Los Angeles

I agree with Melanie
sxfiendpark96 2 Reviews 381 reads

I don't see a problem with these posts at all. And protocol? I don't seem to recall any 'rules' about postings like this. If you disagree, please feel free to post a link or copy of said rule.  

Otherwise, I'd think you'd just ignore these posts, like 99% of the hobbyists (and probably 99% of the providers, too). Typing up ticky-tack responses is a waste of billable time.

I apologize for being last minute.  I'm an active hobbyist on the Chicago board and have the delight of just one overnight in LA.  

I would love the company of a petite (sorry for the preference) GFE.  GFE for me is truly what I seek in a girlfriend; great kisser who loves to have physical attention that is unrehearsed and even shy/wild.  Anyone shy/wild will know what I mean.

PM me, if you're available.

Hope I'm lucky.

When in need of a female body...
You find a girl you like,  
you email or call,  
provide reference, if all goes well you get laid.

I hate such postings..As a hobbyist you should know better

Pardon my straight forwardness.

Zoe Piers

-- Modified on 6/23/2014 8:13:12 PM

Goodness, such ANGER?.

It is obvious you do not like these postings, but they are allowed, and not everybody is in the position to "plan"....Some Gentleman get "stood up", or they had a flight delay/unexpected last minute/overnight/etc, so they post here, seeing who is available.....He apologized immediately, and if it bothers you so much, why not just move along?....These dates are obviously not for you...

I have met some INCREDIBLE Men with these last minute postings, and it DOES work for alot of girls....It's all about "timing", and when the planets are all lined up, 2 people can meet, that were not expecting to!.....Sometimes, those have been my best dates!!. :)

Don't get so angry, these posts are very normal, and VERY MUCH appreciated!!.

Keep posting, Gentleman..


I don't see a problem with these posts at all. And protocol? I don't seem to recall any 'rules' about postings like this. If you disagree, please feel free to post a link or copy of said rule.  

Otherwise, I'd think you'd just ignore these posts, like 99% of the hobbyists (and probably 99% of the providers, too). Typing up ticky-tack responses is a waste of billable time.

your comment because the OP has 82 reviews and is an active hobbyist, so Zoe was correct to say that he should know better. He had no excuse "not stood up, flight delay etc..." as you mentioned, so this was not a search for a last minute replacement.  

It is good to hear that you had some incredible dates with these last minute postings, but I would bet that you and the majority of providors do not base their business on these "last minute dates"; but on hobbyist who do their own reseaarch and schedule dates ahead of their travels.

Hu??. LOL

The "OP" does not have to explain to ANYONE, why he is looking for a last minute date....Either someone was available, or they were not.....Plain and simple....I am sure it was not going to make, or break his evening.....Also, The fact that he has 82 reviews, actually makes him even MORE "legit"...

It's like you are scolding a grown man, for not following Protocol., when there actually isn't one....Yikes!.

As far as last minute postings, not being the majority of us ladies business?....What does THAT have to do with anything....That comment is comical, and makes no sense..

Anyway.....I am sure he had a FABULOUS evening, with a FABULOUS Lady., via his ridiculous/RUDE/non-protocol post!. LOL :) :)

The end.....

the OP needed to explain his reasons. If you actually read what I wrote then you would not be making senseless comments. I worte that Zoe was correct that because he has 82 reviews that he should know better than making last minute requests. I was not scolding the OP, I was agreeing with Zoe's point. You should actually read and comprehend the comments before posting your senseless relpies.

He is hobbyist he knows how to go about it all, and I am sure he is very good at it.  


ShillBill399 reads

He's been around since 4/05 so for whatever the reason he's decided to post an ISO. Since when does he have to include a reason for the post. Providers may not base their "entire" business on "last minute dates", but they may in fact have a change of last minute plans and find that these types of posts are quite useful. If you don't like ISO posts, than  just move on.

read my comments before posting your reply. I said that he has 82 reviews, so he should know about posting last minute requests, especially if he did not have a canellation. I did not say he needed a reason. If you don't like comments on ISO posts, then maybe YOU should move on and not comment.

If a man feels  you are worth his time and money he knows what to do. To post is asking for attention, unnecessary attention.  

And i am not speaking with ANGER- I am expressing how i feel about the "solicitation" to feel wanted..

hobbyist are too lazy to do their own research and want others to do the work for them. There also have been an increase on other boards asking the same requests. These lazy hobbyist should get their VIP and search for providers themselves.

In no shape or form was the "OP" being lazy, or asking ANYONE to do research....You may want to read his post AGAIN.

He did not ask ANYTHING from the Men, just asking that if any Ladies were available, to PM him..

Being that it was last minute, why should he randomly e-mail tons of Ladies, only to find out they are not available?....Time is of the essence, with these "types" of dates, and it is much quicker to post HERE, as alot of Ladies are just sitting at home, cruising the boards...


Nighty, night....

posting your comments without reading and understanding the entire post. I never called the OP lazy, so maybe YOU should read my comments before posting your senseless reply.  

I am sure he has a certian type of provider he looks for, so he would not email "tons of ladies" as you phrase it. Also most ladies will look at their emails for date requests on their phone quicker than going on TER review boards to see if they can book a last minute requests from hobbyist. Maybe you sit at home searching the review boards for last minute requests, but I don't think the majority of well reviewd providors do; since many have another life besides just providing. If it works for you then that is great and continued success.

I seriously would be homeless without them, cuz...well......They are my FAVORITE!!....I live for them!.

2) You are correct!....I have NO life, and I am not well reviewed....Desperate, actually.....Please HELP!!.

Is this comedy show OVER, yet?.

Hugs, and Kisses


You are humorous and I really enjoyed our banter. It was very entertaining. Until next time....

If any of you are ever in Chicago and find yourself in dire need of quick advice, please don't hesitate to reach me.  I'm always happy to help my fellow man connect with a most cherished woman.  After all, isn't the purpose of the board to connect us, not tear us apart?

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