Los Angeles

i try (a lot of times i don't but i try)...
BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 213 reads

i try to, first thing in the morning, think of 5 things i am grateful for.

when i remember to do that, it makes the day go so much better.

Ways to be Extra Grateful This Thanksgiving, and Every Day
1. Write it down.
Make a list of everything you can think of to be thankful for. Your family, friends, world, education, opportunities, talents, personality, passion, etc.. Write it all out and reflect upon how significant it actually is. I do this periodically, and it provides clarity.

2. Remember the less fortunate.
It’s much more difficult to bemoan our situations when we consider those around the world whose lives are taking place amidst poverty, war, genocide, and natural disasters. Take it a step further and do something to better someone else’s life. Finding time to serve, volunteer, and improve the world-everyday.

3. First thing in the morning.
A friend of mine told me that she whispers “thank-you” each morning as she steps out of bed. I think this is a practice we can all learn from. Feeling appreciative throughout the day has much to do with how we orient ourselves toward gratitude each morning. Whether through writing, prayer, or other means, find a way to say thanks first thing.

4. Make a change.
Sometimes, life has been begging us to make a change, to quit our jobs, or to take a chance for quite some time, but we’re too glazed over to listen. If your typical day feel like a spirit-crushing gauntlet of the same old rigmarole, it’s likely time to freshen things up.  Changing habits and routines re-awakens our vitality and spontaneity.

5. Take a walk. Or a run, if you’re feeling ambitious. Nourishing our body with physical action and exercise is one of the most tried and true methods for maintaining a Thanksgiving mindset.

6. Stargaze.
Pause and smell the daffodils. Climb a tree. Watch a sunset. Ski down a mountain. You get the idea. Get outdoors, and expose yourself to Mother Nature. Let her ordered complexity and subtle brilliance inspire your artistic sensibilities. When we notice the mysterious beauty surrounding us, we more easily slip into an appreciative state.

7. Say it aloud.
Today, and often, tell the people in your life that you love them and are thankful for them. Tell yourself too. Saying things aloud powerfully affirms them, and life is too brief and fragile to not feel daily a bound of love with ourselves and with others.

8. Take the initiative.
Much of the time, it rests on our shoulders to seek out inspiration and to consider all that we should be grateful for. Take the initiative to find it, every day. Today and Beyond If you remember one thing from this post, please remember the importance of making every day a Thanksgiving.
This should be our goal, after all. We must strive toward living a life in which every day is treated as a gift

4. Make a change.  
Sometimes, life has been begging us to make a change, to quit our jobs, or to take a chance for quite some time, but we’re too glazed over to listen. If your typical day feel like a spirit-crushing gauntlet of the same old rigmarole, it’s likely time to freshen things up.  Changing habits and routines re-awakens our vitality and spontaneity.

i try to, first thing in the morning, think of 5 things i am grateful for.

when i remember to do that, it makes the day go so much better.

Posted By: funwmadison
Ways to be Extra Grateful This Thanksgiving, and Every Day  
 1. Write it down.  
 Make a list of everything you can think of to be thankful for. Your family, friends, world, education, opportunities, talents, personality, passion, etc.. Write it all out and reflect upon how significant it actually is. I do this periodically, and it provides clarity.  
 2. Remember the less fortunate.  
 It’s much more difficult to bemoan our situations when we consider those around the world whose lives are taking place amidst poverty, war, genocide, and natural disasters. Take it a step further and do something to better someone else’s life. Finding time to serve, volunteer, and improve the world-everyday.  
 3. First thing in the morning.  
 A friend of mine told me that she whispers “thank-you” each morning as she steps out of bed. I think this is a practice we can all learn from. Feeling appreciative throughout the day has much to do with how we orient ourselves toward gratitude each morning. Whether through writing, prayer, or other means, find a way to say thanks first thing.  
 4. Make a change.  
 Sometimes, life has been begging us to make a change, to quit our jobs, or to take a chance for quite some time, but we’re too glazed over to listen. If your typical day feel like a spirit-crushing gauntlet of the same old rigmarole, it’s likely time to freshen things up.  Changing habits and routines re-awakens our vitality and spontaneity.  
 5. Take a walk. Or a run, if you’re feeling ambitious. Nourishing our body with physical action and exercise is one of the most tried and true methods for maintaining a Thanksgiving mindset.  
 6. Stargaze.  
 Pause and smell the daffodils. Climb a tree. Watch a sunset. Ski down a mountain. You get the idea. Get outdoors, and expose yourself to Mother Nature. Let her ordered complexity and subtle brilliance inspire your artistic sensibilities. When we notice the mysterious beauty surrounding us, we more easily slip into an appreciative state.  
 7. Say it aloud.  
 Today, and often, tell the people in your life that you love them and are thankful for them. Tell yourself too. Saying things aloud powerfully affirms them, and life is too brief and fragile to not feel daily a bound of love with ourselves and with others.  
 8. Take the initiative.  
 Much of the time, it rests on our shoulders to seek out inspiration and to consider all that we should be grateful for. Take the initiative to find it, every day. Today and Beyond If you remember one thing from this post, please remember the importance of making every day a Thanksgiving.  
 This should be our goal, after all. We must strive toward living a life in which every day is treated as a gift.  

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