Los Angeles

No, its just not you, its happening to a lot of us.
kenescalade02 17 Reviews 313 reads

It happened to me several times last year and has been happening to several other guys i talk to.  We just come home in disbelief of what just happened. She was so fun last time, I shifted some funds around to make a repeat sooner than expected and the session just sucked.  No passion, no effort, no enthusiasm, she needed a shower, nothing to make it special.  It just came down to be a huge waste of money.  It would have been more satisfying if you hit the showers and do a Geico and save yourself $300 bucks.  

I am really perplexed with how this is a major issue now.   My regulars from the past would say, this is the greatest job they ever had, getting paid to get off.   They were willing to maintaining an apartment to help guys out, willing to make it kinky and the best part wanted you to be a regular, which sometimes included a financial incentive.  All of which was to make this a fun business.  

That was simply Business 101.  It just seems like everyone is expecting there will be a plenty of new guys dropping $1k left and right and there is no need to establish regulars.  Which does not seem to be working with the higher turn over of ladies and guys heading to other boards and venues in search of new opportunities

3 times in the last few months i've seen new ladies, and was totally blown away on the first date.  then on the second date, it seemed like the girl (all 3 girls) really wasn't putting the extra effort in that i felt on the first date.  

 in one case, the girl promised to wear certain clothes, and when i showed up, she was in a completely different (and much simpler, plainer) outfit.  her performance was ok, but considering her donation, i would have liked her to put in the effort that she promised she would.

in another case the lady wasn't into suggested foreplay and only wanted to get down to it, which some may feel is hot as hell, but for me, the magic dragon doesn't work so well under pressure.  and the third girl's incall was a mess, it looked like she had a giant party the night before and didnt' bother to clean up for our 2 o'clock date.  plus she kept jumping up and checking her texts inbetween bouts on the bed.

i thought back on my atfs, and they great thing about those ladies is that they made every session seem as exciting as the first.  even if a session wasn't stellar, my atfs never made me feel as if i was secondary to whatever else they had going on in their lives for that hour and a half.  they always make me feel as if they are really happy to spend time with me, and not that i'm an interruption in their day.

i would think that one would wait til the 4th or 5th date to not put in the effort.   why would someone do this, if they weren't going to do it well?

as the ter tag line goes:  your thoughts, if any?

rollaxroll558 reads

Happened to me.  The reason might be that they don't really enjoy the role play or what other kinks you like, although they pretended to like it at the first time because it's a Job.   It's just a job, sometime they got tired of it.  If they enjoy what you like, there is no reason not to do it.

This is why we develop favorites.  On rare occasions when I have felt a favorite is not putting in a much effort, I just send a subtle message by not booking again for a long time.  Then when I do, it's often better.  

But with a favorite I'm going to be repeating with I expect it to be equally good or even get better over time.  I do make some exceptions.  Some providers don't like doing certain things, but do them to try and keep their reviews good.  If I like the provider enough and everything else is good or getting better, I let that one thing slide.  I would rather her also have a good time than feel pressured to do something she doesn't care for all that much.  It makes the chemistry better overall.

yah i would think that about 2 of the girls, but one said in initial email conversation how much she enjoyed my kink.  guess it was just a job.

the great thing about my atfs is they make me feel like they go beyond my kink and just enjoy me.

wish all providers had that quality.  guess it's down to chemistry.

for which i am well known, would be worth more than a 10/10.  i doubt strongly (tho i may be wrong) that one 10/10 on a girl's page wouldn't bring in 4 or 5 hour and a half sessions, which is my usual minimum for a girl that is enjoyable.  

but whatever, i am planning to see 2 of my atfs in the next couple of weeks to remind me how much fun women who enjoy this endeavor for the right reasons can be.

rollaxroll349 reads

Even your atfs make you feel they really enjoy it, who knows if they do enjoy it or not.  I can only think of one word, professionalism!  That's why they are so good.

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
yah i would think that about 2 of the girls, but one said in initial email conversation how much she enjoyed my kink.  guess it was just a job.  
 the great thing about my atfs is they make me feel like they go beyond my kink and just enjoy me.  
 wish all providers had that quality.  guess it's down to chemistry.

exactly.  bottom line, i don't care if they have a big o or not, as long as they make me feel like they are enjoying themselves.

I'm sorry to hear that!  I think it's important to give 110% every date.  And checking texts, etc during a date is not cool..  However long the session is supposed to be, that time should be devoted to you!  Well i hope you have better luck next time...



1rst time they dont know you so all about business and trying to service you the best to get your biz. But then after you repeat some girls get lazy and start revealing their personal feelings and will whine if tired and not in the mood etc etc.  like when your in real relationship..lol.

Human nature im afraid..

I get past three or four repeats and become a regular, so at some point I just call them out in it. If I get a weak session where I don't think they are giving me 100% effort, I send them a text afterward asking them if I am coming to see them too often and making too much work for them because they don't seem to be as into it lately, and if that's the case, I don't mind taking a break for several weeks if she thinks it will make thinks more exciting and improve the connection. I usually only have to say this once with a girl and they get the message. The service goes back to the way it was in the beginning and I get 100% every time after that.

i never stay just a customer to them anymore... they give me extra time...we hang out off the clock....help them with the laundry when they have no customer after...services not on the normal menu etc etc.  i guess because i never go back to making a customer provider issue that i have so many relationships later.  whether thats a good thing or bad thing who knows.  but man when its good the service i get! blows my mind sometime! lol

Dating them on the outside, that's most often when they think they can slack off. I don't tolerate that. You do. So that's the difference. As you say in your case, "WHEN it's good, the service you get. SOMETIMES it blows your mind."  For me, it ALWAYS has to be good, and it ALWAYS has to blow my mind. Not just "sometimes."  The first time I will call her on it like I said, the second time I will replace her. That is the difference. I don't stick around for it to SOMETIMES be good service just because I'm dating her in the outside.  If they start taking me for granted, I will start dating someone else in the outside. There's no shortage of available girls in SoCal.

-- Modified on 4/3/2016 7:06:12 PM

That most of you guys already have an SO or wife at home with a "headache" that is why you are seeing us in the first place! If the donation is 100%  then so should be the service. As long as the guy is squeaky clean(and I mean everywhere) I just make like he is a giant lollypop and IM dying to get to the tootsieroll center..LOL! I once had a guy cum so hard by just oral and one well placed finger, he screamed so loud I had to put my hand over his mouth for fear the police might show up! Afterwards he quite seriously asked me if I  ever had anyone pass out from cumming that hard... Best compliment I ever had! LOL!  But really, if you don't REALLY enjoy sex and enjoy every square inch of your partners body this is NOT the biz to be in! everyone has a bad day from time to time.....but I think better to cancel appt. and try again on a better day! IMHO  Eve

I really did think this was just me up until now.  Yes, I've wondered about everything you all have commented on, and it suddenly makes sense.  A shame, because once the illusion of passion is broken, I can't even perform, so will never consider further sessions, and the woman loses out on a further bookings.  Goes to show that reviews are almost always a reflection of the provider at her best, i.e., first time.

It happened to me several times last year and has been happening to several other guys i talk to.  We just come home in disbelief of what just happened. She was so fun last time, I shifted some funds around to make a repeat sooner than expected and the session just sucked.  No passion, no effort, no enthusiasm, she needed a shower, nothing to make it special.  It just came down to be a huge waste of money.  It would have been more satisfying if you hit the showers and do a Geico and save yourself $300 bucks.  

I am really perplexed with how this is a major issue now.   My regulars from the past would say, this is the greatest job they ever had, getting paid to get off.   They were willing to maintaining an apartment to help guys out, willing to make it kinky and the best part wanted you to be a regular, which sometimes included a financial incentive.  All of which was to make this a fun business.  

That was simply Business 101.  It just seems like everyone is expecting there will be a plenty of new guys dropping $1k left and right and there is no need to establish regulars.  Which does not seem to be working with the higher turn over of ladies and guys heading to other boards and venues in search of new opportunities

with different tv shows portraying how "glamorous" this life is, plus the accessibility of the internet to make any lady who wants to try it able to set up her own shop w/o a "manager" (read:  pimp) or agency, there is a whole slew of girls who think this must be incredibly easy money.

well, it is at first, but as we gentlemen have discussed here, unless the gal is willing to commit to enjoyment at every session, the money won't keep pouring in.

like any job, it takes work, focus, business sense and a true passion for what you do.  i'm tired of meeting women who are doing this for a lark or a hobby or some quick bucks, and obviously see the guys as just atms they have to spread their legs for.

i want women who enjoy this, and enjoy me.

rollaxroll288 reads

To be honest, I still think this is quite an easy job to make money, especially the girl is good looking and willing to please. I can't find any other jobs that can make same amount of money with same amount of effort.   The truth might be that some girls feel the money is just too easy to make.  I have been told by several providers that majority of their clients (>95%) are super nice and are true gentlemen.  So most of the time, this is easy money with little effort.  

Posted By: BigPeterJohnson
with different tv shows portraying how "glamorous" this life is, plus the accessibility of the internet to make any lady who wants to try it able to set up her own shop w/o a "manager" (read:  pimp) or agency, there is a whole slew of girls who think this must be incredibly easy money.  
 well, it is at first, but as we gentlemen have discussed here, unless the gal is willing to commit to enjoyment at every session, the money won't keep pouring in.  
 like any job, it takes work, focus, business sense and a true passion for what you do.  i'm tired of meeting women who are doing this for a lark or a hobby or some quick bucks, and obviously see the guys as just atms they have to spread their legs for.  
 i want women who enjoy this, and enjoy me.  

Posted By: velvetsinner
and the woman loses out on a further bookings..
that's what gets me.  you would think if she could stomach me enough the first time to act like she liked it, she'd want to continue it to get my business.  i can't believe women think we are so desperate for their specific p@ssy that they dont' have to put the effort in to make sure i'm enjoying myself.  well maybe they don't need the money that bad lol.

but it's too bad, cuz like i say, i have several atf's who always make me feel like they love being with me.  that's the differene between a professional, or at least a person who enjoys this, and the amateurs, i guess.

Well, here is my take.  I have seen the same lady as much as 50 times.  Others 20.  My current ATF, Ashley Shye, more than 10.

For me, its always great and wonderful with my repeat ladies.  Never had a problem.  

Guess, I have just been lucky.

Whenever one of my gentlemen makes a 2nd, 3rd, 4th...(you know where I am going here) date with me I do my best to make sure we have an even better time than we had before. Although I am confident on the quality of my service, I know that there are a lot of other great providers out there and guys have choices. I love when a gent comes back to more because the more times we see each other, the better connection we have and I reward him for coming back by paying special attention to his requests.
I really don't get when someone is more worried about getting new clients than keeping the ones she already has, but that's just my opinion. Everybody has their own journey and reasons to act the way they do.

Good luck on your next dates and stay safe
Sweet Kisses all over...

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