Los Angeles

Providers with child(ren)
Father_of_Dragons 30 Reviews 1333 reads

For the hobbyists, if you find out a provider has a child(ren), are you more likely/less likely/just as likely to see them again? Why?
For providers, if you have a child, are you happy or hesitant to share that information with your clients...and why

That's about the only time it would or should matter.  Otherwise it's not really any of my business and of no concern to me.

Jinx, that's disturbing. the subject line, not the body

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
That's about the only time it would or should matter.  Otherwise it's not really any of my business and of no concern to me.

But I'm sure there are guys here that would ask if there was an up charge for that.  Yes very disturbing.

Alot of providers (and strippers) often tell me about their kids. I'm guessing that since I'm female they feel comfortable about relating that info up front and assume that it won't kill the mood. It usually doesn't. But what I DON'T want to hear about is baby daddies or lousy BF's. THAT is a major mood killer for me. That hasn't happened (yet) in this hobby world but for some reason strippers love to talk about their deadbeat boyfriends. And then they wonder why I stop dancing with them. Sheesh!

If they do and I have a great time, then I'll see them again. It's no biggie.

have provided me with some of the most passionate session and some of the most wild freakish session that still give me goose bumps to this day.  

The ones that bother me the most, are the ladies who have their "significant other" in the closet or sitting in the parking lot .  Ladies, leave him at a dave n busters or chuck e chese while you work, its not cool to have surprises like that.

Q.) What did the escort (stripper in original joke, but both work) do with her asshole before work?
A.) Dropped him off at band practice.


-- Modified on 8/7/2015 11:00:55 PM

Hanky_panky_for_me565 reads

At least the ones who are single/divorced and very involved in their kids lives.  They are often very good providers plus I like the idea of helping a mother fund a lifestyle that helps her be with her kid when she wants and be a good mother.    However, I do tend to feel for the lady's ex because it is highly unlikely she is putting all that income in her income & expense statement for child support calculation.  So her ex would be paying a lot more child support that he would if the real numbers were used.

Ones I would be a bit more reluctant on are ones that have a S.O. for reasons kenescalade02 touched on.  I would always wonder about what he mentioned.

... And have talked openly to them about it.  The conversation often goes two ways, and for me it just makes the experience more real.  I never initiate the discussion though, and only engage on this topic if they mention it first.  So overall for me, providers with children are net positive, and knowing that my donation is very likely helping make ends meet for the family is a bonus.  Sometimes the lady's face just lights up during these discussions, and the pride shines through.  That too is way cool.

Being a mom is the greatest gift in life. I am thankful and blessed for having my son in my life each day. He is the perfect combination of balance and strength. I am much more eager to work harder and be a stronger person because of him.  

I am a single parent, so being a provider allows me to provide him with more than just the daily necessities. We are able to spend more quality time together doing things or going places that are memorable to each of us. I don't buy extravagant's or things that are not going to benefit him. (Games excluded, we all need entertainment.)  

My relationships with my clients are fairly open and we do discuss family, but not in the fullest of details. I would want someone who has children to feel comfortable enough around me to talk about them if they wish to. I want to feel the same about them in the same aspect.  

Thank you for allowing me to post here La:-

they're are more providers that lie about not having a child.

But, that is their choice.  

Doesn't matter too me if they do as long as the provider is ready and willing.

And I've even met one of the kids.  I've seen a number of providers years ago who had kids.  One only was available while her child was in school.  I fond they often are some of the best providers.  One provider and I got very close and I actually ended up taken her and her child to dinner.  To be honest, it was a little odd, but whatever.

LongerMonger534 reads

we get to meet an astonishing variety of women. I've seen many providers that have children and for the most part these are wonderful caring women that want to provide a good, stable and loving life for them and their child. This world of pay for play gives them the financial ability to do that while at the same time affording them the time to actually spend with their child instead of being chained to a 9 to 5 work schedule. It also makes me feel good that in some way I'm helping out even though I'm getting something in return.  
The fact is that aside from the occasional BSC nut jobs, the vast majority of ladies I've met through this hobby have been, smart, open minded , pragmatic, sexy, and funloving.  In general, much more so than women I've dated in the LA civilian world.

Come on people this should be absolutely COMMON SENSE. We live in an age where the sexual exploitation of children is rampant. Why would you give information about your child to a stranger that is contributing to you for services? There are things called BOUNDARIES and when it comes to your children's safety there are lines that should NEVER NEVER be crossed. Be sensible.

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