry.

Ladmo384 reads

First: Kudos on your being willing to see a gent (and I use the term loosely) that old.

An hour means...an hour. The clock starts when he walks in the door and stops when he walks out of it. He has no right to expect (let alone demand) anything more. If he wanted to stay longer, he should have asked you if it was possible to book more time.

It was kind of you to let him use your parking space, which I presume is closer to your incall. I also agree with others, that I would never leave someone alone in my house unless I already had a well-established relationship with them. You were also kind in going a bit overtime....yet he still complains?

I'd say that he EARNED his spot on your "do not call" list. :)

When they go to the dentist for a root canal and are told it will be about an hour, do they complain like they do here if the dentist gets is done in 45 minutes.  They paid for the hour, they should get an hour of drilling -right?.  

Do they spend the first 20 minutes discussing the benefits of brushing your teeth with the dentist and 15 minutes afterwards gargling mouth wash into the suction tube?    

No they dont!!!  

This is a service, if you are enjoying it, then pay for more time.  
If he was a regular, Im sure Olivia would give him some extra time to shower but that is not the case here.  

Because if this numbnut, I dont think you should move your car for first time clients.  

Sorry to read what happened to you Olivia, so tired of these guys making this hobby so much harder for all of us!

I did allow him to take a shower, at 10 minutes after the hour.  He left at 20 minutes after the hour.

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 1:01:28 AM

he time starts as soon as the door opens!  And if you are late for an appointment then your appointment started when you booked the particular time.  Providers do have lives and jobs.  
What people try to get away with!  Go put money in the meter...WTF!!!!!
I'm pretty sure he didn't even leave a tip!
I always keep a smaller envelope in my back pocket with a thank you note, especially if the appointment goes over!
Is this guy's pattern with all providers? ( I didn't use the word gentleman on pupose)
What confuses me is the scoring...Appearence: He needs to have his eyes checked!  Performance.....He forgot it was a service, Hmmmmmm   maybe senility is an issue here and he forgot he wasn't in his place when he said to go put money in the meter!
Jeeeeeeezzzzzzzzz.....some people!
Does this guy bitch when his CPA or Lawyer charge for more than an hours time? ( strike that one I think we all do!)
I think it would be great for providers to be able to review Hobbyists, just so other providers could see the rating......kinda how Uber can review the passengers

He's a bit "persnickety". There is a fair degree of give and take in this realm but at the end of the day .... an hour is an hour and beyond that is at your discretion.

He thought he would get even by writing my review with not-so-nice comments.

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 10:56:00 AM

-- Modified on 5/23/2016 11:01:11 AM

client's age and private email communication on a fuck board to get even. Nice

Why I never give my TER handle to a provider or booker.

and notarized and recorded, there will always be some jerk who will attempt to push the limits, and take advantage  of a situational agreement.
On the other hand, and in your defense, one can claim or assume  "Accepted Industry Standards." i.e.  When the door opens, the meter starts ticking.
Cheers! AM

tbh i set my phone/clock to time my sessions, and i always push start a second before i knock on the door, because that's when the session begins...

i am happy to say that recently (last couple a years) nobody has shorted me time, and many a generous lady and stretched my sessions by a few minutes.  but i never try to push limits

This gentlemen was trying to steal more time with you without paying for it. You went beyond the call of being a classy lady. Don't let one person ruin everything.

Olivia, I think you handled it well. Not everyone is a joy to be with.
If you are going to respond to his email, since he is 80, I would just say I'm sorry you feel disappointed and you will probably be better off finding someone else.
BTW I hope when I get to 80 I can still participate in the hobby :

Posted By: olivialeon
Last week I had a 12pm, 1 hr appt with a 80 something year old gentleman.  In the bedroom I heard his alarm watch go off and asked what that noise was.  He said nothing.  I then looked at the clock, it was 12:57pm.  He lied.    
 He didn't want me to stop so I continued 10 more min and then told him I parked my car on metered parking and needed to get it by 1:20pm so we needed to get going.   It was 1:10pm. He said "go pay the meter, I'll wait for you here so we can finish".  He told me to do this 10 min past his scheduled hour.  To get to the meter and back would take approx 10 min.  I'm thinking WTF?  
 I then told him I scheduled lunch plans with a girlfriend immediately following our 1 hr date.   He saw I was not going to take his demands, he was not happy and then asked to take a shower.  He finished his shower at 1:20pm and we were out the door a few minutes after that - 20 minutes past his scheduled hour, only because I pushed or he would have still been there.  
 Email from him.....  
 You notified me when we had reached the 1-hr mark. Had I left then, I would have been with you for just an hour.  My shower extended the time by 10 minutes. Had I taken my shower to fit within the hour, and considering the conversation time at  the beginning, I would have had, at best, 40 minutes of playtime. I consider this unsatisfactory.  
 Sign up for an hour, and you may get little more than 30 minutes of playtime. That in effect doubles the rate. Sign up for 90 minutes, and you may be restricted to an hour. You say that, if you are enjoying yourself and have nothing scheduled, you are willing to go overtime. However, in my case that possibility was precluded (in your mind, at least) by the meter and your lunch date. Those arrangements converted you into a “clock watcher”, which is a pejorative term among hobbyists.  
 Don’t get me wrong. You are perfectly entitled to do what you did. However, in my considerable hobbying experience, I cannot remember being with another clock watcher.  
 Back to me...  
 My problem with him is that he gave me a demand to go pay the meter and expected the extra time.    
 There have been many times during my dates where we're enjoying one anther's company with nice wine, yummy appetizers and I allow the date to go over the scheduled time -  never because it's expected. The way I see it is, it's my extra time to give not anyones to take or demand of me.  
 From his review and his correspondence, he thinks my line of thinking is totally wrong.

Posted By: olivialeon
Last week I had a 12pm, 1 hr appt with a 80 something year old gentleman.  In the bedroom I heard his alarm watch go off and asked what that noise was.  He said nothing.  I then looked at the clock, it was 12:57pm.  He lied.    
 He didn't want me to stop so I continued 10 more min and then told him I parked my car on metered parking and needed to get it by 1:20pm so we needed to get going.   It was 1:10pm. He said "go pay the meter, I'll wait for you here so we can finish".  He told me to do this 10 min past his scheduled hour.  To get to the meter and back would take approx 10 min.  I'm thinking WTF?  
 I then told him I scheduled lunch plans with a girlfriend immediately following our 1 hr date.   He saw I was not going to take his demands, he was not happy and then asked to take a shower.  He finished his shower at 1:20pm and we were out the door a few minutes after that - 20 minutes past his scheduled hour, only because I pushed or he would have still been there.  
 Email from him.....  
 You notified me when we had reached the 1-hr mark. Had I left then, I would have been with you for just an hour.  My shower extended the time by 10 minutes. Had I taken my shower to fit within the hour, and considering the conversation time at  the beginning, I would have had, at best, 40 minutes of playtime. I consider this unsatisfactory.  
 Sign up for an hour, and you may get little more than 30 minutes of playtime. That in effect doubles the rate. Sign up for 90 minutes, and you may be restricted to an hour. You say that, if you are enjoying yourself and have nothing scheduled, you are willing to go overtime. However, in my case that possibility was precluded (in your mind, at least) by the meter and your lunch date. Those arrangements converted you into a “clock watcher”, which is a pejorative term among hobbyists.  
 Don’t get me wrong. You are perfectly entitled to do what you did. However, in my considerable hobbying experience, I cannot remember being with another clock watcher.  
 Back to me...  
 My problem with him is that he gave me a demand to go pay the meter and expected the extra time.    
 There have been many times during my dates where we're enjoying one anther's company with nice wine, yummy appetizers and I allow the date to go over the scheduled time -  never because it's expected. The way I see it is, it's my extra time to give not anyones to take or demand of me.  
 From his review and his correspondence, he thinks my line of thinking is totally wrong.

If he ain't dead already, he's counting the seconds until he is.  All his friends are dead and he's having a hard time with this interwebs thingamajig.  You're lucky you didn't kill him trying to get him off because he probably hasn't popped but once or twice this century.  He's lonely and you should feel honored he picked you to spend some of his scant remaining time with.   Not to mention his entire monthly supply of Viagra.  Medicare is a harsh mistress when it comes to boner pills.  

Sure you don't have a senior discount, but he's been getting that for so long he thinks it's just there all the time.  Your 20 or 30 minutes is like a lifetime to him.  Besides you could have just told its pudding day down at the senior center and he'd be out the door in a flash.

I had one of the old assholes a few months back too.  He called me and was SO glad I was back in the biz..... no one had EVER been as good as me since I left...... he'd been SO disappointed with everyone else....... he couldn't wait to get back to see me.... blah, blah, blah, blah..... Then he comes in, and of course, has ED.  i work like a maniac on the thing the whole damned hour. He tells me how great it feels the whole damned hour.  At the end of a full hour, with my mouth practically in spasms from trying to get him to finish, he says....... "You didn't even make me come, so I should get a discount."  ?????????? WTF?  Honey, that thing ain't coming if Jesus himself returns and starts the miracles going again! Then, as he leaves, I sweetly say, "Hope to see you again soon hon."  His response?  Not at your prices!  

A few weeks later, another call.  Stupidly, I book him.  Same scenario, except now he wants to know why i don't give senior citizen discounts.  REALLY?  As he left, I asked him to please quit insulting me by asking for discounts when he knows the donation.

Now, whenever he calls, I'm busy.  Unavailable.  Out of town. Gone to the moon.  Counting my chin hairs.  Looking for dust bunnies.......

...and he knew it was NEVER going to happen.

Sounds all to familiar

Those words he used are simply to make you feel bad.
That's bad

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