Los Angeles

I hate to be master of the obvious, but . . .
olivialeon See my TER Reviews 3150 reads
1 / 42

This TER member with 6 reviews sent me this today......  

I am 41 (but look 30), "small" Japanese American entrepreneur, and looking for companionship similar to NM, who is a low volume provider who only see 1 companion/day.  Can I be assured that my 1hr would be the only date on your calendar?  I love to have a nice conversation and spend quality time rather than a quick, impersonal encounter.    
I would appreciate your honest reply, so that I can determine if we would be compatible and enjoy our sensual time together.

Zayla See my TER Reviews 685 reads
2 / 42

Mine said, "I really liked your reviews and website. I also like that you care for connection and see one date a day. I would like to have a quality time where we connect in many levels. Do you offer 15 min? "  

I am not sure which level we would be on the 15th min but I did decline the request by saying, "Sorry but we are not a match.

Osprey2 21 Reviews 540 reads
3 / 42
PLEASURE7 5 Reviews 479 reads
4 / 42

Just tell him that he will be the one and only that date, lol.

HarloweDahl See my TER Reviews 496 reads
5 / 42

I also don't consider an hour to be 'quality time' and I'm not sure what 'NM' is, but guys like this tend not to respect sex workers. Ok, I can understand wanting to be the first appointment of the day, because we've all read horror-reviews of providers tasting like condoms, seeing an escort's last client in the hallway, etc., that surely taint people's idea of how long most of us actually wait in between clients if we're seeing more than one on a given day, but to ask to be the only one in a day sounds like someone who believes escorts are inherently impure harlots. I'd decline.

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 402 reads
6 / 42

For one whole hour!!! I think you better tell him the facts of life, be honest with him. Tell him that if it happens and he's the only appointment for that day then great. Now If he booked a dinner date....then maybe sure he'll be the only one for that day. But be honest with him, that what he's looking for may not work the way he wants it too. Or you can lie to him and say, " Sure honey, you'll be the one and only one for that one hour"....lol.
Look, if he accepts that fact that he may not be the "only" one for that day, and he's ok with it,then see him...it could be interesting.
And sorry to say love, but for one hour, we ain't talking much,just.."Hi, how are you", "Me, I'm fine" and " Now where's your bedroom"...lol...miss ya

Jinx_The_Cat 33 Reviews 353 reads
7 / 42

It's all a fantasy anyway.  I think as long as you just tell him he's your one and only one he'd be happy.  Whether that's true or not.  I too don't know what NM means.  Maybe they do this in New Mexico?

olivialeon See my TER Reviews 589 reads
8 / 42

15 minutes to include quality time and connect on many levels?

UnFreaken Believable.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 418 reads
9 / 42

...for the others you are giving up that day to see only him.  He wants to be the only one - he has to pay for it.

In fact, you should make him pay and still see other guys in the same day if you want to.  It will serve him right for being such an asshat and making such an unreasonable demand without offering to pay for your lost income.

-- Modified on 2/3/2016 1:46:02 AM

Zayla See my TER Reviews 437 reads
10 / 42

Posted By: Jinx_The_Cat
I too don't know what NM means.  Maybe they do this in New Mexico?  
I think NM is Nuru Massage but I might be wrong.

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 325 reads
11 / 42

Well, I can understand where he is coming from, but he is not being very realistic and the question is certainly not something I would even consider asking.  He should figure that out for himself.  For one thing, he can go a provider's review history to help determine who is low volume.  

But yeah, on those occasions when I see a K-girl that is why I try to book around 11:00 AM.  That is when many of them start.  

Also, it would be rare for most of my favorites to see more than one person per day.  With one favorite I am often the only guy she sees for a week or more.  

Another favorite of mine even pulled her ad down for awhile after getting three bookings in a week because she didn't want to have that many.  She is honest with me though and one time when I tried to book with her she told me she had another appointment earlier that day.  I didn't book then but did pick a different day.  Although it did bug me, I also greatly appreciated how honest she was with me about it.  Then as bad luck would have it, she also got a afternoon appointment request the day before the nooner I rescheduled.  Yeah, in a way I would have rather not known.  But I also greatly respect how open she was with me.  Also, she would rather see me when she can fully enjoy the time.  I don't know if that other appointment happened or not, but I sure could not tell because she was quite horny when I met her.  

But in those cases above I never asked, they just told me.  I would not consider it all that appropriate to ask a provider that even if you already knew her.  If you are playing on this area, then that is what you have to accept.  Respect the providers privacy and trust that the provider places a reasonable amount of time between appointments.  It is a matter of showing each other mutual respect.  If I see a provider that I feel does not do that, then it will likely be the one and only time I see that provider

olivialeon See my TER Reviews 453 reads
12 / 42

NM is the initials of the provider he said... "is a low volume provider who only see 1 companion/day."

and I highly doubt this provider said this.

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 427 reads
13 / 42

Actually low volume providers do make that known, and why not.  It's one way to help make sure he returns.

olivialeon See my TER Reviews 480 reads
14 / 42

I don't want someone telling me what I can and can't do on my free time.  It's none of his business.

For me, that's a big turn off.

-- Modified on 2/3/2016 12:43:10 AM

shad0wwalker 352 reads
16 / 42

TER members from LA are weird. It seems like everyone wants to be the first of the day. I also loved guys who saw ladies with $1000/hr per their reviews and then try to haggle me when my donation is way less. Classy.  

As for this client, why does it matter if you see clients after him? That makes zero sense. But he should compensate you the daily rate if that's what he wants.

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 365 reads
17 / 42
OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 320 reads
18 / 42

Once I had an appointment booked with a provider.  I knew I was the first up for the day because she had gone fishing that day then was checking into her hotel shortly before our time. When that time came, her hotel reservation got screwed up and canceled by the hotel.  

So she books another hotel.  Okay, so we slide the time to accommodate the new time.  Then she tried to slide the time again even though the two hotels were only about two miles apart.  Turns out she was trying to squeeze in a 30 minute out call just before seeing me.  It would have been hard for her to even squeeze in a shower between.

Now I must say, she was honest and told me about the outcall on her own, I didn't ask.  Though granted I was a bit suspicious.  Then she got a little upset when I said "well I'm going to pass on this.  This doesn't work for me.  First I'm booked as your first of the day.  Then you try and slide the time so you can squeeze in an appointment just before me, that's gross."  So she lost an hour appointment for trying to squeeze in a 30 minute.  Then she starts in with trying to tell me it's gross how many women I have seen (from my review history).  At this point it's hard for me to hold back laughing.  She is trying to imply my seeing someone occasionally is worse than her trying to squeeze someone in just before me.  Yeah, right, whatever!

I never have seen her even though her location is about as convenient for me as possible.  I wonder how she would like it if I showed up to see her with the smell of pussy all over my face?  Maybe she would like it?  Most providers probably would not like it very much.  It all gets now to common curtesy, hygiene, and mutual respect.  I'm always freshly showered when I see a provider, or take one there.  I expect the same.  If a provider is going to see more than one guy a day, I at least expect her to take a shower in between, brush teeth, rest up long enough so she is energized, and I would hope douche.  Plus, if I run into a provider who does not seem very fresh down there, I'm likely going to  mention the fact in a review

romanticbello 43 Reviews 354 reads
19 / 42

TER doesn't allow Yelling in the response.

Who is he to tell a provider what she can and can't do! ( all caps)

This really irks me ( all caps)

Unless he is going to compensate for her exclusiveness!

are you f'n kidding me!  ( all caps again)

He then in return promise to not see any providers for the whole week leading up to the appt!  (all caps)

1 hour appointment and wants to connect........Not only does he suffer from SDS ( Small Dick Syndrome ) He suffers
from SBS  ( Small Brain Syndrome )

Gawd this realy pisses me off!!!!!!!!!  ( all caps

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 335 reads
20 / 42

+1 for douche!

i know all women think they can easily handle an hour between appts to get ready... but imo even if you can shower, clean up the incall, dry your hair, do your make up, and even douche in that hour, are you really going to tell me you will be able to rest and re-focus your energy so that i feel like i'm the only guy?

sorry kids, but we can tell when you're rushed.  it's just human nature.  in a perfect world for johns, there would be at least a 2 hour window between appts.  i know that cuts way back on a woman's pay check, but tbh i don't want to see that kind of provider who sees 5-8 guys in a day.

before you get all high and mighty calling me a prude, etc. i will tell you i don't like to see a touring lady on the day she flies into my city, for the same reason.  flying, going through and airport, cabbing to the hotel and unpacking, takes energy and focus that takes away from your energy and focus that should be on me.  in other words i don't like seeing ladies who are distracted and tired.  just not a thing i like to lay an envelope down for.

pardon my ire but i have been actually burned by a provider recently who dumped my appt set 2 weeks in advance because she had an earlier appt go twice as long, bumping my appt.  not that bad but she failed to let me know my appt was postponed until i was literally a mile away from her incall, 15 minutes from the allotted time.

yes i know i'm tarring all providers with this one unprofessional brush, but my point is, when you think you can handle multiple dates in an afternoon/morning, murphy's law is bound to step in.

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 388 reads
21 / 42

Divine comedy....
What  a purgatory ....
I am very impressed  with his intelligence    
Put him as spam. AND LAUGH !! next ..  

but if u decide see him
MAKE Him believe
He is only man this  planet
At least that hour ..
He has no rigth!!!  or way to control you time or free time!!

-- Modified on 2/3/2016 6:49:33 PM

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 312 reads
22 / 42
olivialeon See my TER Reviews 330 reads
23 / 42

A year ago Super Bowl weekend I was invited to Vegas for 2 overnights from a gentleman I'd seen a few times.  He had plans to be with his buddies during the day and dinner with them at night.  I had no interest in scheduling appointments with anyone else that weekend - my choice.  I got a text from Hpygolky, who I'd seen before in Vegas and is super fun & cool, who also happened to be in Vegas.  I told him I wasn't taking appointments but to come join my girlfriend and I at Nobu for drinks as my friend that night.  I'm so glad he did because that was a Super Fun night!  XOXO

Posted By: hpygolky
For one whole hour!!! I think you better tell him the facts of life, be honest with him. Tell him that if it happens and he's the only appointment for that day then great. Now If he booked a dinner date....then maybe sure he'll be the only one for that day. But be honest with him, that what he's looking for may not work the way he wants it too. Or you can lie to him and say, " Sure honey, you'll be the one and only one for that one hour"....lol.  
 Look, if he accepts that fact that he may not be the "only" one for that day, and he's ok with it,then see him...it could be interesting.  
 And sorry to say love, but for one hour, we ain't talking much,just.."Hi, how are you", "Me, I'm fine" and " Now where's your bedroom"...lol...miss ya

Carla_capri See my TER Reviews 323 reads
24 / 42

No is TRCG  syndrome  

look through rose-colored glasses
 He is 40 TH  but  look 30  
And see the world like 5  
Hey!!! is option of living lol
Do not become pissed gr...again   LO

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 399 reads
25 / 42

If he likes the way "NM" does it, why isn't he running back to see her instead?

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 328 reads
26 / 42

to ask something like this unless I was going to book at least five hours, and then the reason would be I want to insure my provider has the energy to make it through the session with me, plus not have to worry about leaving anything on the table in the form of stamina for a later customer.  

I'm surprised he's not also asking for a discount because he's "small" and won't be using the full range of area you make available to him.  Lol

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 326 reads
28 / 42

but the rest of what i say i still believe

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 353 reads
29 / 42

however, how can douching lead to hiv?  what the what?

Hpygolky 206 Reviews 373 reads
30 / 42

Yes it was fun, and I recall the night as if it was yesterday. Too bad you couldn't tug on my tie,.hehe...Well, I'm back this weekend for SB , Nobu????.

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 273 reads
31 / 42

Although medical science has made great improvements is surgical methods. Management, or I should say mismanagement, of human physiology is more primitive than most think.  One of a mountain of examples is the recent reversal on dietary guidelines for cholesterol.  All those years they were telling people to cut cholesterol.  Now they are, oh just kidding.  Some want to now blame DNA.  Okay, maybe.  However, the truth is a lot deeper.  Oh shit, don't get me started on this.  I'm a major critic of certain parts of conventional medical theories.  What is important is for people to become smart on their own health care.  I'm not making this comment directly at douching because frankly I've never had a reason to dig into it.  If I had to guess, the commend about STDs might have to do with evidence or an assumption that douching might wash away the body's natural defenses temporally or temporally change the pH there.  This may or may not be correct.  If it is important to someone, they really should dig into it and understand the rational and if it seems to make sense in their case.

The big buzz words in medicine these days are "evidence based medicine".  The part they don't mention is how often that evidence is faulty or improperly interpreted.  

Okay, I need to shut up now before I say more than I should!

-- Modified on 2/3/2016 5:48:23 PM

olivialeon See my TER Reviews 343 reads
32 / 42

He wants a 1 hour appointment to own my F#$K rights for the day.  That's funny!!  

I'm single, not committed, not married, not accountable to any one man right now.  I'm enjoying this freedom

olivialeon See my TER Reviews 389 reads
33 / 42

...for an appointment.  I don't think I could sit in the same room with a man of his intelligence and/or way of thinking.

Our energies are totally not in alignment with one another.

-- Modified on 2/3/2016 6:11:40 PM

romanticbello 43 Reviews 308 reads
34 / 42

lol (all caps)!!!!!!!

Posted By: CarladiCAPRI
No is TRCG  syndrome  
 look through rose-colored glasses  
  He is 40 TH  but  look 30  
 And see the world like 5  
 Hey!!! is option of living lol  
 Do not become pissed gr...again   LOL  
-- Modified on 2/3/2016 7:07:51 PM

kerri.bound See my TER Reviews 311 reads
35 / 42

There are numerous studies associating vaginal infections with douching. When something is replicated over and over, there is a dearth of negative studies, and it's in agreement with related research (in this case, what is understood about the importance of vaginal microflora), it's equivalent to having a smoking gun.

FYI - the old cholesterol guidelines (and in fact, many of the nutritional guidelines) would never pass an evidence based medicine approach.

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 327 reads
36 / 42

Though I did mention before, the delusion of natural defenses came to mind as what it might be based on.  But there are many ideas that many doctors hold dear that have serious holes in them.  The Wolff-Chaikoff effect comes to mind right off the top of my head.  If people took the time to study the actual original reports instead of taking their abstracts as fact, they would start to see serious holes in some of the original conclusions (which in one place in the study was actually referred to as an assumption....yet it grew into conclusion).  

I have also come across limited evidence that many of the people that are being prescribed Abilify by psychiatrist actually have a specific mineral deficiency as at least part of the problem.  Yet, it is very rare to find a psychiatrist who even thinks of checking things like a person's mineral levels before reaching for the prescription pad.  You can find them, but they are rare.  But what really floors me is when a psychiatrist actually admits how important mineral levels are, yet never bothers checking them.

Oh gosh, I'm getting started again, I need to stop myself.  MDs have had a heated debate through published papers on Wolff-Chaikoff in at least one journal I know of, and yes, a big part of the debate centered in what would be misinterpretation of evidence.   It is very easy to misinterpret evidence.  Some of the best examples are found in the legal system with convictions that are found to be in error many years later.  However, medical research can be easily subject to the same flaws

kerri.bound See my TER Reviews 263 reads
37 / 42

Posted By: OingeBoinge
But there are many ideas that many doctors hold dear that have serious holes in them.  
I won't quibble with this at all! A surprising amount of medical practices are not based on evidence at all, but are done because that's they way they've always been done, and that's why the movement to evidence based practices is a positive thing -- as long as there is some discretion to allow for individual circumstances (that's an important caveat).  Also, whenever a drug under patent is involved, you can bet a pharma rep has been whispering sweet nothings into the MD's ear; the sales reps are amazingly effective, especially when many MDs don't have the time to study up themselves because they are rushing from appointment to appointment.  Although I just criticized MDs, some MDs are great; they either try to keep up or realize they can't and look things up with you/for you, depending on your needs.

In the research world, however, the overwhelming majority are cautious about over interpreting data and try to keep in mind the limitations of a study's design and statistics. Most are extremely conscientious and even try to be aware any biases they may have (they may want, or even need, a certain result).  There are exceptions, of course; sometimes people succumb to greed/ambition, and some are too excited about a result, but they are usually squashed by colleagues or the next study that fails to replicate.  

In addition to looking into the evidence for healthcare decisions for yourself/family, much of what people read on the web about health has even less credibility than some of the unsubstantiated medical practices, so I encourage everyone I know in my personal life to have a little skepticism and ask questions (although I don't think a lot of us are really wired to be skeptics).

Obviously, I can go on ad nauseam, too... I have to prevent posts from becoming novels!

But for OP - I will go on record saying the only douching she needs is to douche that guy from her contacts list - he's very presumptuous to want to control her time when he's not with her. I limit the number of people I see each week, but that's because of my preferences/schedule, not because someone tells me to!

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 297 reads
38 / 42

but if i were a beautiful woman in this endeavor who got that request, i would tell the guy, "sure, as long as you can compensate me for the other dates i will miss by making you the only one that day.  that would be about (4 x your hourly rate, or what the hell, make it 6 times).

BigPeterJohnson 39 Reviews 264 reads
39 / 42

... so i happily retract my advice to douche between douchebags, as it were, lol.

i still in my own head think a person, man or woman, needs more than one hour between performances to refocus energy, let alone clean one's body and room.

i know it's not a popular position, as it really cuts down on the number of hour appts. a person can shoe horn into a day, but that's kind of my point.  but tbh i don't patronize the kind of performer who values quantity over quality.

(i hope, but then again what do i know about their time not spent with me?  lol you may say i'm a dreamer but i'm not the only one i hope someday you'll join us and the hobby will live as one)

OingeBoinge 166 Reviews 244 reads
40 / 42

If you want to chat more about it feel free to PM me.  I could go on and on also.  But the board is not exactly the best place.  Some of the bad data out there has far worse implications for women than for men.  After all, I hate to say it, but men were who were doing the research.

tankbinding 16 Reviews 276 reads
41 / 42

Yeah BPJ!
As you know, I'd rather pay a higher price for a lower volume provider.
The thought of showing up for an evening date with a provider who had just got taken to the smash shop by four different dudes just isn't that appealing to me. I don't fault a provider for rolling like that - It's all good in my book - but it's just not what I would want to pay for... It's bad enough that my GF is rolling like that - Ha!

Kingsfan812 12 Reviews 278 reads
42 / 42

We can always count on a great answer from you. Brains and beauty. The complete package! ;-)

Posted By: HarloweDahl
I also don't consider an hour to be 'quality time' and I'm not sure what 'NM' is, but guys like this tend not to respect sex workers. Ok, I can understand wanting to be the first appointment of the day, because we've all read horror-reviews of providers tasting like condoms, seeing an escort's last client in the hallway, etc., that surely taint people's idea of how long most of us actually wait in between clients if we're seeing more than one on a given day, but to ask to be the only one in a day sounds like someone who believes escorts are inherently impure harlots. I'd decline.

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