Los Angeles

I disagree
mufftime 270 Reviews 1291 reads
1 / 24

I've been noticing lately that some reviews are either saying that
they had BBFS or are at least intimating that it happened. I've been
around the hobby for a while and I do know that it happens, maybe
sometimes more than one would imagine. That being said I'm sure
that any girl who offers it or is "coaxed" into it would not want to
advertise it on the review sites. Maybe a very small minority wouldn't
care but for the most part the girls would want to keep that between  
the two of them for obvious reasons. Once that pops up in a review
it becomes something that every hobbyist who wants it, would be
expecting. I'm sure any of the girls who do participate in BBFS would
be doing it on a limited basis for a client or clients of their choice and  
not want to do it with just anyone and everyone. Either these reviewers are too dense to understand that
or are mysogynists who don't really like women and want to hurt  
them. Hopefully none or our members fit into that category but  
if they do maybe they can try to be a little smarter and a lot more discreet
as well as a lot less hurtful to the girls.  
They take good care of us and should get the same treatment in return.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 558 reads
2 / 24

I have been hobbying many years, and like mufftime, I know BBFS happens.  I for one would never be the one to bring that up for the first time in a review and I agree that it usually creates problems for the girls to have it known publicly that they offer BBFS.  However, there are some older girls out there that do want it "leaked" that BBFS is possibly on the table so that they can attract customers and compete with the younger girls by offering "special services".  Even in this case, I would still not be the one to first broach this subject in a review.  When you ask a girl that has already had reviews talking about BBFS how much you should put in a review, and she says everything, I think she is suggesting that she is okay with the information going out, at least as a suggestion of what MIGHT be available.  Absent a girl's approval, I prefer to keep such discussions to PM only to my trusted circle of hobby friends.

I have also heard from some girls that there are reviewers (and I won't mention any names here) that pressure them into BBFS in exchange for writing positive reviews, sans the BBFS disclosure, of course.  To me, that's cowardly and even worse than talking about a taboo subject even with permission from the girl.

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 780 reads
3 / 24

...providers have told me it's VERY common for hobbyists to ask for it.  But I agree, it shouldn't be mentioned in reviews.

Adrianna Azzure See my TER Reviews 572 reads
4 / 24

I hope he missed a key or his phone auto corrected. And meant bbbj. don't do it. Its way irresponsible. Female condoms are great. Everyone should try them. They like the real deal. But safe for all.

AHappyCamper 9 Reviews 533 reads
5 / 24

Sadly, he didn't miss a key or have his phone autocorrect.  This does happen on occasion.  Personally, I think its playing Russian Roulette with one's health; this applies to both parties.  

I met a young lady a few months ago, she couldn't have been older than 20 and was brand new to this.  She stated she ran out of condoms, offered it to me and I declined.   I walked across the street to the store and bought a box and left them with her.  My comment to her after I left was that at some point in time, when she decides to leave this lifestyle, that all it takes is one encounter to mark her for life.  

She no longer is on the scene.

joedesert 105 Reviews 579 reads
6 / 24

One of the main purposes of this message board is to know what is on the menu. And, the more we all know, the safer we all are. If a provider offers bbfs, I'd appreciate knowing so that I could look elsewhere.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 499 reads
7 / 24

This is happening more and more.  It is disconcerting when you are with a young provider and she is so non-chalant about the condom issue that you have to ask her for it, or she asks you if you want a condom in a way that clearly says you have a choice.  It should be automatic for everyone's safety.  I don't have time to get checked after every encounter, because I hobby four to six hours a week, so condoms are mandatory for me.  Should be for everyone, but as I mentioned earlier, I have been surprised a few times when zoned out in the moment and didn't realize what had happened until after it happened.  In those cases, I take some time off and get tested before I see anyone else.  I can understand the scenario of the older provider putting the word out to stay competitive with the younger girls, but there is no excuse why a 20-year-old should resort to this when she is young with a tight body.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 502 reads
8 / 24

I agree that its good to know, but the point mufftime made was, it should not be in reviews, and I agree except for the exceptions (older providers wanting it out there) I noted in my first post on this thread.  Developing a network of trusted hobbyist friends that can share such information in PM's is the only way to go.  There are private discussion groups that maintain a BBFS list of providers.  For some members, its a "must-see" list.  For others, like me, its a "don't-see" list.  Each hobbyist must be confortable with their own level of risk tolerance.

joedesert 105 Reviews 395 reads
9 / 24

Which is precisely why reviews should be written truthfully and accurately, rather than saving "juicy details" for private discussion. Otherwise, people will unknowingly place themselves in danger. That's not good for anyone - providers or hobbyists - and defeats the purpose of this site.

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 476 reads
10 / 24

"People will unknowingly place themselves in danger".  That is a very naive thing to say.  You and us as adults choose to engage in sexual activities, just because an escort may do bbfs does not mean that she is putting you at risk.  YOU put yourself at risk by engaging in sex, period.

I would put money on it that more clients engage in bbfs with their SO and in their civvie lives than escorts do in this industry, plus most of us escorts are wise enough to go and get tested.  I don't know of any clients that go and get tested regularly, if at all.

STOP with blaming the girl, it's your cock that can't stay in it's pants, so take responsibility.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 382 reads
11 / 24

Well-said, Shaunna.  I am single and also see occasional civvie girls, and I will support your notion that civvie girls are generally not as careful about covering up as providers.  I take my own super-thin condoms on every date, whether civvie, or to see a provider.  Frankly, I prefer seeing providers.  Its like a lite version of having a girlfriend, with all of the fun but none of the drama, and its mostly on my schedule and not hers as long as I can book a few days in advance.  Being drama free is worth every penny I spend on my hobby.

joedesert 105 Reviews 410 reads
12 / 24

I certainly do. And I find pants to be an inconvenience best avoided whenever possible. I feel the same about the risks that come with bbfs. I blame neither man nor woman for wishing to do as nature intended, but it remains true that many hobbyists prefer to know such details, hence the existence of TER.

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 449 reads
13 / 24

If a girl is out there playing dangerously and risking the health and well being of future clients, a reviewer should hide that fact to protect her? That's your only consideration? Condom or not, that girl is off of my list. She obviously makes horrible choices and fucking without protection might just be one of many.  
Also, fuck you guys who are putting the rest of us at risk with your bullshit demands for, or acceptance of, bareback sex.  

Posted By: mufftime
I've been noticing lately that some reviews are either saying that  
 they had BBFS or are at least intimating that it happened. I've been  
 around the hobby for a while and I do know that it happens, maybe  
 sometimes more than one would imagine. That being said I'm sure  
 that any girl who offers it or is "coaxed" into it would not want to  
 advertise it on the review sites. Maybe a very small minority wouldn't  
 care but for the most part the girls would want to keep that between  
 the two of them for obvious reasons. Once that pops up in a review  
 it becomes something that every hobbyist who wants it, would be  
 expecting. I'm sure any of the girls who do participate in BBFS would  
 be doing it on a limited basis for a client or clients of their choice and  
 not want to do it with just anyone and everyone. Either these reviewers are too dense to understand that  
 or are mysogynists who don't really like women and want to hurt  
 them. Hopefully none or our members fit into that category but  
 if they do maybe they can try to be a little smarter and a lot more discreet  
 as well as a lot less hurtful to the girls.  
 They take good care of us and should get the same treatment in return.

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 475 reads
14 / 24

Ampallang, whilst i completely understand where you are coming from, you are completely misguided if you think a girl who does bbfs is putting a client at risk.

I really don't know in how many ways i can say this so it is understood.  YOU, men, escorts, civvies all choose to engage in sexual acts, whether it is with protection or not, the fact that YOU/WE choose to engage in sexual acts means WE put OURSELVES at risk everytime in doing so.

NO ONE is to blame but ourselves.  The only time you can blame someone is your SO if they were to ever give you anything.

This reminds me of a friend not in this industry who was seeing a girl for a few months, he insisted they both got tested so they could proceed in the relationship not using protection.  Whilst in his mind he was being cautious on STD's, she fell pregnant.

I was gobsmacked that he blamed her and her only and took no responsbility for it and ordered her to get an abortion.

Now are you really going to tell me that he had no part in this?  That is was all the girl's fault?

Clearly it is not, unless you're emotionally challenged you may think otherwise.

You do not see us escorts coming on here and putting blame on YOU or any other client for potentionally putting us at risk.  It is a risk we choose to take as it is a risk you take by being in this industry and in the civvie world and having SEX.

There is no way you have never had bbfs, whether it be your past girlfriends, your SO or whoever, so please do not preach about people doing/having bbfs and that it puts you or future clients at risk.

What next, every client we see we ask them if they've recently had bbfs with their wife, girlfriend, a night out on town pulling?


The list for clients who engage in bbfs would be much greater than escorts who engage in bbfs.

As a client i agree you should have the information available if an escort does practice it, but that is all, but please do not preach about who is to blame for putting you at risk.  Only you put yourself at risk, no one forces you to be in this hobby or to have sex with multiple partners

CaptainRenault 414 reads
15 / 24

We all drive. It's risky because being in a car is more dangerous than being on a couch, but we all drive.  IF you also fail to wear your seat belt, the risk is higher.  Now, if your child carpooled with another adult diver, wouldn't you want to know whether that adult made the kids buckle up?

Point is this: information is necessary to informed decision-making process. It is the whole reason for TER to exist....

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 365 reads
16 / 24

My analogy is correct, if you fail to put your driving seat belt on who's fault is it?  Yours or the car's?

If the driver fails to put their seat belt on but the kids have theirs on, there is no higher risk to the kids, only to the driver :-)

You're making the assumption that the driver can force passengers to not wear seat belts.

Clients are not kids, they are adults, it is on them to make sure they use protection.


joedesert 105 Reviews 337 reads
17 / 24

I don't think anyone is suggesting clients do not have a personal responsibility to use protection. That is not the issue.  

The issue is that it is irresponsible to not use protection in the first place, and that goes for men and women who are in the hobby even more strongly than those not. Some of us are pointing out that such information being known helps us all behave more responsibly. BBFS is simply not something we should encourage, ever, if we have any regard at all for our own personal safety and that of others.  

And Shaunna, you bring up an even more likely risk of BBFS than disease. Pregnancy. Most of us hobby because it is convenient. It is a fantasy relationship that is not bothered by the responsibilities of a traditional relationship. Clients and Providers seeking children should probably state so in their reviews and ads.

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 338 reads
18 / 24

Yes i agree, i did state that girls that provide bbfs should have it listed on their profiles or in the reviews, so long as it is true, and not someone trying to do damage to the girl's reputation.

What i disagree with, is the finger pointing and blaming the girl for putting clients at risk.

Clients put themselves at risk, whether it be with escorts, civvie life, men, or TS's.  And this may come as a shock to some of you, but a lot of clients have bbfs with their SO and they see TS's, bi men and escorts, you don't see us coming on here and blaming clients for putting us at risk or telling them that by seeing escorts that they put their SO at risk.

It's a risk you and us escorts take, there is no blame here.

This is a sex industry after all.

If any of you are that concerned you should refrain from seeing escorts, or perhaps you could start bringing along your recent full health test result and a sworn affidavite of when you last had bbfs.



GaGambler 425 reads
19 / 24

Whether that be her BF, husband or client, virtually everyone is barebacking someone.  

All you can do is practice safe sex yourself, you can't control what anyone does when you aren't there. To think otherwise is like expecting your next hooker to be a virgin.

AMPALLANG 17 Reviews 422 reads
20 / 24

You said.......
"What i disagree with, is the finger pointing and blaming the girl for putting clients at risk."
The  reason I put it on the escort is because they are the conduit between clients. I'm not fucking or interacting with the guy, I'm fucking and interacting with you and I count on you to keep my play space free of shit that could ruin my life by saying no to BBFS.  
As far as mentioning BBFS in reviews goes; this site is for guys to find girls we want sex with. i want to know what my possible partner is doing if it's risky. I'd also want to know if she had a drug or alcohol problem too. Sometimes the chicks can be totally out of control and put you at risk in a different way.  
Sorry that it gets put on you but if you want my business your going to have to do it my way. If there's a market for BBFS and some girl wants to exploit it that's fine, but I want to know who she is.  

Posted By: Shaunna
Yes i agree, i did state that girls that provide bbfs should have it listed on their profiles or in the reviews, so long as it is true, and not someone trying to do damage to the girl's reputation.  
 What i disagree with, is the finger pointing and blaming the girl for putting clients at risk.  
 Clients put themselves at risk, whether it be with escorts, civvie life, men, or TS's.  And this may come as a shock to some of you, but a lot of clients have bbfs with their SO and they see TS's, bi men and escorts, you don't see us coming on here and blaming clients for putting us at risk or telling them that by seeing escorts that they put their SO at risk.  
 It's a risk you and us escorts take, there is no blame here.  
 This is a sex industry after all.  
 If any of you are that concerned you should refrain from seeing escorts, or perhaps you could start bringing along your recent full health test result and a sworn affidavite of when you last had bbfs.  

joedesert 105 Reviews 322 reads
21 / 24

I agree. You must have confused me with someone else. I never placed any blame on the women.

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 340 reads
22 / 24

Ampallang, i already agreed with you that it should be on the girls profiles if they practice bbfs in this industry and you should have that information available to you.

But we will have to agree to disagree with who is putting who at risk.

If your SO who you are in a monogmous relationship gave you something, then yes, she would be at fault.

But a client choosing to be in this industry, then it's a risk a client chooses to take, even if they only see escorts that practice safe sex, the risk is still on you as it is with the escort who is seeing you

tankbinding 16 Reviews 297 reads
23 / 24

I have always had a terrible time trying to keep my cock in my pants. It has a mind of it's own and one of the FEW things my cock and I agree on is we would both be INSANE to engage in unprotected sex with someone we barely know - just saying...

Shaunna See my TER Reviews 389 reads
24 / 24

And i agree.

But my post wasn't about girls or guys who do bbfs, it was about guys blaming girls for putting them at risk. x

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